STRESS CONSIDERATION IN DISTAL EXTENSION PARTIAL DENTURE Direct retainers But – clasp can not effectively dissipate this stress because: 1. Material itself can have only limited flexibility . 2. Clasp are made half round in shape it can flex only in one direction therefore can not effectively dissipate, by flexing all stresses placed on it. Therefore most of the tilting stress is transmitted to abutment as leverage. I bar ( RPI design) Combination clasp I bar Combination clasp INDIRECT RETAINER Function :- to prevent the DEB from moving away from its seat because of cheek and tongue forces, stick food. Effectiveness of indirect retainer depends upon: Its distance from the fulcrum line Effectiveness of the direct retainer Direct retainer must be effective if the indirect retainer is to function when the denture rotates - otherwise the partial denture will be dislodged. The quality of support of the indirect retainer An indirect retainers effectiveness is reported to decrease when it is placed on an inclined plane because the tooth moves and the retainer slips*. *JPD 1975;34;24-30 use of a mesial rest instead of a distal rest on the terminal abutment tooth does not decrease indirect retention.* Frank and Nicholls ,JPD ,1977:38;494 Thus the choice of indirect retainer location should be made mostly on the basis of 1. abutment tooth support, 2. a crown form favoring adequate rest seat preparation, and 3. the patients esthetic desires. Removal of the indirect retainers from a RPD results in the application of more pressure to the direct abutment teeth. The indirect retainer probably is effective in distributing forces to teeth other than direct abutments, and in preventing denture base lifting. Frechette et al ,JPD, 1956;6:195-212 Placing rests of DEB RPDs more anteriorly provides an axis of rotation that directs applied forces in a more vertical direction. STRESS BREAKERS/ STRESS DIRECTORS GPT 8- A device or system that relieves specific dental structures of part or all of the occlusal forces and redirects those forces to other bearing structures or regions Rationale* Merrill ,JPD,1968,20,204 Concept of stress breaking—insists on separating the action of the retaining elements from the movement of the denture base by allowing independent movement of the denture base( or its supporting frame work) and the direct retainers 2 types HINGE DESIGN ROTATIONAL TYPE: Hinge design Base is permitted to move in a vertical plane only. The hinge type device spares the tooth virtually all of the stress which results from vertical movement of the base, but it is still subjected to all the lateral loads and torsional stress. D-E hinge type Baca design Rotational type: Works on the ball and socket principle, movements of the base is allowed in all planes, and the tooth is relieved of virtually all stresses. DALBO CRISMANI ASC -52 DALBO SPLIT BAR MAJOR CONNECTOR Henderson and Steffel suggested a split lingual bar to redirect the force on the abutment tooth INDICATION Because the stress breaker does, in far relieve the abutment tooth of the forces generated by the masticatory load, the stress is then borne by the residual ridge. Therefore a prime indication for the application of this principle would be the mouth where in an abutment tooth is inherently weak. ADVANTAGES Horizontal forces acting on the abutment teeth are minimized. If rebasing is not undertaken when required, the abutment tooth is not necessarily damaged. DISADVANTAGE Appliance is difficult to construct. There is concentration of forces on edentulous alveolus, resulting in its speedier resorption. More complicated appliance is some times not tolerated by patient. Spaces between components are sometimes opened up in function, thus trapping food and tongue. Can be bent and distorted easily in cleaning or as a result of a accident can induce a continuous stress on abutments. Repair is difficult.