ASPCC Rock Creek Student Congress Monday November 26, 2012

ASPCC Rock Creek Student Congress
Monday November 26, 2012
Building 7, room 106
3:30 PM- 5:00 PM
Preliminary Business
Call to Order Called to order at 3:30 PM
Roll Call Jose Aguilar was absent. Nathanial Burchfiel (clubs) left at 4:30.
Approval of minutes Nolberto suggests we approve the minutes, unanimous approval.
Approval of the agenda Luis suggests we approve the agenda, unanimous approval.
Old Business
ACUI- Luis Lopez Ortiz
This year there will be a Michael Jackson dance off, poetry slam, ping pong tournament, documentary
contest and pool tournament hosted by ACUI in Seattle at the University of Washington. We have space and
funding for 60 students from PCC to attend. There will be qualifying tournaments at all campuses for students
to attend the regional ACUI tourney. We wanted everyone here to know what will be going on and for your
help in spreading the word If you have any questions contact me (
District Wide Sustainability Initiative- Aaron Brown
We have approximately $55k from the Green Initiative Fund (TGIF). This money is to be allocated to fund
sustainable practices that aim to reduce the carbon footprint of the campus. We are looking for ideas to be
submitted by people that would create sustainability on campus. For example an idea that has been
floated around was to purchase silverware to replace the disposable spoons, forks, knives that are used by
the cafeteria. This creates a lot of garbage and even though it is put in compost, the cutlery is petroleum
based, so you don’t want your food to be grown there. In short we are looking for ideas or plans from you.
New Business
Community Service Project Proposal
See attached clubs business
Japanese Pop Culture- Merlin Hold Presented by Nathanial Burchfiel
Pablo suggests we approve their proposal, unanimous approval.
Latino Outreach Club- Eric Ruiz
Alejandra suggests we approve their proposal, unanimous approval.
Parenting Club- Brianda Alcazar
Axkana suggests we approve their proposal, unanimous approval.
THRIVE- Huitzilli Rios
Pablo suggests we approve their proposal, unanimous approval.
Community Service Project Report
3.2.1 Japanese Pop Culture- Merlin Hold(2X) Presented by Nathanial Burchfiel
There are two requests: 18 hrs for Trick-or-Can ($150) and 5 hrs for the Thanksgiving Baskets ($50)
for a combined total of 23 hrs and $200.
Aaron suggests we approve their project of 23 hrs ($200), unanimous approval.
Latino Outreach Club- Eric Ruiz
Yollixpa: Latino Outreach Club has already hit the limit for hours they can receive funding from (30
hrs). They cannot get any more money. Eric: Are we the first club to hit the 30 hour mark? Yolli: This
term, yes.
Can they rollover their extra hours from this term to next term? Da Hyun: No.
Huitzi: With that in mind Latino Outreach Club cannot receive more funds from clubs for this term.
Nathanial suggests we approve their hour without the money, unanimous approval
Special Funds Request
See PowerPoint
The money ($1000) will go to send four veterans to the Student Veterans Association Conference 2012 in
Orlando, FL from January 3rd-6th. The total cost of the conference will be about $3200, the difference will
come from Student Development and the VRC, as well as a small amount from the individuals attending the
Chris M: We will also come back and present what we learn at the workshop to the students but primarily
we will use the information we learn at the VRC as three of the four that will be going are Veteran Resource
Center Advocates.
Chris S: Do you have enough of a monetary buffer in case the cost goes up? Yes
Ulises: How much money do we have? Mandy: We’ve only spent about $4500 this term (leaving us with
about $24,500 for the year).
Ulises suggests we approve their special funds request of $1000, unanimous approval.
Discussion Items
Campus Affairs
Program Board
Legislative Affairs
Recreation Team
Multicultural Center/OLI/Thrive
Women Resource Center
Career Resource Center
5.10 Queer Resource Center
5.11 Veterans Resource Center
For the Good of the Order/Announcements
Yesenia: Thank you for helping us (WRC) out with the Thanksgiving Baskets; we have a card to thank ASPCC.
Jonathan: Next meeting will be from 3:30-6:00 PM. We will open the meeting to everyone, we will be having
architects coming in at 4:30 to show us various designs for the remodeling of building 5 which will take place after
bdlg 7 is completed. The design will include the new possible layouts of the student center, Clubhouse, QRC, and
ASPCC offices. Other services moving in to bldg. 5 will be the cafeteria, bookstore, and the health education
Yesenia: Also the WRC will be collecting clothes and blankets for our Blanket and Clothing Drive.
4:33 PM
Agenda Material
Club Business: 11/26/12
Clubs to Charter:
New Voting Members: (Club Representatives)
Community Service Project Proposal:
Japanese Pop Culture
Description of Project: Trick or Can to get food for the WRC canteen.
 Get food to fill up the WRC canteen
 Community Service
 Give back to the community
Name of Student Coordinator: Merlin Hold
Number of Club Members Participating: 6
Date of Project: 10/31/12
Latino Outreach Club
Description of Project: A short informative session to Beaverton High School students about
college life, ways to pay for college, and different activities to get involved.
 Give a glimpse of college life to high school students
 Provide basic info of college preparation
 Provide knowledge of different volunteers and leadership programs college provides
Name of Student Coordinator: Eric Ruiz
Number of Club Members Participating: 1
Date of Project: 11/18/12
Parenting Club
Description of Project: PCC Rock Creek Campus Blood Drive. Club members will be helping
people check-in to donate blood, others will help at the food table and some will be runners.
 To help the process flow smooth by having people help check-in those who will be
giving blood.
 To help those who are giving blood by providing food/snacks for them.
 To make a safe environment for blood donors and help with anything that is needed.
Name of Student Coordinator: Brianda Alcazar
Number of Club Members Participating: 4
Date of Project: 11/28 and 11/29
Description of Project: THRIVE members will volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank on Saturday
Nov 10th and 17th at the perishable repackaging floor.
 To make THRIVE Club members interact with the community
 To ensure that hungry families have food to eat this winter
 To make THRIVE visible on campus as a service project club
Name of Student Coordinator: Huitzilli Rios
Number of Club Members Participating: 10 - 12
Date of Project: 11/10 and 11/17
Community Service Project Report:
Japanese Pop Culture
Description of Event: Volunteered for the Trick or Can event and gathered cans for the canteen.
Name of Student Coordinator: Merlin Hold
Number of Club Member Participants: 6
Number of Hours Completed: 18
Date of Project: 10/31/12
Amount Requested: $150
Japanese Pop Culture
Description of Event: Created Thanksgiving Baskets to give to those that need the food.
Name of Student Coordinator: Merlin Hold
Number of Club Member Participants: 4
Number of Hours Completed: 5hrs
Date of Project: 11/20/12
Amount Requested: $50
Latino Outreach Club
Description of Project: A short informative session was presented to Beaverton High School
students about college life, ways to pay for college, and different activities to get involved in.
Name of Student Coordinator: Eric Ruiz
Number of Club Members Participating: 1
Number of Hours Completed: 1hr
Date of Project: 11/18/12
Amount Requested: none (already reached the full amount)
Clubhouse Deadline:
Charter Packets and Community Service Forms are due on Thursday
be on the following Monday’s agenda.
at 5pm in order to
Special Funds Request VRC $1000
Campus Affairs
Attended committees
 Nothing New
 Volunteering during Blood Drive
 Meetings and Emails.
No Report Turned In
Legislative Affairs
Event: Voter Registration BBQ, Registration Goal Met, Election Night
Served burgers and hot dogs while attempting to register students.
Goal of 1200 students were registered on campus and then some.
Watched election coverage in Student Center, provided free food.
Number of Students:
Event: Cooldown After Election, Prepare for Lobbying
Discussing next actions to be taken, review of Voter Drive
Number of Students:
Upcoming Events: Lobbying
Preparation to lobby in Washington in the future.
Expected Number of students:
Recreational Department
 Went to Open Mind Open Mic committee
 Finally Sent out Harvest Festival Pictures
 Went to Title III meeting
o Mostly a report
o Talked about Paying For college Tab
o Possible mandatory trainings for Financial aid students
 Super Smash Bros Tournament
o 9 participants
o A handful of spectators
 Soccer Tournament
o 30 participants,10 ish spectators
o 6 teams
o 3 hours
o Collaboration with Panthers FC club
o Double elimination
 Michael Jackson Dance off
o 8 participants, 8 spectators
o Single elimination
 9 Ball Tournament
o Single elimination
o 9 ball BCA rules
o November 28th
 Women’s Billiards tournament
o Rules unclear yet
o 8 ball
o Single elimination
o November 29th
Sustainability Report
Ugly Mug Raffle Winners announced
Nov. 20
Congratulations Mark, Da Hyun and Christina.
We had six participants and 9 mugs submitted.
Marketing tactics: Flyers, word of mouth, facebook, email all student leadership
Mug Days
Total students: around 60
Future Events:
Take Back the Tap pin promotion
We are starting out Take Back the Tap campaign this week by inviting all student leaders to
wear a pin and promoting the cause.
Marketing tactics: Pins, flyers
Clubs Reports: 11/26/12
Past Events:
Weekly Meeting
Future Events:
Clubs 101 Orientation: Training for all club representatives, coordinators,
and officers.
November 27th
4:00 pm – 6:00pm
November 28th
12:00pm – 2:00pm
Volunteer Service Opportunities:
 Props to all the Clubs members and peeps who:
Were a part of the International Showcase and helped
assemble the Thanksgiving Baskets!!!
Multicultural Center
Friday, November 23rd, 2012
 November 20th: First MLK Planning Committee
o If interested please contact Luke Givens or the Multicultural Center
 November 27th:
o PCC Reads Committee
 Location: Building 3 Room 224
 Time: 10:30 am- 11:30 am
o Health and Wellness Event
 Location: MC
 Time: 11:30am – 1:00 pm
o MLK Planning Committee
 Location: Building 5 Room 115B
 Time: 3pm - 4pm
 November 28th:
o Semana de la Raza Committee
 Location: Building 2 Room 121
 Time: 8:00 am- 10:00 am
 November: MC participating in the Condom Fashion Show
 November: Black History Month Planning Committee
o District Wide/ PCC RC Week: Feb. 18th- 22nd
Women’s Resource Center
Thanksgiving Baskets- Thank you for everyone that contributed and helped
Scholarship workshop with CRC about 15 students
What’s your money personality? About 25 students
Scholarship Workshop at WRC on November 28th, 2012 3-4pm
Parenting Club Meeting Tuesday 4-5pm
“Adopt an Elementary Classroom” Service Project
Career Resource Center Report
Recent Past
 Mini Collaboration w/ Clubhouse.. display Career Related clubs
 Single Parent Career Success Workshop
 Career Resource Center Info. Workshop Re-Run @ SLC
 Portland State Transfer Workshop
49 students showed up, 10 PSU reps. Came and presented lots of info. and
raffled off PSU gear & a $50 value admissions waiver.
Meet the Professional Discussion
Presented in collaboration w/ Int’l Ed. Speaker Massoud Saberian spoke to
students about obtaining his engineering career as an international
student in America, including the obstacles & overcoming them. 6 people
showed up for the discussion.
Go Nuts for Scholarships! Workshop (pictures on next report)
 Peer Advising
 Preparing Scholarship workshops
 Budget Allocation Committee
1. International Student Scholarship Workshop (Nov. 27th)
2. Universities Admissions & Advising Visits all of Fall term in
Queer Resource Center Report
November 12-16
National Transgendered Day of Remembrance
o When: Tuesday all day
o Posters honoring transgender people who have died were posted on the lawn
o Videos about various transgendered folks' life experiences played throughout the day in the
QRC to promote to educate cultural competency, respect, and to increase ally awareness.
QRC Steering Committee
o When: Tuesday 20th
o Total people attended 16
o We received a lot of input on how the rules that people wanted to implement in the
QRC. We talked about creating a culture where there is no discrimination and more
inclusiveness within the QRC.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Cascade
Addie met with QSA and ASPCC Cascade to prepare them for their Trans Day of Remembrance
Free Rapid HIV Testing
o November 28th (Wednesday)
o Time: Slots begin at 9:30 and go through 2:30
o Location: Sign up at the QRC
o Confidential appointment
o 2 spots available
CONDOM Fashion Show
o November 28th (Wednesday)
o Time: 5-6pm
o Location: Building 3, Auditorium
o Come watch the fashion show, and learn why it is important to raise awareness about
AIDS to our community
Stress Relieving Workshop
o When: November 29th (Thursday)
o Where: Building 3, Student Center
o Time: 2pm
o QRC will be hosting a workshop for stress reduction in partnership with Clubs and ASPCC
Steering Committee
o When: TBD
o Where: QRC
o Time: TBD
o The Steering Committee will be meeting once per month from now on to allow
community input on how the center is run as well as promote discussion about LGBTQ
Gender Neutral Bathrooms
o QRC will be collaborating with the QSA's district-wide to create a task force focused on
gender neutral bathroom education and implementation at PCC
Veteran’s Resource Center
No Report Turned In