Business GLOBAL AWARENESS Fall Semester 2016

Fall Semester 2016
FINANCE 3580 – International Corporate Finance
INTL BUS 3580 – International Corporate Finance
(Prereq: FINANCE 3500 and 2.0 campus GPA)
►Fr 9:30 am – 12:10 pm, Room 201 SSB, G. Zhang (FIN Class #14188, IB Class #14189)
►Th 6:55 pm – 9:35 pm, Room 207 SSB, T. Williams (FIN Class #14331, IB Class #14394)
►Tu/Th 11:00 am – 12:15 pm, STLCC--Wildwood, T. Williams (FIN Class #15252)
FINANCE 3582 – International Investments (Class #14196)
INTL BUS 3582 – International Investments (Class #14195)
(Prereq: FINANCE 3500 and a 2.0 campus GPA. A prior investments class is recommended.)
►100% online, D. Weise
INTL BUS 3281 – Business In China
(Prereq: 2.0 campus GPA, Junior standing)
►Mo/We 11:00 am – 12:15 pm, Room 132 SSB, H. Fung (Class #14179)
►Mo/We 9:30 am – 10:45 am, Room 132 SSB, H. Fung (Class #14180)
INTL BUS 3680 – International Management
MGMT 3680 – International Management
(Prereq: ECON 1002, MGMT 3600 and a campus GPA of 2.0)
►100% online, S. Pathak (IB Class #14075; MGMT Class #14074)
►100% online, S. Pathak (IB Class #14077; MGMT Class #14076)
►100% online, E. Pellegrini (IB Class #14078; MGMT Class #14079)
INTL BUS 3780 – International Marketing
MKTG 3780 – International Marketing
(Prereq: MKTG 3700 and 2.0 campus GPA)
►Mo/We 9:30 am – 10:45 am, Room 207 SSB, J. Murray (IB Class #14218; MKTG Class #12890)
►Tu/Th 9:30 am – 10:45 am, Room 332 SSB, E. Vining (IB Class #14219; MKTG Class #12891)
►Tu/Th 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm, Room 328 SSB, E. Vining (IB Class #14220; MKTG Class #12893)
INTL BUS 3286 – International Business Ethics (Class #12754)
HONORS 3010 – Honors Seminar – International Business Ethics (Class #11801)
(Prereq: Open only to Honors College students. Consent of the Dean of the Honors College)
►Th 2:00 pm – 4:40 pm, Room 102 Seton Center, D. Griesedieck
ANTHRO 3235 – Women In Subsaharan Africa: A Contemporary Perspective (Class #15049)
(Prereq: ANTHRO 1011, intro course in another social science or instructor consent)
►100% online, S. Ekong
HONORS 3030 – Honors Seminar – The New World Order/Disorder I (Class #11803)
(Prereq: Open only to Honors College students. Consent of the Dean of the Honors College)
►Th 2:00 pm – 4:40 pm, Room OC309 Honors College, J. Rochester
HONORS 3030 – Honors Seminar – Media and Modern Middle East (Class #11804)
(Prereq: Open only to Honors College students. Consent of the Dean of the Honors College)
►Mo/We 11:00 am – 12:15 pm, Room OC307 Honors College, R. Hudson
MEDIA ST 3356 – Global Media Systems and Trends
(Prereq: None)
►100% online, TBA (Class #14008)
►100% online, S. Phipps (Class #14009)
►100% online, TBA, (Class #14010) – Second Session 8 week class, 10/17/16 – 12/17/16
POL SCI 3890 – Studies in International Relations: Labor in the Global Political Economy (Class #12941)
(Prereq: POL SCI 1100, POL SCI 1500 or consent of instructor)
►100% online, J. Ancel and R. Russell