نماذج امتحانات

Exam – Principles of biochemistry
1.Enzymes require complex organic or metallo-organic molecule called ……………… .
(a) cofactor
(b) coenzyme
(c) apoenzyme
(d) prosthetic group
2.A complete catalytical active enzyme together with its bound coenzyme and/or
metal ions is called ………………… .
(a) apoenzyme
(b) apoprotein
(c) holoenzyme
(d) cofactor
3. ……………………… enzymes catalyzed transfer of electrons.
(a) Transferases
(b) Oxidoreductases
(c) Hydrolases
(d) Isomerases
4. Enzymes catalyzed group transfer reactions are called …………………………. .
(a) Transferases
(b) Oxidoreductases
(c) Hydrolases
(d) Isomerases
5. ……………………… enzymes catalyzed hydrolysis reactions.
(a) Transferases
(b) Oxidoreductases
(c) Hydrolases
(d) Isomerases
6. Enzymes catalyzed transfer of groups within molecules to yield isomeric forms are
called …………………………. .
(a) Transferases
(b) Oxidoreductases
(c) Hydrolases
(d) Isomerases
7. The molecule that is bound in the active site and acted upon by the enzyme is
called the …………………… .
(a) inhibitor
(b) product
(c) substrate
(d) coenzyme
8. …………………… bind at a separate site of an enzyme but bind only to ES complex .
(a) Competitive inhibitor
(b) Uncompetitive inhibitor
(c) Mixed inhibitor
(d) Inhibitor
9. …………………… bind at the active site of an enzyme .
(a) Competitive inhibitor
(b) Uncompetitive inhibitor
(c) Mixed inhibitor
(d) Inhibitor
10. …………………… bind at a separate site of an enzyme but may bind to either E or ES
complex ..
(a) Competitive inhibitor
(b) Uncompetitive inhibitor
(c) Mixed inhibitor
(d) Inhibitor