Minutes Women’s Issues Committee Meeting November 14, 2013

Women’s Issues Committee Meeting
November 14, 2013
Present: Ellie Schemenauer, Jo Ellen Burkholder, Cindy Konrad, Candace Chenoweth,
Janay Alston, Ronna Timmerman
Approval of the Minutes: Ellie Schemenauer moved to approve the minutes, seconded
by Cindy Konrad, all were in favor.
Committee Reports
Athletics – the committee will try to find a replacement for Amy Edmonds
Women’s and Gender Studies – the fall newsletter has been sent out. Ellie
announced two travel study opportunities that can count towards the Women’s
Studies major/minor/certificate. Cindy offered to develop a class on LGBT issues
and/or sexualities in the future.
University Health and Counseling Services (Whitney Henley) – Whitney sent a
report on various sexual assault education presentations (see below under old
LGBTQ Task Force, Pride Resource Center, & WCC - Warhawk Connection
Center (Cindy Conrad) Cindy has been working with the PRIDE Center, SAVE,
and Greek organizations on a collaborative program called “Learning Good
Consent.” The program will help students understand why it’s important to have
open conversations with partners.
Mara Kiesling had been a guest on campus and made suggestions about changes
which could help transgender students. The Safer Sex Drive is scheduled for
December 3rd. There will be HIV testing available. The WCC is hosting the
Multicultural Series. Cindy would like to schedule a workshop to talk to faculty
and staff about LGBT issues in order to address reports from students. The
College Retreats were suggested as a venue.
Inclusive Excellence – no report
Old Business
 Sexual Assault Education
o There were presentations by Liz Ogunsola (Title IX Coordinator) and
Whitney Henley (Violence Prevention Coordinator) this semester, however
we only had 28 attendees. These presentations were targeted to faculty and
o Presentations by SAVE (Supporting a Violence-free Environment) are
occurring this semester and reaching approximately 55 students. SAVE is
collaborating with other student organizations to present large scale
education programs (focusing on consent and bystander intervention) for the
spring semester. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a
presentation for your class or group, please contact Whitney Henley,
Women in Leadership – the nomination forms have been sent out with a due date
of December 1rst. Cindy will check to see if Loretta Ross can speak at the event.
Ronna, Candace, Ellie, Janay and Cindy volunteered to meet to choose the
honorees after nominations are received.
Children’s Center – the resignation of Holly McFaul and other changes left the
Center with little continuity in leadership. Ellie reported that LTE teachers have
the same skills, education and time in the position as regular staff, leading to a
discussion of LTE’s on campus. The committee discussed various ways they
might be able to support change. Ellie will do some research on the positions at
the Children’s Center, and then draft a letter from the committee.
Film – Academic Motherhood – How Faculty Manage Work and Family – the
committee will preview the film during the January meeting.
Work/Life balance – Cindy has a speaker in mind who may be able to speak at her
women’s lecture series or the Provost’s WIL reception, and will send a link to a
webinar given by the speaker. She also suggested an interactive workshop
scheduled at lunch time, and hoped she could get support from the Provost for
staff to attend. The Provost will be acting as Interim Chancellor by the time
planning for this event begins, therefore the committee needs to know who to
contact and when speakers are chosen for this event.
Lactation rooms on campus – Janay reported that the lactation room in Hyland is
completed. ID card access is needed (requiring contact with the building
manager). The room is located on the first floor. The committee suggested
submitting a campus announcement regarding the new room, and making an
addition to the campus breastfeeding policy on the HR website. Another
suggestion was that a woman be the point of contact for the access card. Liz
Ogunsola sent several links regarding breastfeeding policies.
New Business
 Cindy asked that the Women’s lectures series be placed on the agenda for the next
meeting. Ideas for speaker and topics will be discussed.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Fellows