09/16/2014 03:45pm – FNSBSLW Department Meeting FNBSLW Department meeting minutes

09/16/2014 03:45pm – FNSBSLW Department Meeting
Monday, September 16, 2013
FNBSLW Department meeting minutes
In attendance: Steve Fan, Rashiqa Kamal, Peggy Kuchan, Pascal Létourneau, Scott Opsal, Linda
Reid, Philip Seagraves, Gene Toboyek, Linda Yu, Yuan Yuan. Amanda Howel, our library liaison in
attendance for the first part of the meeting – left at 4:15.
Not in Attendance: Hamid Moini, Joel Schleusner (came in at 5:00pm), David Porter, Donald
Sorensen, Curt Weber, Jianzhou Zhu.
0. Amanda Howel, our library liaison explains some services offered.
a. In class presentation about using the library resources.
b. Short Video presentations.
c. Collection development.
d. Copyright matters
1. Approval of minutes from 04/22/2013@3:45pm – Approved unanimously
2. Review goals for current academic year
a. Implement a critical thinking assessment test in all Business Finance sections.
b. Devise questions for measuring student learning outcomes for each emphasis.
c. Explore the possibility of using a common case study to assess student learning.
d. Investigate teaching/educational strategies and curricular activities to provide
students of opportunity equal chance for success.
e. Examine and strengthen department’s internship program.
f. Promote professional integrity through encouraging student participation in
pursuing various professional designations.
g. Conduct searches for anticipated replacements for faculty in both finance and
business law areas.
h. Determine/review how department’s non-core courses cover any of the 4
goals/values mentioned in the CoBE Mission (critical thinking, entrepreneurial
leadership, ethical behavior, and appreciation of diversity) in a substantive way.
Bill Tatman will be invited for our November meeting to discuss the support for
Announcements for the Career Fair for next summer internship should be made in
3. DBA update
a. Linda asks for faculty to update their Digital Measures.
b. September 30th, open meeting discussion about the DBA.
4. Hiring update
a. The department is looking for a replacement for a Finance position and a Law
b. Rashiqa Kamal, Yuan Yuan and Philip Seagraves are on the search committee for
the Finance Position.
c. The candidate search should be in line with the department goals and the
program development.
d. The department members should express their view on the subject to Rashiqa.
e. Linda Reid is on the search committee for the Law position. Committee will be
formed soon.
5. Bloomberg usage/training
a. Jason Cantore Reitsma is our Bloomberg representative.
b. Jason can come for in-class training (plan in advance.)
c. One on one training is available.
d. Email, phone, Skype help is also possible.
6. (Reported until next meeting) – Advisory board meeting report – ethics
7. Program discussion
a. ACG cups: No teams will be sent to the ACG cup this academic year. Better
planning is needed in order to compete in the future. The students need more
training and coaching.
b. Master in Finance: The project is on hold for the moment. The department will
focus on what can be done for the undergrads first.
c. Scott Opsal will look at what can be done to help our students get certified
(C.F.A. and C.F.P.).
d. Philip Seagraves will look into putting in place a marketing campaign for our
finance emphasis.
e. Rashiqa Kamal will look into which certificates can be offered to undergrads.
8. Meeting is adjourned at 5:15pm