بنك الأسئلة

‫بنك األسئلة لإلجابة قبل االختبار الفصلي‬
True (√) or False (X)
 Software engineering is about managing all the sources of complexity to produce
effective software
 Engineering is the application of scientific principles and methods to the
construction of useful structures & machines
 Software is malleable
 Software construction is human-intensive
 Software is intangible and generally invisible
 Software problems are unprecedentedly complex
 Software directly depends upon the hardware
 Software solutions require unusual rigor
 Software “state” means behaviors can depend on history.
 Software has discontinuous operational nature
Cite three goals of software engineering
Software engineers should:
 adopt a systematic and organised approach to all aspects of software development.
 Understand and communicate processes for improved software development within
their organization
 Be effective team members and/or leaders.
 Can be very technical or more managerial depending on organizational need.
Use appropriate tools and techniques depending on
 the problem to be solved,
 the development constraints and
 the resources available
What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?
What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering?
Software programming (SP) or Software engineering (SE)
 Single developer
 “Toy” applications
 Short lifespan
 Single or few stakeholders
 One-of-a-kind systems
 Built from scratch
 Minimal maintenance
 Teams of developers with multiple roles
 Complex systems
 Indefinite lifespan
 Numerous stakeholders
 System families
 Reuse to amortize costs
 Maintenance accounts for 60%-80% of overall development costs
Give the difference between Product vs. Process Qualities
Tri Software Development Stages
 Requirements Analysis & Specification
 Conceptual/System/Architectural Design
 Detailed/Program Design
 Implementation/Coding
 Unit & Integration Testing
 System Testing/Validation
 System Delivery/Deployment
 Maintenance
Cite at least three Software Lifecycle Models. Models those cited.
When we choose the evolutionary development
Tri the Process stages of Component-based software engineering
 Component analysis;
 Requirements modification;
 System design with reuse;
 Development and integration.
Cite the definition of :
Extreme programming
Software specification
Software design
Cite at least four Design process activities :
Give the difference between Architecture vs. Design
Analysis (A) or Testing (T)
Formal verification
Informal reviews and walkthroughs
White box vs. black box
Structural vs. behavioral
Issues of test adequacy
Cite the different Testing stages
Cite the Difficulties of Maintenance & Evolution of SE
Definition of Critical Attributes:
Maintainability - possible to evolve software to meet changing needs
Dependability - includes range of characteristics: reliability, security and safety;
should not cause physical or economic damage in the event of system failure
Efficiency - should not make wasteful use of system resources such as memory and
process cycles
Usability - should have appropriate user interface and adequate documentation
External qualities are visible to the user
reliability, usability, efficiency (maybe), robustness, scalability
Internal qualities are the concern of developers
they help developers achieve external qualities
verifiability, maintainability, extensibility, evolvability, adaptability,
portability, testability, reusability
Process Attributes:
Understandability - To what extent is the process explicitly defined and how easy is
it to understand?
Visibility - Do the process activities culminate in clear results so that the progress of
the process is externally visible?
Supportability - To what extent can the process activities be supported by CASE
Acceptability - acceptable and usable by engineers?
Reliability - Is the process designed in such a way that process errors are avoided or
trapped before they result in product errors?
Robustness - Can the process continue in spite of unexpected problems?
Maintainability - Can the process evolve to reflect changing organizational
requirements or identified process improvements?
Rapidity - How fast can the process of delivering a system from given specification
be completed?