Core Area A1 Learning Outcomes Assessment ENGL 1101 Assessment Rubric SCORE 4 = Exemplary (Exceeds Expectations) 3 = Proficient (Meets Expectations) 2 = Developing (Does Not Meet Expectations) 1 = Unsatisfactory (Failing) Grade Level Grade Level A (100-90) Grade Level B/C (89-70) Grade Level D (69-60) Grade Level F (59- Below) Learning Outcomes I: Adapt written communication to specific purposes and audiences. Criteria Exhibits nearly error free grammar and spelling with no major sentence level errors evident Criteria Exhibits sufficient control of standard written English so that grammatical and spelling errors are only occasional and not evidence of patterned errors Criteria Exhibits significant patterns of major grammatical errors throughout, along with extensive spelling error patterns Criteria Exhibits insufficient control of standard written English, resulting in substantial errors that cause confusion or incoherence in the development of ideas Exhibits persuasive logical development and organization throughout; ideas are consistently synthesized and arranged Exhibits an understanding of logical development and organization but lacks consistent synthesis and arrangement of ideas Exhibits limited understanding and execution of logical development and organization; marginal synthesis and arrangement of ideas. Exhibits no substantial evidence of logical development or organization; no coherent synthesis and arrangement of ideas Produces an argumentative thesis that demonstrates independent critical thinking Produces a thesis but one that does not consistently reflect independent critical thinking Produces descriptive writing in support of a specific topic, but does not develop an argumentative thesis Fails to articulate or develop a thesis and fails to write consistently and descriptively in support of a specific topic Target: Writing in Standard Edited English II. Synthesize and logically arrange written presentations. Target: Writing well organized, logically arranged paragraphs III. Recognize and identify appropriate topics for presentation in writing. Target: Writing with a thesis