Council for the Advancement of Student Learning (CASL) November 10, 2008 Present: Arden Weaver, Jackie Millslagle, Wayne Jesswein, Bruce Munson, Jerry Pepper, Julie Westlund, Geoff Bell. Jackie distributed the main document completed by the team that went to the HLC Academy Rountable. Part of the document is a timeline for implementation that needs refinement and input from all CASL members. The plan must be filed with HLC by February, 2009. The first item on the timeline was the development of the plan in sufficient detail to be distributed to the campus – suggested target date was December 10. Jackie will draft the document, including forms, instructions, etc., and circulated this week so CASL members can review and be prepared for discussion at the November 24 meeting. The Roundtable team came away from the experience convinced we need more faculty on CASL as we move forward with planning. The group agreed to change representation from an EPC and at-large representative, to one faculty representative from each academic unit (Olaf and Geoff will represent CLA and LSBE). Representatives for CEHSP, SFA, and SCSE will be added. A Student Affairs representative will be invited, seeking nominations from the Professional Advisors Group. Members decided not to add students at this time, but will likely do so for next year, and recommended that Jackie meet with the Student Association to keep them informed. Jackie distributed a bibliography of assessment materials available for checkout, and asked for requests for further purchases (we have $100 gift certificate with Amazon). Members suggested the online seminars be opened up to the campus; Jackie will try and find a larger venue. Jackie Millslagle, Recorder