Marketing Intern The PlayList WDSE-WRPT, PBS 632 Niagara Court (On UMD campus) Duluth, MN 55811 Assist with planning, promotion and marketing of The PlayList, a Duluth-based TV show featuring the arts and live music. Live episodes with studio audience broadcast every week at WDSEWRPT, the Duluth PBS station, located on the UMD campus. 8-12 hrs/week = 2 credits Duties include: Assist in development, production & maintenance of social networking presence with messages, contests, etc. Write press releases per weekly episode Create promotional posters monthly Support promotion by communicating with information outlets Research & implement broader marketing strategy to reach new audiences Interested? Please contact Karen Sunderman at WDSE•WRPT for application at The PlayList is archived online at Assist with planning, promotion and marketing of The PlayList, a Duluth-based TV show featuring the arts and live music. Live episodes with studio audience broadcast every week at WDSEWRPT, the Duluth PBS station, located on the UMD campus. Duties may include development, production & maintenance of social networking presence with messages, contests, etc. Composing press releases per weekly episode Creating promotional posters monthly and support of promotion by communicating with information outlets. Candidate may also be included in research & implementation of broader marketing strategy to reach new audiences.