MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION PERIOD ACTIVITY REPORT SUMMARY APRIL 2003 – MAY 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR PERIOD ALUMNI Received 10 new nominations to the Alumni Hall of Fame. Delivered 120 student gifts and Class Gift Dedications for inclusion in the 2003 Commencement Program. Welcomed 2,500 new alumni at Commencement; delivered a one-year, complimentary membership in the Associates Level donor club and encouraged future support for the annual fund. Earned the CASE Seal of Excellence Award in Alumni Relations. Completed chapter on alumni development in community colleges for the League for Innovation. ANNUAL FUND Board participation currently is 68%. BOARD GOVERNANCE Slate of proposed officers for 2003-2004. Directors proposed for 2003-2006. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Total gifts and pledges = $7,803,704. Capital Campaign materials received judges’ citation from 2003 SUNY/CUAD. Richard S. Warshof ’68, chair of Special Gifts Division: Janet Glocker to chair Parent & Family Campaign; John Trevisan, Retirees; David Mack, Business Campaign; Robin Theodorou and Sherry Hart co-chair spring 2003 Student Campaign, and; Susan Salvador, Student Campaign advisor. selected as electronic screening vendor. FINANCE/INVESTMENT/AUDIT COMMITTEES Approved second quarter financial statements ending February 28, 2003, and month ending March 31, 2003. Prepared and reviewed second quarter investment activity with Investment Committee. Appointed Endowment Spending Policy Committee. Approved 2004 Budget with goals and objectives at Finance Committee and Executive Committee. Met with Banner Implementation teams for FRS and ADS to discuss record clean-up and chart of accounts. PLANNED GIVING James J. Ward to chair MCCF's Planned Giving Program. James Ward, Mark Pastorella and Susan Gurak attended SUNY Planned Giving conference. PUBLIC RELATIONS Rosanna Condello attended CASE conference on development writing. Ideas (planned giving) newsletter completed (June mailing target). News releases distributed - Hallauer Johnson Gift - Gold Star Gala Bidding Now Online Monroe Community College Foundation Activity Report Summary April 2003 – May 2003 - Gold Star Gala Nets $45k for MCC Students - Business Community Should Partner with MCC to Educate, Grow Rochester (Speaking Out Essay submitted for Gil Hatch) - Toyota to Sponsor Scholarship Open Internal communications - MCC Tribune (April-May) news entries include Call for MCC Hall of Fame Nominations, Babitz Presents to Human Services Students, Pre-Bid for Gala Items Online, Gold Star Gala Nets $45,000 for MCC Students. Media successes - Webster Herald (April 2, 2003): “Nursing scholarships awarded” (noting Hurlbut Nursing Scholarship award winners). - Gates-Chili Post (April 2, 2003): “Johnson gift will support future MCC student-athletes.” - Democrat and Chronicle (April 16, 2003): Preview MCC auction online.” - Rochester Business Journal (April 18, 2003) “Local institutions work to solve shortage of health care workers” (highlighted $1 million gift to MCC Nursing program). - Daily Record (April 21, 2003): “MCC’s Gold Star Gala Offers Online Auction Preview, Bids.” - Democrat & Chronicle (May 2, 2003): “MCC benefit nets $45,000.” - Democrat and Chronicle (April 28, 2003): “MCC seeking nominations” (for Alumni Hall of Fame). - Daily Record (May 12, 2003): “Gold Star Gala Nets $45,000 For MCC College Foundation.” - SUNY Today (May 22, 2003 issue): “Taking the Ball and Running with It” (highlights Hallauer Johnson gift). SCHOLARSHIPS Eighty applications for the Thompson Scholarship Program were submitted and sent to the scholarship committee in preparation for the awards meeting on June 6. Five $1,000 scholarships for the coming academic year were realized from the Gold Star Gala. SPECIAL EVENTS Gold Star Gala A record net of $46,000 was raised, topping the event goal by $14,500. Over 60 donated items from faculty, staff and MCCF Board members were auctioned, resulting in all-time high auction total ($26,750) and live auction total ($21,650). Named scholarship opportunities were also auctioned off, resulting in five new MCC student scholarships. Received $23,025 in underwriting, topping last year’s efforts by $11,525. Event Sponsors: Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield $5,000 The DiMarco Group $5,000 HSBC Bank, USA $5,000 Morgan Stanley $1,000 The Pike Company $1,000 SCT $1,000 LeChase Companies $1,000 Buckingham Properties $1,000 Konar Properties $1,000 Kennedy Mechanical, Inc. $1,000 Foundation Board members José Coronas and Arnold Klinsky acted as the Gala’s master of ceremonies and auctioneer. Committee Members: Elaine Michael, Chair, David Mack Co-chair, Hope Drummond, Susan Salvador, Frances Dearing, Donna Cox, Matt Fox, Kim Canfield, Joyce Medwin, Dan D’Angelo. 19th Annual Scholarship Open – July 14, 2003 Tournament underwriting at record levels: $40,300 to date, a 72% increase over the 2002 total ($23,500) Page 2 Monroe Community College Foundation Activity Report Summary April 2003 – May 2003 Sponsors to date include: Toyota Motor Sales, USA $15,000 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. 5,000 The Pike Company 5,000 M/E Engineering 4,000 M&T Bank 3,000 Business Methods 2,500 SWBR & Parrone Engineering 1,500 Burns Personnel 1,000 Christa Construction 600 A.A.C. Contracting, Inc. 600 Somerset Builders, Inc. 600 Kimmel Co. 500 Aramark 500 Cable-Wiedemer, Inc. 500 Twenty foursomes sold to date (out of possible 34). PGA Touring pro Gregg Twiggs will hold golf clinic prior to tournament start. Committee Members: Dennis Bassett, Chair, Justin Smith, John Kraus, Peter Buckley, Don Jeffries, Holly LeSchander, Donna Gillespie, Don Hilliard. Salute to Excellence Event committee to be chaired by Arnold Klinsky. Committee looking to honor Daniel Carp, Eastman Kodak Company Chairman and CEO, as this year’s Salute to Excellence honoree. OBJECTIVES JULY 2003 – SEPTEMBER 2003 ALUMNI Complete the alumni issue of Foundations. Recruit new volunteers to serve event planning and Welcome Day needs. Invite top alumni annual fund donors to campus for tours of new campus. Secure $50,000 in capital campaign pledges. Hold two alumni luncheons in the new Campus Center. Select four inductees for the Alumni Hall of Fame, recognize all nominees. Hold two off-campus events for alumni in the community. ANNUAL FUND Finalize direct mail and telemarketing phases of Annual Fund 2002-2003. Concentrate on fulfillment of all pledges. Achieve 100% Board member participation. Begin preparations for 2003-2004 Annual Fund. BOARD GOVERNANCE Plan new board member orientation. Conduct annual board survey. Form complementary organization to recruit and keep past board members focused and involved. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Close a minimum of three remaining Major Gifts Division prospects. Page 3 Monroe Community College Foundation Activity Report Summary April 2003 – May 2003 Prepare data file and submit to for electronic screening. Develop plan for approaching private foundations. Complete three remaining Leadership Division solicitations. Implement plans for Special Gifts Division as outlined in each strategy/timeline. DONOR RELATIONS Prepare endowment reports for donors. FINANCE Complete financial statements for third quarter ending May 28, 2003. Begin clean-up process for duplicate records in ADS to work towards migration to Banner. Complete third quarter Investment Activity Report. Transfer monies in investment accounts to achieve target asset allocation. Establish sub-committee to review Endowment Spending Policy and transfers to college. PLANNED GIVING Develop committee to promote/secure planned gifts. Secure two new planned gifts. Make plans for the Alice Holloway Young recognition luncheon. Include planned giving concepts in Foundation publications when possible. PUBLIC RELATIONS Production of the summer issue of Foundations. Production of the 2002-2003 annual report. Donor Wall photography selected. Scholarship Open media advisory. Develop communications strategies by segment for 2003-2004. SCHOLARSHIPS Award letters out to Thompson Scholarship recipients. Initiate system for students whereby they can thank the donors of their scholarships via e-mail to scholarship manager at Foundation. SPECIAL EVENTS 19th Annual Scholarship Open Continue event planning and coordination. Continue to solicit support from underwriters and community. Sell all available tournament foursomes (34). Hold successful event on July 14! Salute to Excellence Secure keynote speaker. Begin committee meetings. Gold Star Gala Establish Committee. Page 4