By AHMED K. SALAMA, KHALED A. OSMAN AND NEAMA A. GUDA Faculty of Science, Majmaah University and Alexandria University This report is based upon work supported by the Basic Science Research Unit, Scientific Research Deanship, Majmaah University 1435 H. Environmental pollution has been increased because of the human activities including emission, effluents and solid discharge from industries, vehicle exhaustion, smelting and mining and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers. Soil contamination by metals is the most critical environmental problems as it poses significant impacts to the human health and ecosystems. Metals are able to infiltrate deep into the layer of underground waters. Metals in the soil subsequently enter the human food web through plants and they constitute risk to the ecosystem as they tend to bio-accumulate and can be transferred from one food chain to another. Soil contamination by metals is one of the most critical environmental problems. The currently used techniques either landfilling or metal extraction using toxic agents as well as the use of metal-chelating bio-surfactant for soil remedy need to be replaced by green technology solution. Therefore, the research was designated to study the ability of plants to bio-accumulate, translocate and remove some metals such as zinc, copper, lead and cadmium from contaminated soil. This method does not usually produce toxic by-products. It is also cheaper and effective technology with minimal impact on the environment and can be easily used for soil remedy. Soil were sieved, dried and the pH value and organic matter were determined. Seedlings of herbal plants were cultivated in pots containing 100 g soil without any fertilizer and the plant left to grow under greenhouse conditions. Metal salts of copper carbonate, zinc carbonate, lead hydroxide carbonate and cadmium nitrate at different concentration levels of 0, 100, 200, 400 and 600 µg/g soil were spiked into the soil. Plants were removed after 60 days and divided into roots and shoots. Plant and soil samples were dried at 105 °C in an oven for 24 h and powdered and digested with nitric acid. Samples were put in a muffle furnace at 600°C for ashing. The ash was rinsed with 1.0 M nitric acid and filtered to be ready for analysis. Samples of plant and soil were subsequently analyzed for heavy metal contents, as dry weight basis, using an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Measurements were made using the hollow cathode lamps for Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd at the proper wavelength. Working solutions were prepared by dilution just before the use of standard solutions for atomic absorption spectroscopy (1000 ppm). For the determination, two solutions were prepared for each sample and three separate readings were made for each solution. The means of these figures were used to calculate the concentrations. Mechanism of phytoremediation: Phytoextraction (Phytoaccumulation): Uptake and translocation of metals by plant roots into the above ground portions of the plants. Rhizofiltration: Adsorption of metals onto the plant roots. Phytovolatilization: Uptake metals from the soil and transforming them into less or non toxic volatile forms into the atmosphere. Phytostabilization: Immobilize metals in the soil through absorption and accumulation by roots or adsorption onto roots. Phytodegradation: Transformation of complex molecules to simple forms or incorporation of these molecules into plant tissues. The plant used changes the soil chemistry because it releases organic exudates from roots which can partially dissolve tightly bound forms of metals and facilitate the metals uptake. Soil-plant transfer index was calculated as metal concs. in plant to metal concs. in soil. This value was more than 1.0 in case of all tested metals. The results explained that the investigated herbal plant is a good accumulator for Cu, Zn, Pb or Cd. The mechanism of soil remedy using the investigated plant is phytoextraction where it is able to uptake and translocate Cu, Zn, Pb, or Cd by plant roots into the above ground portions. The method offers green technology solution to the problem because it does not usually produce toxic by-products. It is also cheaper and effective technologies with minimal impact on the environment and can be easily used for soil remedy. Thank you all