GSSS Assessment Operational SLO's Aligned Measures

Assessment Report 2: Grocery Shopping Support Services
Assessment and Analysis Review
Assessed SLO 1: Students generate accurate shopping lists based on weekly
meal plans.
Assessed SLO 2: Students appropriately adjust their meal plans and shopping
lists to fit a budget.
Data Analysis &
The GSSS Weekly Meal Plan/Shopping List Form was used to collect evidence
for both of the assessed SLOs. As part of their interaction with/participation
in GSSS, students are required to complete weekly meal plans/shopping lists
and discuss them with their GSSS counselor. Copies of meal plan/shopping
list forms were collected from all students who met with a GSSS counselor
during the first week of October, third week of December, second week of
March, and fourth week of May.
GSSS director and counselors reviewed the plans. For those who did not
meet the SLO, the team looked further into why students were not meeting
expectations and began to formulate ideas as to how the GSSS program
might be improved to better support students.
SLO 1 Results and Analysis: A review of the meal plans/shopping lists
indicated that 98% of students were able to generate accurate shopping lists
based on their meal plans for the week; those 2% who produced inaccurate
lists neglected to include one or two ingredients. We surmise the small
percentage of students who did not include a minimal number of ingredients
is most likely due to a genuinely innocent oversight on their part and is not
cause for programmatic change.
SLO 2 Results and Analysis: The review of the meal plans/shopping lists
indicated that 40% of students were able to make adjustments to fit a
budget. Of the 60% who did not, 75% continued to list name brand
selections when less expensive generic/store brand options were available.
Another 25% were unable to even determine their weekly food budget in
order to make selections. These results are similar to last year’s assessment
results of the same SLO, which leads us to believe this area of our program
could be strengthened to support our students’ success.
Program Future Plans
Next Fall
In order to support students’ learning regarding shopping within a budget,
GSSS counselors will develop a targeted intervention strategy to guide
students in determining their food budget. Additionally, more explicit
instruction will be provided to students regarding the selection of
generic/store brand items when available. We will reassess this SLO annually
to determine if these programmatic changes appear positively affect whether
student learning expectations are met.
Joanna M. Oxendine, M.Ed.
August 2015