ITC Minutes 11-17-11

ITC Minutes
November 17th, 2011
Attending: Bill Strenth, Mike Smith, Brenda Frieden, Mike Gullett, Trish Peak, Melinda Roelfs, Tom
Westhoff, Howard Smith, Shari Brogan, Becky May
Special guest: Jamie Brooksher
Teamwork: Angela had the groups break down into 3 teams for discussions on:
A. Team 1: Last Month’s Items –
1. Employee Email Accts2. Collecting Parent Emails3. Google Docs for Faculty/StaffB. Team 2: Social Media GuidelinesC. Team 3: Acceptable Use Policy -
Campus IT Updates
Disaster Recovery Planning- DRP is continuing to move forward. Angela and Tim Pearson will be
presenting for EDUCAUSE in Portland regarding Disaster Recovery Planning.
Groupware Task Force – Current email system is in desperate need of repair/updating. The Groupware
Task Force is hoping to have some products to bring in for testing sometime in February and March.
Security Awareness Training – The Security Awareness Training was put on Angel two weeks ago for all
faculty and staff to complete.
Kan Ed/ Kan REN –
Technology Roundtable Update – Technology Roundtable had its first meeting this fall. They broke down
into groups to discuss creating IT standards and policies.
Project Management - Barbara Herbert has been going through training the last month. She is hoping to
have the project timelines that are being worked on available in the future.
Virtual Desktop Trial at KTC- In the discussion stages regarding setting up virtual machines. Mike Smith is
heading this up. Students can log in to use software through their Macs/PC’s/Laptops.
LMS – in contract stages with Canvas.
Web Page – Mike brought up the issues with the web page being slow. Michael Fienen is in the process
of upgrading and working out the issues.
Our Next Meeting – December 15th