12/03/2014 3:30pm – FNSBSLW Department Meeting Wednesday, December 03, 2014 3:30 pm FNBSLW Department meeting minutes Attendance Steve Fan Rashiqa Kamal La Arjan Premti Linda Reid X Gene Toboyek Curt Weber Pascal Létourneau La Jonathan Saffold X Linda Yu Hamid Moini Le Amy Verbos P Yuan Yuan Scott Opsal Le Joel Schleusner Jianzhou Zhu Peggy Kuchan X Scott Morris James Harris (X : Present, P: over phone, La : Late arrival, Le : Leave before the end) La, Le X Meeting started at 3:30 pm. 1. The motion (Hamid/Arjan) to approve the minutes from the department meeting on 11/19/2014 was unanimously approved. 2. The change of the pre-requisite for FNBSLW 440 was discussed. A change to the Curriculum Proposal Form #4A was proposed. Curriculum Proposal Form #4A should explain the change as: From: PREREQ: FNBSLW 341 AND ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE AND 2.50 FOR BUSINESS MAJORS OR 60 CREDITS AND 2.00 FOR MINORS/NON-BUSINESS MAJORS FOR WHICH THIS COURSE IS AN OPTION. To: PREREQ: ADMISSION TO THE COLLEGE AND 2.50 FOR BUSINESS MAJORS OR 60 CREDITS AND 2.00 FOR MINORS/NON-BUSINESS MAJORS FOR WHICH THIS COURSE IS AN OPTION This change was approved (8 For/ 1 Against) conditional on the language change in Curriculum Proposal Form #4A, as described above. 3. The highlights of this year’s Seasonal Card will include: a. The performance of the Applied Investment Program b. The new department hires c. The new class developed by Gene Toboyek d. The retirement of David Porter and his Professor Emeritus status Any additional highlights you wish to be included in the Seasonal Card should be sent to Linda. 4. The issue of the class size/additional sections of FNBSLW 345 and FNBSLW 360 were discussed. It was estimated the new section of FNBSLW 345 offered during the Summer Term and a more efficient academic advising process should alleviate the issue. This issue will be revisited in another meeting during Spring Term, when more information about class demand becomes available. The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 pm.