محاضرة 1 تمض 355

Nutrition for nursing
Dr. Fahad Aldhafiri
• Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary
• Good nutrition – an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular
physical activity – is a cornerstone of good health.
• Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to
disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced
Food and nutrients
• Food are substance that are taken into body to sustain life, provide energy
and promote growth.
• Food are comprised of nutrients value. By ingesting food, our bodies are
able to absorb the nutrients.
• Nutrients are substance that gives us nourishment- essential for body live
and functions.
• Nutrients are 6 groups:
Protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin, mineral and water
• All foods are mad up of these 6 nutrients.
• A measure of heat. It is the amount of heat or energy required to do the
work of the body.
• The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 Co .
• The energy value of food is expressed as the number of kilocalorie
specified portion of the food will yield when oxidized in the body
Functions of food
Good nutrition is essential to
good health throughout life
Functions of food
• To sustain life, the nutrients in
the food must perform three
basic functions within the
1. Provide energy (carbohydrates, fats, proteins).
2. Build tissues (proteins, minerals, vitamins,
fatty acids)
3. Regulate metabolic processes (vitamin,
minerals, water and fiber)
Evidence of good nutrition
• Well developed body.
• Ideal weight for height.
• Good muscle development and
Evidence of good nutrition
• Skin is smooth
• clear hair is glossy.
• Eyes clear and bright.
• Posture is good.
• Facial expression alert.
Evidence of good nutrition
• Appetite, digestion and elimination are
• Well nourished people are much more likely
to be alert both mentally and physically.
• They are also more able to resist infections.
Evidence of good nutrition
Proper diet not only creates healthier
people but also extends their years of
normal functioning
A balance diet
• A balanced diet is defined as one which contains a
variety of foods in such quantities and proportions
that the need for energy.
• Protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates
and other nutrients are adequately met for
maintaining health, vitality and well-being.
How to plan a balance diet
1. The daily requirement of protein is 1520% of the daily energy intake.
2. The daily requirement of fat is 20-30%
of the daily energy intake.
3. The daily requirement of
carbohydrates 50 – 65% of the daily
energy intake. It should be rich in
nature fiber.
How to plan a balance diet
1. The requirements of micronutrients should be
2. Consider the age, sex, weight, health status and
type of work of the individual.
3. Number of meals- at least three principal meals
should be served through the day.
Food groups
• Macronutrients:
Protein, carbohydrate and fat.
• Micronutrients:
Vitamin and minerals.
Measurement of energy
The energy value of foods has long been
expressed in terms of the kilo-calorie (kcal).
Measurement of energy
• The dietary sources of energy are ( proteins,
fat, carbohydrates).
• They supply energy at the following rates:
1gram of Protein gives 4 kcal
1 gram of carbohydrates gives 4 kcal
1 gram of fat gives 9 kcal
Energy requirements
• Definition:
is the amount of food energy needed to balance
energy expenditure in order to maintain body size,
body composition and a level of necessary and
desirable physical activity consistent with long-term
good health.
Components of energy
1. Energy required for basal metabolism- is
essentially the minimum amount of calories
required to sustain life in a resting individual.
2. Energy required for daily activities as walking,
setting, standing …
Schofield equation
• Sedentary people should multiply by 1.3. Sedentary is very physically
inactive, inactive in both work and leisure.
• Lightly active men should multiply by 1.6 and women by 1.5. Lightly active
means the daily routine includes some walking, or intense exercise once
or twice per week. Most students are in this category.
• Moderately active men should multiply by 1.7 and women by 1.6.
Moderately active means intense exercise lasting 20–45 minutes at least
three time per week, or a job with a lot of walking, or a moderate intensity
• Very Active men should multiply by 2.1 and women by 1.9. Very active
means intense exercise lasting at least an hour per day, or a heavy physical
job, such as a mail carrier or an athlete in training.
• Extremely active men should multiply by 2.4 and women by 2.2. Extremely
active means an athlete on an unstoppable training schedule or a very
demanding job, such as working in the armed forces or shoveling coal.