First Mid-Term Exam

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫الـمـمـلكـة الـعـربـيـة الـسـعـوديـة‬
‫وزارة الـتـعـلـيـم الـعـالـي‬
‫جـامـعـة الـمـجـمـعـة‬
‫كلية العلوم بالزلفي‬
‫قسم الفيزياء‬
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College Of Science in Alzulfi
Physics Department
Phis 455+ Phys 455
-:‫رقم ورمز المادة‬
-:‫تاريخ اإلمتحان‬
‫ فيزياء ذرية وجزيئية‬+ ‫أطياف ذرية وجزيئية‬
-:‫الرقم الجامعي‬
-:‫اسم المادة‬
-:‫اسم الطالب‬
[h=6.625x10-34J.s, c=3x108 m/s, o=8.85x10-12 C2/N. M2 , me=9.11x10-31 kg, e=1.6x10-19 C , R=1.097x107 m-1]
Question one:
1) Spectra type are described as:
(6 marks)
2) Compare between the electron and photon?
3) Calculate the wavelength of an electron, which accelerated in a potential difference
150 V?
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College Of Science in Alzulfi
‫الـمـمـلكـة الـعـربـيـة الـسـعـوديـة‬
‫وزارة الـتـعـلـيـم الـعـالـي‬
‫جـامـعـة الـمـجـمـعـة‬
‫كلية العلوم بالزلفي‬
‫قسم الفيزياء‬
Physics Department
Question two:
(7 marks)
Choose the correct answer:
1- In the positive ion
a) The atomic number is equal to the electron number
b) The neutron number is larger than the proton number
c) The electron number is smaller than the neutron number
d) The atomic number is larger than the electron number
2- In the Rutherford model the incident practical have
a) The same charge of the nuclear target
b) The same number of the target atom
c) The same number of the target electron
d) The same charge of the target electron
3- The energy levels of the H-atom according to the Bohr model is
a) Fixed with increasing the radius of the orbital level
b) Increasing with increase the radius of the orbital
c) Decreasing with increase the radius orbital
d) All the above answers
4- The velocity of the electron in the H-atom depended on
a) The distance between the nuclei and the electrons
b) The mass of the nucleus
c) The mass of the electron
d) All the above
5- The wave number increased as
a) The principle quantum number increased
b) The orbital quantum number decreased
c) The orbital quantum number increased
d) The principle quantum number decreased
6- The maximum wavelength in the Balmer series depended on
a) The energy difference between the third level and the first level
b) The energy difference between the second level and the first level
c) The energy difference between the continuum level and the second level
d) The energy difference between the third level and the second level
7- The minimum wavelength in the Balmer series depended on
a) The energy difference between the third level and the first level
b) The energy difference between the second level and the first level
c) The energy difference between the continuum level and the second level
d) The energy difference between the third level and the second level
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College Of Science in Alzulfi
‫الـمـمـلكـة الـعـربـيـة الـسـعـوديـة‬
‫وزارة الـتـعـلـيـم الـعـالـي‬
‫جـامـعـة الـمـجـمـعـة‬
‫كلية العلوم بالزلفي‬
‫قسم الفيزياء‬
Physics Department
Question three:
1) In the Lyman series calculate:
a) The longest wavelength and the related frequency?
b) The shortest wavelength and the related frequency?
c) The ratio between the longest and shortest wavelength?
d) The ratio between the maximum and minimum frequency?