Electronic Publication for: Canadian Studies Program funding competition guide and application. CH36-1/1-2010E-DOC - http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/pc-ch/CH36-1-1-2010-eng.doc

Canadian Studies
Program Funding
©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, (2010).
Catalogue No. CH36-1/1-2010E-DOC
ISBN 978-1-100-15843-3
1. What is the Canadian Studies Program? .......................................................... 2
2. What material does the Funding Competition support? ................................... 3
3. Who can apply? ................................................................................................ 5
4. What is eligible for funding? ............................................................................. 6
5. What is not eligible for funding? ........................................................................ 7
6. How are applications evaluated? ...................................................................... 9
7. How are projects funded? ............................................................................... 11
8. How can you apply?. ....................................................................................... 12
9. How long does it take to process your application? ........................................ 14
10. What are the requirements if you receive funding? ...................................... 15
11. Glossary ........................................................................................................ 16
12. Sample Budget ............................................................................................. 18
13. Questions? ................................................................................................... 19
1. Document Checklist ........................................................................................ 20
2. Application Form ............................................................................................ 22
The Canadian Studies Program (CSP or the Program) is a funding program of
the Government of Canada that helps Canadians gain a better understanding of
their country — its history, stories, people and systems of government.
Specifically, the CSP supports the development of learning materials and
activities that contribute to increasing Canadians’ knowledge about Canada.
Program Objectives:
To promote the study of Canada and to increase Canadians’
understanding of its history and democratic institutions by:
1) Ensuring the availability and accessibility of new quality learning
materials and activities for use by Canadians;
2) Building partnerships in the area of learning materials and activities
on Canada through coordination of the federal government’s
efforts; and
3) Promoting the development of knowledge on current trends and
public policy related to learning about Canada.
The CSP has two funding components:
 The Funding Competition encourages the research and
development of quality learning materials; and
 The Strategic Initiatives support the development of learning
activities on Canada.
This guide is for applying for funding through the Funding Competition.
The Funding Competition supports the research and development of learning
materials that address the following strategic themes and priority areas. To be
eligible for funding, projects must address at least one of the recurring strategic
themes and at least one of the current priorities.
The five strategic themes were established through research undertaken to
assess gaps in the availability of teaching media in Canadian history and civics.
Strategic Themes
Governance and Citizenship
Helps Canadians gain a greater understanding of the processes and institutions involved in Canadian
democracy and encourages greater civic participation and engagement.
Canada’s Official Languages
Encourages the development of innovative and quality learning materials to help Canadians understand
the evolution and place of official languages and official-language minority communities within Canada.
Diversity and Multiculturalism in Canada
Facilitates a greater understanding of, and respect for, cultural differences and diversity in Canada.
Aboriginal Studies
Helps Canadians gain a greater understanding and knowledge of Canada’s First Nations, Métis and
Canadian History Interpretation Skills
Encourages the development of innovative approaches that help students and learners develop critical
skills in interpreting our history and society.
The Government of Canada recognizes the value of a shared understanding of
Canadian history in uniting citizens. To strengthen knowledge and pride in
Canada, the Government of Canada has made it a priority to commemorate
events that have shaped our identity as Canadians, including the bicentennial of
the War of 1812 and the 60th anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth II in 2012. New priority areas are therefore set for each Funding
Competition in relation to upcoming significant historical anniversaries.
The following table provides examples of how each priority links to a historical
Canada at War
e.g. the 200th anniversary of the start of the War of 1812 (2012)
Culture, Traditions and Rights
e.g. the 60th anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (2012)
Immigration and Settlement
e.g. the 50th anniversary of new regulations in Canada’s immigration policy (2012)
To be eligible for funding, projects must address at least one of the priorities
listed above.
Proposals that also demonstrate a link to an upcoming significant historical
anniversary will be considered more favourably for funding.
The following are eligible:
 Individual Canadian citizens and landed immigrants;
 Canadian corporations (such as non-government organizations, charitable
institutions, businesses);
 Schools, school boards, universities, colleges and other educational
institutions that are legally entitled to apply for funding from the Canadian
The following are not eligible:
 Governments (federal, provincial/territorial, or municipal administrations);
 Organizations incorporated outside Canada;
 Persons living outside Canada who do not have Canadian citizenship.
The Funding Competition supports the development of learning materials.
Applicants may propose individual projects as well as projects that are standalone, distinct components of a series. However, applicants should not assume
ongoing support from the CSP for the development of a series of learning
materials. The CSP will consider only one proposal per applicant.
Proposals must demonstrate substantial new material, in order to be considered.
The CSP supports the research and development costs of new learning materials
in print, audio, audio-visual and new media formats. Funds may only be used for
research and development of the product.
Applicants may request funding to support the research and development costs
of teachers’ guides. A teacher’s guide may include, but is not limited to lesson
plans, learning activities, pedagogical approaches and student assessment
strategies. Applicants must describe how the teacher’s guide will be tested by the
target audience(s) before the product is finalized, and how the teacher’s guide
will address curricula requirements in different provinces and territories.
For print learning materials, applicants must submit a letter from a bona fide
publisher establishing the publisher’s intent to produce and distribute the
manuscript. A bona fide publisher is a publishing company owned and controlled
by Canadians or by permanent residents of Canada, with a minimum level of
Canadian ownership of 51%. Vanity or subsidy presses that publish manuscripts
at the author’s expense are not considered bona fide publishers.
Applicants must demonstrate that the learning material(s) will be compatible with
equipment in general use in Canadian educational institutions. For website
projects, the applicant must commit to making the website content available for at
least three years after project completion.
Terms that are underlined are defined in the Glossary.
The following projects, materials, expenditures and activities are not eligible for
 Projects that have already received funding from the CSP are not eligible
unless it can be demonstrated that funding is being requested for a
different and distinct set of activities;
 Projects that have previously been rejected for funding by the CSP, unless
the rejection resulted exclusively from a failure to link with one of the
priorities for a previous funding cycle;
 Activities that have already been completed or expenditures that have
already been made at the time of application;
 Translations of pre-existing materials are ineligible. However, the
simultaneous creation of a learning material in both official languages may
be considered;
 Revisions, minor expansions, repackaging of existing materials, or the
transfer of materials from one medium to another (including digitization).
Proposals that involve a transfer of materials into a new format may be
considered if substantial new content will be added in the process;
 Editing, design, layout, typesetting, artwork, printing, binding, postproduction, distribution, or promotion;
 Capital expenditures, such as the purchase of equipment. The cost of
leasing equipment is the only eligible equipment cost. Equipment repairs
and the purchase of capital assets do not qualify;
 Reference tools, directories, periodicals, conferences, conference papers,
seminars, traveling exhibitions, conservation projects, archive-building
projects, scholarship or endowment programs, educational visits,
educational games for commercial distribution, educational posters, study
grants and grants for pure research;
 Projects designed to meet the curriculum needs of a single province or
territory in a way that will limit their use in other regions;
 Courses or materials designed for the specific needs of a particular
institution or course;
 General administrative costs not related to the project;
 Funding for those individuals already receiving payment for the work being
done on the project such as salary, honoraria, stipend e.g. research work
performed by a faculty member for whom research associated with the
project is included in his or her university salary would not be considered
an eligible expense;
 Faculty replacement or leave costs;
 In-kind expenses incurred by corporations or third parties. In-kind
expenses incurred by individual applicants (e.g. research salary) may be
considered for reimbursement.
Successful projects are selected through a three-part assessment.
Part 1: Eligibility Assessment
The CSP reviews the application material to determine that the
organization and proposed project are eligible to receive funding from the
CSP based on the Program’s eligibility criteria;
The CSP also assesses the content of the proposed project to determine
that it addresses at least one of the Program’s strategic themes and one
of the current priorities listed in section 2 of this guide.
Part 2: External Evaluation
Once the application has been determined eligible, the CSP refers it to a panel of
outside experts who assess the application based on the following factors:
how and to what extent the project will contribute to the Program’s
strategic themes and current priorities;
quality of the project’s pedagogical application, including the extent to
which it meets the educational level of the audience it is designed for, and
the extent to which it addresses a need among learners;
suitability of the proposed format (e.g. print, website, film) for the project;
project team’s qualifications;
project’s reach; projects that demonstrate that they will reach a greater
number of Canadians and/or address curricula requirements for different
regions of the country may be given greater consideration;
quality of the project plan, including soundness of the research
methodology, with activities and milestones;
the extent to which the marketing and distribution strategy for the product
will provide for appropriate and optimal distribution.
Part 3: Internal Assessment
An internal committee conducts an in-depth review of the proposals and the
external evaluation and selects applications for recommendation. The internal
committee evaluates the quality of the proposed performance measurement
framework, including the extent to which the proposal aligns with the CSP’s
objectives and expected results. The committee also assesses the project’s
budget. Projects with diversified sources of revenues, including commitments of
support from businesses, government or foundations, are considered more
viable. If you are applying on behalf of an organization and are requesting more
than $50,000 from the CSP, the organization’s financial viability will also be
To ensure balanced representation, the internal committee may also consider
official languages, geographic distribution and media format in the selection
process. Proposals that demonstrate a link to an upcoming significant historical
anniversary may receive greater consideration.
The Funding Competition is a competitive process and the CSP has limited
resources. While an application may be assessed as meeting the CSP
eligibility criteria, funding is highly competitive and there is no guarantee
of support.
The CSP can fund up to 50% of the research and development costs of
learning materials, and up to 75% of the research and development of costs
of teachers’ guides.
The maximum level of the CSP’s financial support for a project will not exceed
75% of the project’s eligible expenses and the maximum amount available for
any one project is $100,000 per fiscal year. The Government of Canada fiscal
year runs from April 1st to March 31st. While the CSP can only fund up to 75% of
the total costs or a project, the remaining 25% can be funded through other
government (federal, provincial/territorial, municipal) sources.
Complete the following documents:
 The Application Form, signed by a person 18 years or older;
 The Document Checklist.
Include the following documents as applicable:
 The resumes of the principal project personnel and authors;
 Two letters of support from individuals who can speak to the value of the
 If the proposed project is in print form, a letter from a bona fide Canadian
publisher showing intent to produce and distribute the manuscript;
 For confirmed funding sources, a written confirmation on official letterhead
from the foundation(s), corporation(s) or government program(s) indicating
that financial support has been, or will be, provided and stating the amount
awarded. A copy of the official letter is acceptable;
 Copies of or links to examples of previous work, if appropriate. If you
include material that cannot be easily copied, please provide 3 copies of
the material for distribution to assessors.
In addition, if you are applying on behalf of an organization, include:
A list of the current Board of Directors or Council members;
 If the contact person for the project is not the President or the responsible
member of the Board of Directors, include proof that this contact person
has legal signing authority for the project, such as a letter from the Board
of Directors or President;
 A copy of the most recent annual report or any publication that profiles the
organization, such as a newsletter or brochure;
 If you are requesting more than $50,000, a copy of the most recent
financial statements for the organization (audited, if available).
Please note that all material provided with your application will not be
returned to you unless specifically requested when applying. Please also
note that copies will be made for external evaluation purposes.
Please submit your application, which must include all the documents specified in
the Document Checklist to:
Canadian Studies Program
Department of Canadian Heritage
12 York Street, 3rd Floor, 12-3-C
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0M5
Because parts of your funding application may be copied, please do not use
staples, spiral or Cerlox binding, or any other similar form of fastening system.
We recommend that you use large paper clips or three-ring binders to keep your
materials together.
Our goal is to acknowledge receipt of your application form within 15 calendar
Our goal is to issue official written notification of the funding decision within 24
weeks of the date we receive your application.
Our performance target is to meet these standards for the majority of files. The
achievement of these service standards is a shared responsibility. You must
submit all required documentation in a timely fashion.
Funding recipients are required to comply with the requirements set out in the
contribution agreement or grant letter, as applicable.
The following requirements apply to all recipients of contributions:
All recipients must acknowledge funding from the Department of Canadian
Heritage in promotional material in a manner consistent with the guidelines found
at the following address http://www.pch.gc.ca/pc-ch/peaf-pafa/index-eng.cfm.
Additional requirements related to the acknowledgment of funding from the
Department will be described in the Contribution Agreement.
Audits of Projects
The Department of Canadian Heritage conducts audits of the Canadian Studies
Program on a regular basis. Recipients who are audited must make available any
records, documents or other information that may be required to perform the
audit. This information must be kept for five years.
Official Language Requirements
Where the recipient’s activities address a public composed of both officiallanguage groups, or could have an impact on the bilingual character of Canada,
recipients will be expected to take measures to ensure that the learning materials
developed serve both language groups.
Administrative Costs: Costs associated with the general management of a
project or organization, such as clerical expenses. The CSP can only reimburse
administrative costs directly related to the proposed project. Administrative costs
related to the general operation of an organization are not eligible for funding.
Bona Fide Publisher: A publishing company owned and controlled by
Canadians or by permanent residents of Canada, with a minimum level of
Canadian ownership of 51%. Vanity or subsidy presses are not considered bona
fide publishers
Contribution: A conditional transfer payment to an individual or organization for
a specified purpose, pursuant to a contribution agreement, that is subject to
being accounted for and audited.
Eligible Expenses: Expenses that may be considered for funding based on the
criteria outlined in section 4 of this guide.
Grant: A transfer payment that is subject to pre-established eligibility and other
entitlement criteria. A grant is not subject to being accounted for by a recipient
and is not normally subject to audit by the department in question. The recipient
may be required to report on results achieved.
In-kind: In-kind refers to goods and/or services that are donated to a project
without expectation of compensation. In-kind contributions are considered
legitimate by the CSP only if they:
 are essential to a project’s success and would otherwise have to be
 can be measured at fair market value; and
 are recorded in the project budget, and the budget shows equal in-kind
revenues and expenses.
Generally speaking, the CSP does not offset or reimburse in-kind expenditures.
There is one exception. If a proposal is submitted by an individual and that
person is making an in-kind salary contribution to the project, the CSP may
consider reimbursing this expense.
Learning Material: Learning tools and activities developed in print, audio,
audio-visual or new media formats, including teachers’ guides.
New Material: New material refers to those characteristics that make a proposed
project different from other projects. New material may include the adoption of
new approaches, dimensions, methods or technologies that will affect the
effectiveness and efficiency of a project.
Performance Measurement Framework: A plan for collecting information to
track and measure a project’s progress towards achieving its expected results. A
performance measurement framework includes performance measures, data
sources from which information will be collected, frequency with which this
information will be collected, targets the project plans to achieve within a
specified time; and actual data collected for the performance measures.
Performance Measure: Indicator (qualitative or quantitative) used as a means of
measuring to what extent an organization, program, policy or initiative has
achieved its intended results.
Results: Results are the outcomes or effects a project is intended to achieve.
They are the reason why you are doing your project. Results focus on what is to
be achieved, rather than on the process of achieving it.
Teacher’s Guide: A teacher’s guide may include, but is not limited to, lesson
plans, learning activities, pedagogical approaches and student assessment
Translation: Although translation of existing material is not an eligible cost, the
simultaneous creation (or versioning) of a learning material may be considered
an eligible cost. Versioning is the simultaneous development of materials in both
official languages and not merely the translation of existing material.
The following sample budget is provided as a model to help applicants complete
the budget form for their project.
Project dates: April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011
by budget items
Amount Requested
from CSP
(up to 50 % of cash
Learning Material
Research and development
(up to 75% of cash
Teacher’s Guide
Research and development
Eligible expenses
Funding Sources
Contribution requested from the Canadian Studies Program
Canadian Studies Program
Name of Organization or other
Government Department
Other sources
* The CSP will not contribute toward in-kind expenditures except if the project is
proposed by an individual applicant and the applicant is making an in-kind salary
contribution towards the research and development of the learning material.
** Total expenses must equal total revenues.
CSP Program officers can be contacted by telephone or by e-mail.
Telephone: 613-998-9030
Toll free*: 1-866-811-0055
TTY** (Toll-Free): 1-888-997-3123
*The toll-free lines have agents available to answer your questions, Monday to
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
**The TTY is a telecommunication device for people who are deaf, hard of
hearing, or speech-impaired.
E-mail: PEC-CSP@pch.gc.ca
Projects that have been funded by the CSP are available for review at:
To be eligible for funding, an application must be complete. Please use the
checklist provided here to ensure that your application contains all the
required documents and include this sheet with your application.
All applications must include:
The Application Form.
The resumes of the principal project personnel and authors.
Two letters of support from individuals who can speak to the value of
the proposal.
If you are applying on behalf of an organization, your application must also
A list of the current Board of Directors or Council members of your
If the contact person for the project is not the President or the
responsible member of the Board of Directors, proof that this contact
person has legal signing authority for the project, such as a letter from
the Board of Directors or President.
A copy of the most recent annual report or any publication that profiles
the organization, such as a newsletter or brochure.
If you are requesting more than $50,000, a copy of the most recent
financial statements for the organization (audited, if available).
If the proposed project is in print form, the application must include:
A letter from a bona fide Canadian publisher showing intent to produce
and distribute the manuscript.
If funding sources have been confirmed, the application must include:
A written confirmation on official letterhead from the foundation(s),
corporation(s) or government program(s) indicating that financial
support has been, or will be, provided and stating the amount awarded.
A copy of the official letter is acceptable.
You may also include copies of examples of previous work related to the
proposed project, if appropriate. If the work cannot easily be copied, please
include 3 copies of the material for distribution to assessors.
Please note that all material provided with your application will not be
returned to you unless specifically requested when applying. Please also
note that copies will be made for external evaluation purposes.
Part A - Applicant Information
1. Organization
Skip to section 2 if you are applying as an individual.
Name in Full
Contact Person’s Name
First Name
Previous Name(s) of Organization
Other (specify) _________________________
Family Name
2. Individual
If you are applying as an individual, complete only sections 2, 3 and 4 of Part A of the Application Form.
First Name
Other (specify) _________________________
Family Name
Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident /
Landed Immigrant
3. Contact Information
Province / Territory
Postal Code
Postal Code
Mailing Address (if different)
Telephone Number
4. Department of Canadian Heritage Funding History
Have you previously applied for funding to the Canadian Studies Program?
If yes, in which year?
Have you previously received funding from another program of the Department of Canadian Heritage?
If yes, for which program and in which year?
5. Organizational Profile
Complete this section only if you are applying on behalf of an organization.
Organization’s Mandate
Scope of Activity
Legal Status –
Registered with
Canada Revenue
Agency as
In process
Provincial/Territorial Corporate Registration Number:
Date applied (YYYY-MM-DD):
Corporate Registration Number:
In process
Date applied (YYYY-MM-DD):
Governance (include the names of all current Board of Directors or Council members)
Name of Board or Council Member
Title and Affiliation
Name of Board or Council Member
Title and Affiliation
Name of Board or Council Member
Title and Affiliation
Name of Board or Council Member
Title and Affiliation
Activities and Financial Profile
Include copies of the following documents:
A copy of the most recent annual report or any publication that profiles the organization, such as a
newsletter or brochure;
If you are requesting more than $50,000, a copy of the most recent financial statements for the
organization (audited, if available).
Part B - Project Information
6. Project Title
7. Project Summary
In 50 words, briefly describe the goal of your project and its key activities.
8. Project Timeframe
The CSP cannot reimburse expenses incurred prior to the submission of your application. The CSP will assume
no responsibility for any contractual commitments entered into by the applicant prior to confirmation of financial
support from the Program.
Start date (YYYY-MM-DD):
End date (YYYY-MM-DD):
9. Team Qualifications
Discuss the expertise and experience that qualifies you or your organization to undertake the proposed project.
Provide the name and contact information for each of the project principals and describe each of their roles and
responsibilities. Attach the CVs of all the project principals and include copies of, or links to, examples of
previous work, if appropriate. If you include material that cannot be easily copied, please provide 3 copies of the
material for distribution to assessors.
Expertise and Qualifications
Project Principals
10. Project Objectives, Demonstrated Need and Target Users
Discuss the objectives of the proposed project and how it will address a need among learners. This could
include the need of Canadians in general, educators and students. Who is the target audience for your learning
material? If you intend to develop a teachers’ guide, describe how it will be tested by the target audience before
the product is completed. Include two letters of support from individuals who can speak to the value of the
11. Proposed Medium
Discuss the suitability of the proposed format (e.g. print, website, film) in relation to the project’s objectives and
target users. If the proposed project is in print form, include a letter from a bona fide publisher showing intent to
produce and distribute the manuscript. If the proposed project includes online content, discuss how it will be
made available for a minimum of 3 years after completion of the project.
12. Project Reach
Explain how the materials will have a pan-Canadian focus. If intended for use in educational institutions, discuss
how it addresses curricula requirements for different regions of the country. Projects should not be region
specific. If your project has a regional focus, you must clearly demonstrate that it can have Canada-wide
13. Project Plan, Timeline and Milestones
Describe the project plan, including activities, research methodology, timeline and key milestones in the
development of the project with clear links to the proposal’s expenditures for the entire project.
14. Marketing and Distribution Strategy
Describe the marketing and distribution strategy to reach the target users.
15. Official Languages
What official language(s) will your material be developed in?
Both official languages
16. Link to the CSP’s First Objective
Describe how your project links to the CSP’s first objective to ensure the availability and accessibility of new
quality learning materials and activities for use by all Canadians.
17. Link to the CSP’s Strategic Themes
Describe how your project addresses at least one of the CSP’s strategic themes.
The CSP’s strategic themes are: Aboriginal Studies; Governance and Citizenship; Canada’s Official Languages;
Canadian History Interpretation Skills; and Diversity and Multiculturalism in Canada. If your project is linked to
more than one of the CSP’s themes, please discuss the links to all themes.
18. Link to the CSP’s Priorities
Describe how your project addresses at least one of the CSP’s current priority areas.
The Funding Competition priorities are: Canada at War; Immigration and Settlement; and Culture, Traditions
and Rights. If your project is linked to more than one of the CSP’s current priorities, please discuss the links to
all priorities.
19. Link to an Upcoming Significant Historical Anniversary
Describe how your project supports the commemoration of an upcoming significant historical anniversary.
Projects that demonstrate a link to a historical anniversary such as the bicentennial of the War of 1812 or the
60th anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be considered more favourably
for funding.
20. Expected Results
Describe the short-term, medium-term and long-term results the project is designed to achieve. Be sure to link
them to the CSP’s expected results.
The CSP’s expected results for the Funding Competition are:
Immediate results
Learning materials, activities, and/or tools on Canada and its democratic institutions are developed for
all Canadians, including youth
Educators and specialists have opportunities to develop new knowledge related to learning about
Intermediate results
Canadians, including youth, have access to quality learning materials, activities, and/or tools on
Canada’s history and its democratic institutions
Educators and specialists use new knowledge to promote learning about Canada among Canadians,
including youth
Long-term results
Canadians reached by the CSP, including youth, have an improved understanding of Canadian stories
and governance
Immediate results
Intermediate results
Long-term results
21. Performance Measurement Plan
Describe how you will track and measure your project’s expected results. Performance measures are indicators
that provide qualitative or quantitative information on the extent to which a project is achieving its planned
outcomes. The performance measurement framework should cover at least a three-year period following
completion of the project. Performance measures may include, but are not limited to, a user questionnaire, tools
to measure and gather distribution figures, viewership statistics, usage statistics, reviews, press coverage, etc.
22. Budget
Please identify the eligible expenses and sources of funding for your project. The sample budget provided in
section 12 of the guide can be used as a model.
The budget must show:
a breakdown and description of expenditures for the entire project and all anticipated and confirmed
funding sources (including anticipated project sales if applicable);
cash and in-kind expenditures;
all sources of financial (cash and in-kind) support.
You must be able to properly report in-kind contributions, using, for example, timesheets, records or accounts.
For confirmed funding sources, applications must include a written confirmation on official letterhead from the
foundation(s), corporation(s) or government program(s) indicating that financial support has been, or will be,
provided and stating the amount awarded. A copy of the official letter is acceptable.
by budget items
Amount Requested
from CSP
(up to 50 % of cash
Learning Material
Research and development
(up to 75% of cash
Teacher’s Guide
Research and development
Eligible expenses
Funding Sources
Confirmed yes/no
Contribution requested from the Canadian Studies Program
Canadian Studies Program
Other sources
Insert name here
Insert name here
*The CSP will not contribute toward in-kind expenditures except if the project is proposed by an
individual applicant and the applicant is making an in-kind salary contribution towards the
research and development of the learning material.
**Total revenues must equal total expenses (areas shaded in blue).
Part C - Conditions and Affirmation
Department of Canadian Heritage funding may be used only for the purposes specified in this application. Once
the Department has agreed to grant financial assistance, no major change can be made to the project without
Departmental approval (in each case, the Department shall determine what constitutes a major change). Funds
not used for these purposes must be returned to the Department.
The organization bears full responsibility for its debts. The Department will not consider any request for
assistance in settling costs.
The organization must agree to comply with all provincial and federal legislation.
The Department’s financial contribution must be explicitly acknowledged and must be mentioned in publications
funded by the Department. A typical form of acknowledgement is: “We acknowledge the financial support of the
Department of Canadian Heritage”.
With regard to the project or programming for which funding is requested, the organization shall agree to comply
with the spirit and intent of the Official Languages Act by implementing the appropriate linguistic measures.
Any person lobbying on the recipient’s behalf must be registered under the federal Lobbyists Registration Act.
23. Affirmation
I affirm that I am a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant 18 years or older, that the information in this
application is accurate and complete, and the project proposal, including plans and budgets are fairly
represented. I agree that once funding is provided, any change to the project proposal will require prior approval
of the Department. I agree to publicly acknowledge funding and assistance by the Department, where
appropriate. I also agree to submit a final report, and where required, financial accounting for evaluation of the
activity funded by the Department. I understand that the information provided in this application may be
accessible under the Access to Information Act. I also agree to respect the spirit and intent of the Canadian
Multiculturalism Act, the Official Languages Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom and other
human rights legislation.
By signing this application, (the applicant) authorizes the Department of Canadian Heritage to disclose any
information received in this application within Canadian Heritage and the Government of Canada or to outside
entities for the following purposes: to reach a decision on this application, to administer and monitor the
implementation of the project or programming, or to evaluate the results of the project or programming and this
program after project completion. This disclosure of any information received in this application may also be
used to reach a decision on any other application of the applicant for funding under any other Department of
Canadian Heritage program.
In the event of an access to information request regarding the present funding application or any other
information about the organization in the Department's possession, the information provided to the Department
will be treated in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. Where funding is approved,
however, the amount of funding, the purpose for which the funds were granted and the name of the organization
receiving the funding are considered public information.
Name(s) of person(s) authorized to sign
If you are applying on behalf of an organization and the persons signing are not the President or the responsible
member of the Board of Directors, include proof of signing authority, such as a letter from the Board of Directors
or President.
Office Use Only
Date Received
File Number
Program Officer