I. Contour Maps Dr. SaMeH Saadeldin Ahmed Assistant professor of Mining and Environmental Engineering Email: dr_sameh_mining04@yahoo.com A short course for Egyptian Cement Company (ECC) April, 2008 1 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Outlines 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 Introduction Definition General Contouring Rules Contouring Procedure For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 1. Introduction The purpose of any map is to present information in an interpretable form. Topographic maps, structure maps, and isopach maps, are quantitative. Each is a graphical integration of a specific type of information presented in a readily understandable form. 3 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Although contour maps cannot replace the written word in communicating complicated ideas, they illustrate graphically the three-dimensional concept better than any other means yet devised. Topographic and structure maps are the most widely used contour maps, but there are many other special applications of contouring. 4 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 2. Definition Contours are lines drawn on a map to connect points of equal value compared to some chosen reference. Information being contoured may be expressed directly as a numerical values, or may be expressed as a ratio to or percentage of the reference. A contour map represents lines of intersection between a horizontal plane and a surface which are projected onto a horizontal plane. 5 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 3. General Contouring Rules • There are about 5 rules controlling the contouring process. However, before talking about them .. • Let us discuss the different ways to conduct a contour map in the field.. 6 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Rule 1 • Contour another lines cannot cross one Contour lines represent given values, and since each line represents a different value these lines cannot cross. 7 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example 1 • The 100-foot line represents only values of 100 feet. The 200-foot line represents only the values of 200 feet. Therefore, there can be no point on either line which represents both the 100 value and the 200 value, and since there is no point common to both lines they cannot cross. 8 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Rule 2 Contour lines may not merge with contours of different values or of the same values When a vertical plane is projected upon a map the contours appear to be merging. In space, however, those lines would not be in contact but would be one above the other. 9 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example 2 • A cliff 400 feet high may have a 100-foot contour at the base and a 400- foot contour vertically above it. On a map, the 100-, 200-, 300-, and 400- foot contours appear to converge, because they occupy the same horizontal position upon a plane surface. 10 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 11 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Rule 3 Contours must always close or end at the edge of the map 12 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example 3 • One way visualize a circular hill as being slowly inundated by the sea, with a contour line representing each new sea level. If this process were viewed from the air the hill would be appear as a circular island of smaller and smaller dimensions. The contour lines on a map illustrating the rising shore-line would be a series of concentric circles of smaller and smaller diameter. Since not all hills slope equally in all directions the contours may be contoured or elongated, but they will always be closed. 13 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH • Special case a : Small hills within the confines of the map will always be shown by a series of closed contours. 14 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH • Special case b : The area covered by a map may be so small that only a part of the hill is shown. The contours will end at the edge of the map, and the direction of slope may be all in one direction . 15 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH • Special case c The map may cover the crest of the hill, with slope in two directions away from a central area. Slope away from the crest will be represented by a series of repeated contours, which are of lower and lower values. Although these contours end at the edge of the map, in space they continue around the ends of the hill 16 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Contours outlining the “V” of the valley wall continue around the land mass into which the valley is being cut 17 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Rule 4 Contours of the same value must be repeated to indicate a reversal of direction of slope Where the contour lines represent the intersection of a horizontal plane with a physical surface, the plane will intersect all sides of a hill or both walls of a valley. Therefore, there must be contour lines on all sides of the hill or valley to represent the line of intersection 18 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example 4 • Regardless of the data being contoured, it is obvious that high values surrounded by low values are segregated within a closed contour. If, however, high values are flanked by low values on two sides only, the separation is shown by a repetition contours on each side of the high values. 19 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 20 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Rule 5 The contour interval, or unit upon which the map is drawn, should be a function of: 1. the scale of the map, 2. the amount of variation between the values being contoured, ( 3. the amount of detail which is desirable for the special purpose of the map. 21 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example 5 • If the map scale is small or the relief is great, the contour interval is necessarily large. If the scale is large and the variations are small, the contour interval should be small, in order to illustrate the features that do appear. 22 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 4. Contouring Procedure Contour line are quantitative illustrations. The rate at which the values changes is indicated by the spacing between contours. Lines close together indicate a rapid rate of change for a given contour interval; Lines far apart indicate a slow rate of change. 23 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 24 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example A • • • • 25 Points 0 indicate well locations. Map distance between points is 4 inches. Map scale is 1 inch to 1 mile. I inch on horizontal scale is distance covered for 100 feet of vertical rise. For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH The distance between the 100-foot and 500-foot elevation must be broken into four equal units if the contour interval is 100 feet. If a 50-foot interval is chosen, there must be eight equal units. 26 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example B • Points 0 indicate well locations. • Map distance between points is 2.5 inches. • Map scale is 1 inch to 1 mile. 27 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH The vertical distance between the two well locations is 119 feet. This distance can be divided evenly only if the contour interval is 1 foot. Since the interval is too small for most maps, it is better to use large interval, such as 25 feet, and to determine the approximate number of divisions necessary. By dividing the 119 into 25 foot intervals, there will be four equal units, with 19/25 ths remaining. 28 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH The distance can be divided mathematically, to determine the exact proportionate horizontal distance which represents 25 feet, But exact computation are too time consuming usually for the amount of data to be contoured. It is better to learn to make the divisions by eye, checking at intervals by exact computation until the eye is trained. 29 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Mathematical determination of the map distance between point 0 (106 feet) and contour point of 125 feet is: d = 0.4 inches Check the calculation 30 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Example C Procedure for contouring: 1. Draw light lines, which can be erased, connecting the highest point to all surrounding points. 2. Determine the position of each contour value along these lines. (see B.) 3. Draw lines connecting of equal value, according to the general rules for contouring. 31 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH 32 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Note: the 200- and 300 foot contour lines curve into a valley between the two high areas. Although no 100-foot datum is available to make the 100-foot contour line follow the low, logical contouring suggests that the 100-foot line parallels the other contour lines, unless data were available to indicate otherwise. 33 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH Thanks for your attention 34 For Egyptian Cement Company SaMeH