US MILITARY RECRUITMENT POSTERS STUDENT ORGANIZER (ANSWER KEY) Poster From what time period is this poster? Who is the poster appealing to? What is the poster offering through visual or textual clues? “Army Strong.” Present day. African-American women (and by extension, everyone in an “equal opportunity” military). Character-building personal challenge. “Want Action?” World War II. Young white males (explain that at this point the USMC did not allow African-Americans). Adventure and glory. “I Want You!” World War I. Everyone (perhaps this explains why it is one of the most iconic images in American history). Patriotism and a sense of duty. “Defend the Right!” The Civil War. “Men who love our free institutions…who value your own liberty…who are ready to fight for freedom” (and men who need cash!) Patriotism, democratic idealism...and pay! “Men of Color!” The Civil War. African-Americans (specifically “freemen”). An opportunity to help free their people, prove their courage, and silence racist critics. Major corporate funding for this new production and its outreach initiatives is provided by The Coca-Cola Company and Johnson & Johnson. Additional funding is provided by Buick. Funding is also provided by public television viewers and PBS. Additional resources and materials for the teacher training workshops are provided by