Maps, GIS, and the Environment Geography 210/Environmental Science 210 Course Materials Spring 2012 2 Table of Contents Lab activities for week one (computer competency) ______________________________________________ 5 Cartography Section _______________________________________________________________________ 7 Lecture topic outline ____________________________________________________________________ 9 Lecture slides _________________________________________________________________________ 11 Cartography lab _______________________________________________________________________ 25 Cartography ancillary reading sources______________________________________________________ 39 Introduction to GIS Section ________________________________________________________________ 41 Lecture topic outline ___________________________________________________________________ 43 Introduction to GIS lecture slides _________________________________________________________ 45 Introduction to GIS ancillary reading ______________________________________________________ 53 Hydrology Section _______________________________________________________________________ 55 Lecture topic outline ___________________________________________________________________ 57 Lecture slides _________________________________________________________________________ 59 Hydrology work problems _______________________________________________________________ 69 Graph paper for stream profiles ___________________________________________________________ 79 Soil Science Section ______________________________________________________________________ 85 Lecture topic outline ___________________________________________________________________ 87 Lecture slides _________________________________________________________________________ 89 Soil science required reading ____________________________________________________________ 101 Terrain modeling lecture slides __________________________________________________________ 103 GIS modeling ancillary reading sources ___________________________________________________ 113 Land Use Planning Section ________________________________________________________________ 115 Lecture topic outline __________________________________________________________________ 117 Lecture slides ________________________________________________________________________ 119 Land use planning required reading _______________________________________________________ 121 Documents for Land Use Planning Project _________________________________________________ 123 Biogeography, Conservation, Wetlands Section _______________________________________________ 125 Lecture topic outline __________________________________________________________________ 127 Lecture slides ________________________________________________________________________ 129 Biogeography, conservation, wetlands required reading _______________________________________ 135 3 4 Required computer competency- quiz/review on these basic skills in lab during the first week You should be able to do the following operations in the Windows environment: Windows Explorer navigating through directories (folders) making new directories copying, deleting, moving files and directories Windows understand pathways (URLs) and be able to write pathways minimizing/maximizing windows moving windows basic menu skills opening, closing, saving files undoing, redoing 5 6 CARTOGRAPHY Cartography lecture topic outline Cartography lecture slides Cartography lab exercise Cartography ancillary reading list 7 8 Lecture Topic Outline: Cartography I. II. Definition of a cartographic map A. representation of a portion of the earth 1. differs from photographs Cartographic maps are comprised of two components A. reference system 1. allows for an accurate representation and for locating features B. geographic information 1. the information portrayed in the map III. Reference Systems A. Components of a georeferencing system 1. earth model i. spheres ii. ellipsoids 2. datums i. general purpose ii. geodetic iii. global 3. projections i. types a. azimuthal, cylindrical, conic ii. orientation a. tangent, secant iii. distortion a. conformal b. equivalent iv. standard lines 4. coordinates i. origin ii. easting, northing IV. Examples of georeferencing systems A. Geographic Coordinates (unprojected) 1. longitude, latitude i. equator, prime meridian ii. degrees and decimal degrees B. Universal Transverse Mercator system (UTM) C. State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) V. VI. Scales A. graphical scale B. representative fraction Depicting geographic features on a map A. Graphical representations for discontinuous features 1. points, lines, areas (polygons) B. Abstract representations for continuous properties 1. contour lines 2. gradients 9 C. Spatial relationships 1. topological 2. proximal 3. connectivity 10 Cartography Lecture Slides 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Cartography Lab Geography/Environmental Science 210 Goals: I. Understand the four principal components of a reference system. A reference system is comprised of specific elements that allow a cartographer to accurately depict the surface of the earth. 1) earth model 2) datum 3) projections 4) coordinates II. Understand three commonly used reference systems (below). In particular, understand what kind of projection each uses (if any), and how to use the coordinates of each. [Sometimes reference systems are called georeference systems, or coordinate systems. Try not to get confused about these different terms.] 1) Geographic Coordinates System 2) Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) 3) State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) for Washington III. Understand different ways that geographic information may be depicted on a map. This includes the use of points, lines, and polygons as graphical elements, and the use of contours lines and chloropleths for continuous properties. This also includes ways of categorizing features and corresponding methods of display for depicting the categorical relationships. Categorical relationships that we are particularly concerned with are nominal, ordinal, and ratio relationships. 25 PART I: Homework- The Components of a Reference System A. The Earth Model A sphere may be used to represent the earth but more commonly an ellipsoid or a geoid (geometric shape that depicts strength of earth’s gravity) is used, because the earth is not perfectly round, but bulges at the equator. Ellipsoids are geometric shapes that bulge at their “equator.” Ellipsoids are described by two parameters: the semi-major axis (a, equatorial radius-from center out to equator) and semi-minor axis (b, polar radius- from center out to a pole). The “flatness” of an ellipse, or the amount that it bulges is described by flattening (f). f = (a-b)/a U.S. cartographers have, for a long time, used the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid (developed by Clarke in 1866…). More accurate ellipsoids now exist, such as the WGS84 ellipsoid, or the GRS80. 1) Calculate the flattening for the WGS84 ellipsoid: semi-major axis = 6378137.0 meters, semiminor axis = 6356752.3142. 2) Calculate the flattening for the ellipse on the next page by measuring the two axes. Use a ruler to draw the two axes directly on the ellipse and then measure the axes, using millimeters as units. 3) Given your two answers above is the shape of the earth flattened much? Do you think you could see the flattening from space? 26 27 B. Datums A datum may be defined as a reference point. Sea level for example serves as a vertical datum when expressing elevation (i.e. a location is so many feet above sea level). The purpose of the datum concept in cartography is to identify a surveyed point (or points) on the earth that can be placed on the reference ellipsoid so that the ellipsoid is “anchored” to the earth. We can then place features on the map (like mountains or roads) relative to the datum point (or points) and be assured that these features are in the right place relative to each other. [The term geodetic datum has a slightly different connotation and generally refers to a specific reference ellipsoid and the system of points that anchor it to the earth.] 1) Draw a square. This square represents the shape of our computer classroom, just like an ellipsoid represents the shape of the earth. Now draw a figure of yourself in the square to scale (approximately) that accurately depicts where you usually sit in the room. 2) Explain how you know where to place the figure in the square so that it was positioned accurately? [Chances are, you established a datum. You probably thought, “I’ll let the upper left corner of the square be the front-left corner of the room. This “tie-point” is a datum. It is a point common to the earth and the reference shape. Once a common point is established then the reference shape can be populated with features positioned relative to the datum points (like the sketch of you). Understand? If not, get help from me] 28 Geodetic datums usually use multiple points to “anchor” the ellipsoid to the earth. Some use the center of gravity of the earth as the common point between the ellipsoid and the earth. For a long time the common geodetic datum used in the US was the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27). NAD27 uses the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid, which is tied to the earth via a datum point at sea level in Kansas at a place called Meade Ranch. Now other geodetic datums are in use in the US, such as NAD83. C. Projections Once a reference ellipsoid is populated with features (positioned relative to a datum point, or points) these features must be transferred somehow to a flat surface, which the ellipsoid is not. This is the process of projection. The three types of surfaces that cartographers use to “project” points onto from a reference ellipsoid are cylinders, cones, and planes. An important point to understand is that when a point is projected onto a surface its distance to other points is changed, producing distortion. The only place distortion does not occur is where the projection surface touches the reference ellipsoid. This contact line is called a standard line and it is the only place on the map surface that shows features undistorted. Different types of projections distort in different ways (as you’ll see in the problem below). Cartographers carefully choose projections when making a map to minimize distortion in the area of interest. 1) For this problem we’ll work with a cylindrical projection and the figure on the next page. On each of the circles circumscribing the ellipsoid (the “circle”) draw five points equally spaced along each line. Now “project” these points onto the cylinder surface. [For the circle at the “equator” of the ellipsoid no projection is necessary; the circle and the projection surface are one in the same. To project the points from the smaller circle, simply distribute them evenly along the entire length of the gray circle above on the cylinder and draw a dashed line between each point on the ellipsoid and its corresponding point on the cylinder.] 29 Which of the two circles on the cylinder represents a standard line and why? Cylindrical projections like this are called conformal because they preserve the shape of features. Does your projection confirm this (are the points still arranged in a line on the cylinder as they are on the ellipsoid)? Projection methods that preserve area of shapes and distance between points are called equal area projections. Can we consider the cylindrical projection here an equal area projection? Why or why not? 30 D. Coordinates Coordinates enable us to locate points on a map. They consist of “horizontal” and “vertical” lines that produce a grid. The “horizontal” lines are called northings and the “vertical” ones are called eastings. Each line has a value relative to a starting point called the origin, which would have a value of zero. The origin is the actual point where the easting and northing of zero value intersect. 1) For this problem draw a simple map of your block or neighborhood (don’t worry about using an earth model or projection). Then superimpose on the map a grid of eastings and northings to produce a grid. Identify the origin and label the successive eastings and northings with either numbers or letters. 2) Now use your coordinate grid to identify the location of three features on your map. Locations are reported in coordinate pairs, with the northing listed first. 31 PART II. Common reference systems A. Geographic Coordinates System The Geographic Coordinates System (GCS) is a widely used reference system and also a simple one to understand. A grid of eastings and northings are laid on the earth according to geometric principles. The northings are called latitude and the eastings, longitude. The value of longitude and latitude are expressed as degrees, as shown in the figure below. Height is another parameter that can be included. The origin is defined as the intersection of a specific easting and northing set, the prime meridian and the equator. The earth is divided into two sets of hemispheres, the northern and southern, and the western and eastern. Latitude starts at 0 at the equator and increases to 90 at the poles. Longitude starts at 0 at the prime meridian and increases to 180 in either direction. 32 Each degree is divided into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds to provide finer resolution of position. Finally, latitude and longitude values may be plotted as a grid on a flat surface irrespective of projection. This is system is often described as unprojected. 1) On the world map determine the coordinate pairs that describe the locations of the following great cosmopolitan cities of the world: London Tokyo Paris New York Tacoma, City of Destiny 2) On the Mount Rainier map list the coordinate pair that describes the location of Little Tahoma Peak, the summit. List as precisely as possible (i.e. include minutes). B. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) This is a much more complicated system to understand, but it is very easy to use. UTM divides the reference ellipsoid into 60 Zones. They look like orange slices. 33 Each zone is then projected using a secant tranverse mercator method, which is a cylindrical projection. By projecting each zone independently distortion in each zone is minimized. A grid is then laid on the projected surface. For the north part of the Zones the northings begin at 0 at the equator and increase northward, in meters. For eastings, a central meridian is drawn through the Zone and given a value of 500 km. Eastings values are expressed relative to this meridian. As indicated here, coordinate pairs for a given UTM zone are reported in meters. 1) On the Mount Rainier map express the location of Little Tahoma Peak in UTM coordinates. C. State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) Finally, individual states in the US typically have a standard reference system that they use internally. It is usually a “custom” system comprised of a standard reference ellipsoid with a projection that minimizes distortion within the area of the state. A grid in the units of feet is then laid down on the projected surface. Washington uses a conic projection. It also splits the state into a North Zone and a South Zone and then projects them independently. The origin for the coordinate grid is a point offshore to the southwest of the state. Northings and eastings then increase north and east respectively from this origin using the units of feet. Because Washington is a pretty big state coordinate pairs are usually very high numbers. Around Tacoma they are in millions of feet. 1) Express the location of Little Tahoma Peak on the Mount Rainier map in SPCS units. D. Grand Finale Well-made maps always provide information about the reference system for the map user. Using the Mount Rainier map look for information about the reference system and describe it for me. Include the geodetic datum (not the elevation datum), projection, and different coordinates that are plotted on the map. PART III. Depicting geographic information A. Discontinuous vs. continuous properties Features that have discrete boundaries are referred to as discontinuous and are easy to represent on maps using points, lines, and polygons. 1) Choose one the following maps and provide two examples of features that are depicted as points, lines, and polygons (Nautical Chart of the North Sound; Soils Map of Pierce County, Geologic Map of Mount Rainier). Points: Lines: Polygons: 35 Features that continuous (e.g. elevation, depth, temperature, humidity) must be represented in other ways. Contour lines depict changes in a continuous property. Contour lines are drawn with a particular contour interval (amount of change between lines). Also note that all points on a single contour line have the same value. 2) On the Mount Rainier map study the contour lines, which here depict elevation, and answer the following questions. a) What is the contour interval on this map? b) What is the change in elevation from Paradise Visitor Center to Camp Muir? c) The closer contour lines are to one another the more abrupt the change in value. Briefly describe a hike from Paradise Visitor Center to Camp Muir with respect to how the slope would vary in steepness. 3) Another way to depict changes in a continuous property is by chloropleths. The changes in color correspond to changes in value. Study the map of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and answer the following questions. a) Moving from west to east how does the depth of the seafloor change? b) Which do you find easier to use, contour lines or chloropleths? 36 B. Categorizing geographic features based on their relationships to one another To enhance communication geographic features are usually categorized and the way in which they are displayed follows the categorization. Nominal categorization refers to the identification of features based on unique attributes, such as individual city name. Unique symbols on the map represent features nominally categorized. Ordinal categorization refers to ranking features according to a common attribute, such as land areas relative to the amount of forest cover (none to densely forested). Symbols for ordinally categorized features are usually different colors or textures or line thicknesses. The key is that the differences between symbols represent qualitative (not quantitative) differences between the features. Ratio categorization is based on values of an attribute measured on an absolute scale, such as cities categorized by population level, or properties based on value. Usually symbols that show a visual gradation (dark to light symbols or thin to thick lines) are used to represent features organized by a ratio categorization. The key is that differences in gradation of the symbols represents numerical differences in the features. 1) Using any of the maps we examined (or any on the walls), provide an example of features that are categorized by each of the methods outlined above. In addition, describe how the map communicates the categorization (for cities of different populations for example, the larger the city the larger the dot could be that presents it). Nominal Ordinal Ratio 37 38 “Cartography” ancillary reading sources Books on hold at the TCC library: 1) Chrisman, Nicholas. 2002. Exploring Geographic Information Systems. 2nd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. Chapter 1, especially pp. 20-33. 2) Clarke, Keith. 1997. Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Chapter 2 3) Delaney, Julie. 1999. Geographical Information Systems, An Introduction. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. Chapter 5. Web: The Geographers Craft is a web site at the University of Colorado devoted to geography. Follow the “lecture and discussion notes” link and scroll through the topics. Ones relevant to our study in cartography are: a) Coordinate Systems b) Geodetic datums c) Map projections 39 40 INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) Intro to GIS lecture topic outline Intro to GIS lecture slides Intro to GIS ancillary reading 41 42 Lecture Topic Outline: Introduction to GIS I. II. Description of GIS A. Association of graphical and descriptive geographic data 1. necessarily requires hardware, software, a user, and information input B. Topology 1. what surrounds a feature C. Dynamic environment 1. allows for displaying, querying, and manipulating the data Uses of GIS A. types of tasks 1. inventory 2. manage 3. make decisions 4. predict outcomes (i.e. planning) B. industries that use GIS 1. utility companies 2. municipalities 3. transportation and shipping 4. forestry 5. mineral and other natural resources 6. marketers 7. farmers III. Structuring geographic data in a GIS A. descriptive data is stored as tables with the following elements 1. attribute 2. record 3. data file (table) B. graphical data is treated in two ways 1. vector method i. depicts a feature or property as discontinuous ii. points, lines (arcs), polygons (areas) 2. raster method i. depicts a property as continuous ii. pixels C. the two types of data are linked in a relational database 1. linking records by a primary key IV. Common GIS analytical techniques A. Basic tools 1. querying 2. reclassifying 3. measuring 4. reporting B. Geoprocessing tools 1. buffering 2. extracting 3. merging 4. erasing 5. point operations for raster structured data 43 44 Intro to GIS lecture slides 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 “Introduction to GIS” ancillary reading Books on hold at the TCC library: 1) Clarke, Keith. 1997. Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Chapter 3 2) Delaney, Julie. 1999. Geographical Information Systems, An Introduction. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. Chapters 1-2 Web: The Geographers Craft is a web site at the University of Colorado devoted to geography. Follow the “lecture and discussion notes” link and scroll through the topics. The one relevant to the topics in this section is: a) Database Concepts: Issues of Modeling and Representation 53 54 HYDROLOGY Hydrology lecture topic outline Hydrology lecture slides Hydrology work problems: recurrence interval, stream discharge 55 56 Lecture Topic Outline: Hydrology I. II. Hydrologic cycle Concept of a watershed III. Stream anatomy IV. Capacity and Competence V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Channel Structure A. bed, levee, overbank (floodplain) B. meandering streams, braided streams Streamflow and Channel variables A. Discharge = Width x Depth x Velocity 1. units are in cubic meters or feet per second Flooding A. bankfull discharge B. levees, floodplain C. factors effecting increased runoff leading to flooding 1. soil infiltration rates i. saturation, frozen soils 2. degree of slope 3. vegetation 4. urbanization i. capped soils, storm drain input, lack of floodways (wetlands that absorb flood waters) 5. concept of lagtime and factors contributing to it Flood Control/Floodplain management A. artificial levees 1. problems: overtopping, pore pressure, saturation B. floodwalls C. natural or engineered floodways D. dams E. zoning according to flood patterns Flood patterns A. Hydrographs 1. gauging stations, record stage height i. stage height can be correlated to discharge B. recurrence intervals C. R = (N+1)/M 1. R is recurrence interval, N years in record, M is rank of event 2. recurrence interval is average time between events D. Discharge frequency curve 1. used to communicate recurrence intervals 2. bankfull discharge typically occurs every 1.5-2.5 years for most stream systems E. flood hazard maps 1. relate stage height to local topography 2. elevation corresponding to specific flood magnitudes may then be determined 3. flood plain zoning 57 58 Hydrology lecture slides 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Hydrology work problems: recurrence interval, stream discharge 69 70 Recurrence interval calculations Flood frequency 1) Recurrence interval for a given peak discharge is: R= (N+1)/M R is recurrence interval; N years in record; M is rank of event (from high to low) 2) Discharge frequency curve is compiled from the discharge plotted against the recurrence interval for each event. 3) The line or curve that these points make may be extrapolated to predict larger, less frequent flood events. [Probability for any given year may be calculated by dividing one by the flood recurrence interval (e.g. 1/10=0.1)] 71 72 Water Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Peak Streamflow (cfs) 17,700 21,100 25,800 20,700 31,400 32,600 33,300 6,560 40,600 10,300 17,000 24,900 28,000 19,600 37,100 17,400 34,400 43,800 16,300 16,000 44,800 41,900 11,900 12,700 9,040 19,200 46,700 22,800 14,500 23,900 23,500 9,250 16,000 21,100 16,100 29,600 20,400 39,700 15,200 Gage Height (feet) 18.48 19.84 21.6 19.82 23.46 23.87 24.6 13.51 27.2 15.5 18.4 21.56 22.78 19.56 26.01 18.77 24.94 27.74 18.58 18.56 28.04 27.19 16.43 16.79 15.08 19.58 29.77 21.99 18.91 22.22 22.18 15.68 19.24 21.5 19.26 24.98 21.2 28.69 19.09 73 Water year 1977 1994 2001 1979 1992 1993 1998 2008 1989 2002 2004 1988 1980 1985 1970 1995 1983 2006 1973 1971 2003 1997 2000 1999 1981 1972 1982 2005 1974 1975 1976 1986 1984 2007 1978 1991 1987 1990 1996 Gage height (ft) 13.51 15.08 15.68 15.5 16.43 16.79 18.91 19.09 18.56 19.24 19.26 18.58 18.4 18.77 18.48 19.58 19.56 21.2 19.82 19.84 21.5 21.99 22.18 22.22 21.56 21.6 22.78 24.98 23.46 23.87 24.6 24.94 26.01 28.69 27.2 27.19 27.74 28.04 29.77 Peak streamflow (cfs) 6,560 9,040 9,250 10,300 11,900 12,700 14,500 15,200 16,000 16,000 16,100 16,300 17,000 17,400 17,700 19,200 19,600 20,400 20,700 21,100 21,100 22,800 23,500 23,900 24,900 25,800 28,000 29,600 31,400 32,600 33,300 34,400 37,100 39,700 40,600 41,900 43,800 44,800 46,700 Rank Recurrence interval 74 Stream gauging technique The basic approach is to estimate the area of a stream channel and multiply that by the velocity to give discharge (in volume per unit time). The technique involves breaking the stream into smaller areas, determining the velocity of the current in those areas, calculating discharge and then adding the discharge values of these areas together. See the series of figures following this page to visualize this technique. Steps: 1) Choose a length of stream where the current appears uniform across the channel (e.g. towards the end of pool). 2) Divide the cross section into increments (20-30). 3) Measure depth in the middle of each increment. 4) Measure velocity for each increment at 0.6 times the incremental depth (this is the depth where the mean velocity occurs). 5) Multiply velocity by incremental depth and incremental width; sum values. For our in-class exercise, we will use a simplified example just to get a general idea of how stream gauging is done. The key part to understand is that we divide the stream into increments and calculate discharge separately for each increment and then add them all together for total discharge. Directions: On the graph paper, the solid line represents a profile of a stream bed. Consider each cell in the horizontal direction as the width of the increment (twenty total). How deep does each increment go? Choose the bottom of the increment as being the depth of the stream bed in the middle of the cell (draw a line across each cell to mark this depth of the increment). The dashed line represents 0.6 times the total depth. This dashed line is just for reference- you don’t need to use it in this example problem After you have defined the bottom of each increment, calculate the area for each (width times depthnote the different scales on the two axes). Put this number under the number I’ve provided below. The number I gave you below each increment is the hypothetical velocity in ft/s. Now multiply the velocity by the area (=discharge) and write this number below the area. Units will be cubic feet/second. Do this for each increment. Total the incremental discharges for a total discharge. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 SOIL SCIENCE Soil science lecture topic outline Soil science lecture slides Soil science reading GIS modeling ancillary reading sources 85 86 Lecture Topic Outline: Soils I. II. The Pedosphere 1. Results from interaction of lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere 2. Soil as a resource i. Agriculture ii. Water reservoir iii. Carbon sink iv. Enhances infiltration Weathering of rock A. Physical weathering 1. frost weathering 2. thermal expansion/contraction B. Chemical weathering 1. hydrolysis i. carbonic acid (from CO2 and H2O reacting) and organic acids 2. oxidation 3. chemical weathering often results in the formation of secondary or alteration minerals from primary minerals i. FeSiO6 (pyroxene) a. hydrolysis liberates the Fe which then oxidizes into Fe2O3 (hematite) ii. KalSi3O8 (feldspar) a. hydrolysis liberates the elements which then react to form KAlSi4O10(OH) 2 (Illite- a clay) 4. quartz (SiO2) is the most resistant mineral to chemical weathering III. Soil formation A. soils develop where erosion does not occur B. additions 1. organic matter (humus) from the biosphere 2. nitrogen from the atmosphere 3. mineral grains and dissolved ions from the lithosphere and hydrosphere C. subtractions 1. dissolution of ions from organic and mineral material and loss of them into groundwater D. translocation 1. materials dissolved/weathered in top of profile and then precipitated lower down i. primary minerals weather in the upper horizons and alteration minerals (e.g. oxides) precipitate lower down a. desert soils tend to show precipitated calcite in the lower parts of the soil E. transportation 1. physical movement of material down a soil profile i. the middle layers of soils tend to be enriched in clay that formed in the upper layers and then washed down IV. Soil profile A. O, A, B, and C horizons 1. O = organic matter lying on top 2. A = organics mixed with minerals 3. B = weathered products and dissolved materials from O and A are deposited in this horizon 4. C = largely unweathered parent material 5. other horizons i. some soils have horizons unique to that soil type such as: a. Bk horizons – a layer of cement-like calcite seen in desert soils b. E horizon- a layer of highly leached lower A horizon- appears white 87 c. V. VI. Soil development A. Hans Jenny and the state factor equation 1. Soil = f(CLORPT) i. Cl- climate ii. O- organisms iii. R- relief iv. P- parent material v. T- time 2. soils should be predictable based on these variables Soil taxonomy- the great Soil Orders A. classifies soils according their profile attributes (which in turn relate to the clorpt variables) 1. 1) Alfisols, 2) Andisols, 3) Aridosols, 4) Entisols, 5) Histosols, 6) Inceptisols, 7) Mollisols, 8) Oxisols, 9) Spodosols, 10) Ultisols, 11) Vertisols VII. A. B. C. D. E. VIII. IX. Duripan horizon- a layer of dense silica found in some desert soils Physical properties (optional topic) Texture Structure Density Porosity Color Soil maps (optional topic) A. National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 1. generates soil maps that depict soil types in a region i. local soil types are identified and described with respect to texture of the soil and its agricultural and engineering qualities Select issues in soil science (optional topic) A. Soil erosion 1. sheetwash erosion 2. rills and gullies 3. desertification i. exposure dries soil ii. plants reduced, soil hardens iii. hardening reduces infiltration so surface runoff increases B. Soil as a carbon reservoir 1. CO2 is a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere causing it to retain heat 2. the cycling of CO2 is part of the carbon cycle, the movement of carbon from the atmosphere to the oceans and lithosphere and back to the atmosphere 3. CO2 is stored in soil - as we add more CO2 to the atmosphere through consumption of fossil fuels some CO2 is trapped in soil lessening the impact of global warming i. the growth of plant tissue adds CO2 soils a. 6CO2+6H2O+sunlight = C6H12O6+6O2 4. how much CO2 do the worlds soils hold?- only loosely estimated 88 Soil science lecture slides 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Soil science required reading 101 102 Terrain Modeling lecture slides 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 GIS modeling ancillary reading sources Books on hold at the TCC library: 1) Delaney, Julie. 1999. Geographical Information Systems, An Introduction. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. Chapter 13 113 114 LAND USE PLANNING Land use planning lecture topic outline Land use planning lecture slides Land use planning required reading Documents for Land Use Planning Project 115 116 Lecture Topic Outline: Land Use Planning I. II. Definition A. “Development in relation to the community’s current and future well being” (Honachefsky, 2000) B. Modern land use planning is a component of growth management and attempts to balance many parameters associated with growth C. We will study this topic by examining county level planning actions D. Basic strategy 1. formulate planning strategies at the government level 2. implement plans by legislation and zoning i. zoning describes the permissible use of land for specific purposes at the present time Growth A. The growth of any community is a complex process and difficult to control B. Uncontrolled growth (and lack of land use planning) results in decrease in quality of life 1. sprawl i. unsightly ii. expensive for taxpayers because high level services are expected 2. property values lowered 3. inefficient transit 4. loss of business and industry 5. impacts from environmental hazards 6. environmental degradation i. watershed impacts, lack of open space C. Growth Management Act of State of Washington 1990 1. required all counties to design and implement a growth management plan i. identified 13 goals for county to address/meet (see handout) a. many of these are directly land use related II.C.1.i.a.1. open space and recreation II.C.1.i.a.2. historic preservation II.C.1.i.a.3. environmental quality II.C.1.i.a.4. natural resource industries II.C.1.i.a.5. urban growth/reducing sprawl II.C.1.i.a.6. housing 2. Pierce County Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1994 i. plan addresses two decades of growth ii. goals a. expand economic development b. cheap government c. contain sprawl d. allow public voice e. increase housing choices f. preserve resource lands, rural lands, ecologically fragile lands g. balance growth and environmental protection iii. identifies nine “elements” to guide all planning a. Land Use b. Rural Lands c. Housing d. Utilities e. Capital Facilities f. Transportation g. Economic Development h. Environment (including Historic preservation issues) i. Community Plans 117 III. Land Use related elements in the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan A. Land Use Element 1. recognition of basic land use practices i. urban growth areas a. dense housing b. significant development already in place c. expensive urban services already in place ii. urban growth boundaries a. legislated boundaries to contain urban growth iii. rural areas a. agricultural areas b. low density housing iv. resource lands a. lands that yield economic benefits (e.g. working forests) v. open space a. wildlife habitat/recreational areas B. Environmental and Critical Areas Element 1. management of sensitive areas, recognition of hazards, aesthetic preservation, human health i. wetlands ii. aquifer recharge iii. habitat preservation iv. geologic hazards (slope stability, flooding, volcanoes, seismicity) v. watersheds C. Rural Lands Element 1. maintenance of the rural landscape and economy i. avoid high level urban services ii. preserve the rural economy iii. restrictions on residential density iv. encourage rural centers instead of sprawl IV. Ecologically Based Land Use Planning A. Emphasis on ecosystem health in planning 1. many planning goals are directly related to ecosystem health i. air and water quality (human health) ii. preservation of aesthetic elements iii. recreation related to wildlife and open spaces iv. containment of urban growth 2. by maintaining ecosystem health many planning goals are met 3. examples of strategies i. watersheds as a unit of management rather than political entities ii. priorities placed on open spaces and maintenance of wildlife habitat iii. minimizing pollution related to infrastructure (e.g. runoff from impervious surfaces) V. Regulations driven planning A. There are many environmental regulations that restrict or otherwise impact development/land use 1. wetlands regulations 2. endangered species habitat 118 Land use planning lecture slides 119 120 Land use planning required reading 1) Environmental Geology (Keller, 1999) 2) Ecologically Based Municipal Land Use Planning (Honachefsky, 2000) 3) Synopsis: Pierce County’s Comprehensive Plan (Citizen’s Advisory Group, 1994) 4) Pierce County’s Comprehensive Plan (1994) “Introduction” “Why Plan?” “Legislation” “Pierce County Land and People” “Pierce County Goals” 121 122 Documents for Land Use Planning Project 123 124 BIOGEOGRAPHY, CONSERVATION, WETLANDS Biogeography, conservation, wetlands lecture topic outline Biogeography, conservation, wetlands lecture slides Biogeography, conservation, wetlands required reading 125 126 Biogeography, conservation, wetlands lecture topic outline I. Biogeography A. Definition 1. Study of the distribution of plants and animals in space and time B. Basic concepts 1. habitat (also see microhabitat) i. environmental conditions present where a specific organism thrives 2. biogeographic range (aka distribution) i. space over which a population is spread ii. a distribution is determined by barriers a. either physical barriers or areas where the environment becomes detrimental to the organism iii. corridors allow for communication between two different parts of a biogeographic range II. Biodiversity Number of species in a given area 1. will scale with size of a region (holding environment constant) Biodiversity has declined as civilization has expanded due to loss of habitat 1. one of the raw ingredients of modern society is land In assessing global biodiversity habitat is used as a proxy for biodiversity Island biogeography 1. on any island, biodiversity is achieved by a balance between colonizing species and species extinction 2. certain parameters will control the total amount of biodiversity, including: i. size of island ii. distance from source of immigration A. B. C. D. III. Conservation A. Preservation of biodiversity B. Relevance of island biogeography theory 1. areas can be considered islands with populations immigrating and becoming extinct 2. size of area is related to the biodiversity that it can support i. S = cAz a. c and z are constants ii. fragmentation a. breaking of areas into smaller parts that results in a negative impact on biodiversity 3. connections between areas can serve as immigration pathways 4. note that not all field work supports the wholesale application of island biogeography to conservation i. some studies show fragmentation doesn’t decrease biodiversity and that corridors don’t increase immigration C. Main strategy of conservation is to preserve habitat and minimize fragmentation 1. habitat is preserved by preventing disturbance and development IV. Wetlands A. Definition B. Environmental characteristics 1. areas of groundwater infiltration 2. increase lagtime during precipitation events, reducing flood hazards 3. high in biodiversity C. Targets of land conservation 1. to preserve habitat high in biodiversity 127 2. as bodies of water they are regulated under federal and state legislation related to preserving water quality a. see WA State wetlands goals ii. specific legislation a. State 1. State Water Pollution Control Act 1945 2. Shoreline Management Act 1971 b. Federal 1. Clean Water Act 2. Coastal Zone Management Act iii. regulated by the Department of Ecology D. Strategies to reduce impacts to wetlands 1. mitigation i. avoid impacts a. generally achieved by placing buffers ii. compensate by constructing or restoring wetlands a. subject to mitigation ratios b. mitigation banking 2. all strategies are site specific 3. all wetlands are not equal (categories 1-4) E. Recognition of wetlands 1. based on the presence of three attributes i. standing water for a portion of the year ii. hydric soils iii. hydrophytic vegetation 2. identifying a wetland is called wetland delineation i. 128 Biogeography, conservation, wetlands lecture slides 129 130 131 132 133 134 Biogeography, conservation, wetlands required reading Biogeography: Cox, B.C., and Moore, P.D. 1985. Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. Selected pages. Wetlands: Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. March 1997. Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication #96-94. Selected pages. How Ecology Regulates Wetlands. April 1998. Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication #97-112. Selected pages. Wetlands Mitigation Banking: General Information. Washington State Department of Ecology, 135 136