October-November 2004 for Broadcast.doc

Produced Alumni Hall of Fame videos for presentation at the Salute to Excellence; sold four Salute
table sponsorships.
Secured a $2,500 campaign sponsorship from Alumni Hall of Fame member, John Casey.
Hosted seven alumni who work for the Eastman Kodak company on Kodak Day (October 13 th);
alumni served as panel speakers for two student lectures.
2004-2005 ANNUAL FUND
Delivered the first annual fund segment using Leadership Giving packets.
Total annual fund giving through 11/30/04 is $88,100.35 with $16,082 resulting from the first annual
fund mailing piece.
Among the first to join the 2004-2005 President’s Circle giving club (gifts of $1,000 to $4,999):
Brenda Babitz, Robert E. Brennan, Allen G. Casey, Ginny Clark, Richard Degus,
R. Thomas Flynn, Laurence Glazer, Wayne K. Gilman, Robert D. Hursh, Arnold Klinsky,
Lucien A. Morin, Richard Ottalagana and James J. Ward.
Began process of identifying needs for Foundation Board and prospective candidates to serve on
the 2005-2006 Board.
Total cumulative gifts and pledges as of November 30, 2004 = $9,513,186.
Received a $10,000 bequest from Ruth Forsyth, former MCC Sociology Professor, to create the
Forsyth Sociology Faculty Development Fund.
Conducted a luncheon for members of the Thiem Foundation on October 22 at the Reflections
restaurant on MCC’s Brighton Campus. Thiem Foundation Trustees Dick O’Connor, Dr. Joseph
Pecora and Mark Klafehn were joined by MCC nursing students who received scholarships from
the Thiem Foundation’s first grant to MCC.
Launched a direct marketing effort for 350 businesses utilizing Catalyst Direct, who donated design
services for the pilot.
Richard Sands extended the Jennifer and Richard Sands Scholarship Fund for another five years,
bringing his total commitment to $16,250.
Annesse & Associates donated wireless technology for MCC’s Applied Technologies and Public
Safety Training facilities, a gift-in-kind estimated at $14,000.
Mike Calabrese of Java’s Café pledged $75,000 to create scholarship fund for business and
hospitality majors enrolled in MCC’s 2+2 program with RIT.
President’s Circle Reception attended by 65 donors on October 14 in the Flynn Campus Center.
Scholarship donors receive student thank-you letters for their awards.
Luncheon on October 22 for Thiem Foundation trustees and the recipients of their nursing
Approved fourth quarter financial statements ending August 31, 2004.
Completed audit with unqualified opinion for the twelve months ending August 31, 2004.
Transferred third scheduled Banner installment of $344,544.
Monroe Community College Foundation
Activity Report Summary
October 2004 – November 2004
Transferred funds from investment managers to Vanguard per Investment Committee policy.
Met with group in Dallas and completed first draft of five year expenditure data for CORE
benchmark survey.
Completed CAE/VSE survey.
Completed NACUBO Endowment Survey.
Tim Reichgott hosted 45 prospects at Securing Your Financial Future; a joint presentation done on
the MCC campus with the SUNY Research Foundation and TIAA-CREF.
Worked closely with two prospects to determine gift conditions and to design planned gifts to meet
individual needs.
Reviewed the planned giving survey results under the guidance of Jeff Cleary; drew meaningful
results which will serve as the benchmark for measuring progress
Established an educational series to consist of one seminar/lecture each semester for the next two
academic years; the planned giving committee includes directors: Howard Konar, Tim Reichgott,
Diana Lauria, Jim Ward, Jeff Cleary.
Fall issue of Foundations completed and mailed.
Advertisement in Rochester Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40” program book congratulating
alumna Kaye Elizabeth Stone for her induction into this distinct group. (Ad purchased in partnership
with MCC Public Affairs Office).
Prepared annual fund package and solicitation letters.
Fall issue of Ideas cover article prepared.
Supported MCC Time Capsule submission, conveying the importance of the annual fund and
champions of higher education in our community. (Time capsule will be opened in 2064, at MCC’s
100th anniversary celebration.)
Prepared invitations to TIAA-CREF seminar on campus.
Annual issue of MCC Nursing alumni newsletter produced and mailed.
Press releases distributed:
- Six Join Foundation Board
- Health Care Community Invests in Radiologic Technology Program
- MCC Foundation Salutes Bausch & Lomb at Annual Dinner
- Mark Russell to Appear at Salute
Media successes:
- Daily Record includes new board members in its “Western New York on the Move” section on
October 28.
- Rochester Business Journal profiles the MCC Foundation in its Oct. 29 “Non-Profit Report”
column. Issue also includes listing of new board members.
- McVicker gift covered in October 6 Brighton-Pittsford Post, WHAM-1180 and Community
College Week’s “Grants and Gifts” section.
- Radiologic Technology gift coverage included in Rochester Business Journal, Daily Record,
WHAM-1180, WXXI-AM, Democrat and Chronicle (Nov. 11-26).
- Richard Warshof highlighted in “Spotlight shines on Philanthropy Award nominees, a
Rochester Business Journal special report on Nov. 5.
- “B&L To Receive Salute to Excellence Award Dec. 9” article appeared in the Nov. 23 issue of
the Daily Record.
- “MCC award to honor B&L” article appeared in the Nov. 23 issue of the Democrat and
- “Grants from top philanthropic groups surge in 2003,” Rochester Business Journal, Nov. 26.
- MCC Foundation ranked 14th in Rochester Business Journal’s Grant Makers column on
Nov. 26.
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Monroe Community College Foundation
Activity Report Summary
October 2004 – November 2004
Internal communications:
- “Kraus, Perrone Among Those to enter Alumni Hall of Fame” and “Alumni Reflect on College
Days, Give Back.” articles featured in the Nov./Dec. issue of Campus News. Issue also
promoted Mark Russell’s appearance at the Salute to Excellence dinner.
Gilbert J. Hatch Memorial Scholarship established for students in MCC’s 2+2 Dual Admissions
Java’s Café Scholarship established for MCC’s 2+2 Dual Admission Program with RIT for students
majoring in Business Administration or Hospitality Management.
Salute to Excellence – December 9, 2004
 Jim Ward – B&L Honorary Committee Chair
 Sandy Parker – Underwriting Chair
 Major underwriters included: Bausch & Lomb (underwrote Mark Russell’s appearance),
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield; JPMorgan Chase, SWBR Architects, Constellation Brands,
The DiMarco Group, ESL Federal Credit Union, Frontier, Nixon Peabody.
 Gross revenue = $107,375.
 387 paid; over 400 in attendance.
 One Bausch & Lomb endowed scholarship created at $11,250; nine company-named
scholarships created totaling $8,000.
 Net revenue = $23,714 (estimate pending final bills); an increase of $18,000 over 2003.
Gold Star Gala
 Secured Saturday, May 14, at MAX of Eastman Place
 Event structure to be modified; will continue to have silent and live auctions but with a wine
auction focus.
 ESL Federal Credit Union has expressed interest as the naming underwriter of the event.
Induct four new alumni Hall of Fame members.
Host 40 alumni for Welcome Day events; January 2005.
Set dates for two Spring 2005 alumni receptions to welcome/engage new alumni annual fund
donors and new donors acquired through the capital campaign telemarketing initiative.
Renew 400 alumni donors by securing support for the annual fund.
Implement phase I of the telemarketing segments; targeting renewal donors.
Deliver the EOY (End of Year) solicitation.
Select, invite and orient prospective candidates to serve on the 2005-2006 Board.
Partner with the Strategic Direction Committee in evaluating committee structure.
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Monroe Community College Foundation
Activity Report Summary
October 2004 – November 2004
Implement business-to-business direct marketing campaign with Catalyst Direct.
Close on all remaining solicitations with asks pending.
Develop plan for campaign final report and victory celebration.
Endowment reports to donors.
Continue with student thank-you letters to donors.
Continue input of beginning balances in Banner system.
Complete cash flow allocation with VP of Budgeting.
Complete first quarter financial statements at November 30, 2004.
Attend CRD Benefactor reception to honor Wayne Gilman for service to Foundation.
Deliver Ideas; the planned giving newsletter.
Announce and promote the use of Gift Annuities in partnership with The SUNY Research
Foundation and TIAA CREF.
Plan and promote a spring event for prospective donors regarding the importance of a will and set
the date for the 2005 Alice Holloway Young Society Luncheon.
Promotion and support of December 9 Salute to Excellence.
Promotion of Calabrese gift to Building on Success.
Development of scholarship brochure/booklet for donors.
Development of alumni involvement brochure.
Development of Building on Success final report.
Begin work on spring issues of Foundations and Ideas.
Update scholarship booklet for annual publication.
 Conduct post-event evaluation.
Gold Star Gala
 Finalize event structure.
 Develop budget and underwriting levels.
 Begin to solicit and secure underwriters; begin acquisition of auction items.
 Develop and mail save the date cards; target drop date February 14.
21st Annual Scholarship Open
Schedule initial meeting with Co-Chairs John Kraus and Al Casey for January.
Confirm foursome cost and shot-gun start time.
Develop registration form and mail in early March.
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