Graduate Fellows in K-12 Education Lesson Title: Stride Activity

Graduate Fellows in K-12 Education
Lesson Title: Stride Activity
Discipline Focus: Understanding how to approximate and convert distances
Grade level: 8th grade
Length of lesson: 45 minutes
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s): Minnesota Academic Standards – Science – Determine and use appropriate safety procedures, tools, measurements,
graphs and mathematical analyses to describe and investigate natural and
designed systems in Earth and physical science contexts.
Understanding (s)/goals
Students will understand:
 How to estimate distance provided
they have correctly determined the
length of their stride.
 How to make conversions from English
to Metric units of measurement (see
developmental activities).
Essential Question(s):
 How can scientists use approximated
 Why is it important to be accurate and
precise with measurements?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Identify the length of their stride.
Estimate distances from their stride and relate this to large scale geological
Convert from English to Metric units of measurement (see developmental
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:
Students will determine the length of their
 Observation of students completing
stride using a pre-measured distance.
the task. Teachers checked with the
Students were provided with the step on
students how they were arriving at
how the length of their stride should be
their final location. If students arrived
determined. Accuracy in the measurement
at an incorrect location the students
of their stride is crucial to the success of
were asked why this happened and
the activity.
how they could improve.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Materials and Resources:
There are 4 variations of direction routes for the students. Students were to work
independently thus instructions were to be randomly distributed. The student direction
routes were determined from a pre-measured area used for the activity (i.e. football
Introductory Activities:
Took the students to the activity location and described introductory tasks: 5 minutes
Remind students to bring a calculator and a writing utensil when they go outside for the
activity. Spend a few minutes introducing the activity by explaining the steps required
for the students to accurately determine the distance of their stride. Lastly, explain the
real-world application to knowing the distance of your stride. For instance geologists can
estimate large-scale distances to rock formations using their stride to calculate the
approximate distance.
Developmental Activities:
Students determine the distance of their stride: 5 minutes
Students follow direction route instructions: 25 minutes
Provided the pre-measured distance (23 meters or as desired) have students walk the
distance multiple times while counting their steps. After students have accurately
determined the number of steps per the pre-measured distance they can use the
provided equation to achieve the distance of their stride. Students can use their
calculator to do this. As a check ask students to double check the length of their stride
before moving forward.
Having randomly distributed the 4 variations of directions routes to the students, have
students line up at the start and begin following the steps specified. If the class size is
large, could stagger the start. At this point remind students that everyone’s strides are
likely different and following other students may not be a good idea. If necessary lend
additional guidance to students struggling to accurately determine the length of their
stride. Instruct students to raise their hand if they have questions or when they have
completed the instructions. If students have arrived at an incorrect location, ask
students why they think their location may be off and have them repeat it. If students
have accurately completed their assigned distance route then give them another set of
directions to try. Ideally, provided there is enough time have students convert from
English to Metric measuring units (this would require revision to the attached sheets).
Closing Activities:
Closing discussion with students: 5-10 minutes
Discuss with students the objectives for the activity (students will be able to: length of
their stride, estimate distances with their stride, and convert from English to Metric
measuring units). Key questions for closing discussion with students: What did you
notice? What kind of observations did you make? Why do you think some of you were
more off than others?
Students keep the distance route sheet to study the conversions later.
Hour: _____________
Determine the length of your stride using the following equation:
23 meters / (# of steps)
Your Stride: __________________
Carefully convert the following distances into the number of strides you will need to take. All turns MUST be 90°
to the right or the left.
Walk straight 15 meters.
Turn left and walk 100 meters.
Turn left and walk 5 meters.
Turn left and walk 20 meters.
Turn left and walk 17 meters.
Turn left and walk 33 meters.
When the directions above are finished, describe where you ended up? ____________________________
Class: _____________
Determine the length of your stride using the following equation:
23 meters / (# of steps)
Your Stride: __________________
Carefully convert the following distances into the number of strides you will need to take. All turns MUST be 90°
to the right or the left.
Turn left and walk 30 meters.
Turn right and walk 22 meters.
Turn left and walk 65 meters.
Turn right and walk 8 meters.
Turn right and walk 28 meters.
Turn right and walk 30 meters.
When the directions above are finished, describe where you ended up? ____________________________
Period: _____________
Determine the length of your stride using the following equation:
23 meters / (# of steps)
Your Stride: __________________
Carefully convert the following distances into the number of strides you will need to take. All turns MUST be 90°
to the right or the left.
Walk straight 10 meters.
Turn left and walk 20 meters.
Turn right and walk 15 meters.
Turn left and walk 7 meters.
Turn left and walk 6 meters.
Turn right and walk 13 meters.
When the directions above are finished, describe where you ended up? ____________________________
Class Period: _____________
Determine the length of your stride using the following equation:
23 meters / (# of steps)
Your Stride: __________________
Carefully convert the following distances into the number of strides you will need to take. All turns MUST be 90°
to the right or the left.
Turn left and walk 60 meters.
Turn right and walk 30 meters.
Turn right and walk 10 meters.
Turn right and walk 13 meters.
Turn left and walk 33 meters.
Turn right and walk 16 meters.
When the directions above are finished, describe where you ended up? ____________________________