
PROF SMITH – EXAM 1 - Tuesday June 12, 2012
REVEW SHEET – US History 1302
Part I. You will choose one of the following essay questions for 15 points. Do not
overgeneralize, give examples, write clearly and cohesively, and be specific (i.e., BE
Discuss political, social and economic Reconstruction to 1877.
Briefly discuss the state of the South in the post-Civil War period. What fundamental
problems did Southerners face due to the ravages of the war? What was Lincoln’s
plan for Reconstruction and how did it differ from the Radical Republican Plan
(Wade Davis Bill)? Why did Lincoln pocket-veto the bill? Discuss the work of the
Republican congress through the 13th amendment and the Freedman’s Bureau Bill
(make sure to discuss all the duties of the FB) in helping out the African American
Community. After Lincoln’s assassination, how did Andrew Johnson approach
Reconstruction and the Radical Republicans (pardons, black codes)? Discuss all
components of the 1st Reconstruction Act. What was the purpose of the act? What
was Reconstruction like for African Americans? Make sure to address the centrality
of the church, black politicians, psychological changes and the response to black
freedom by the KKK and lynching. How did the southern planter class approach
economic reconstruction (sharecropping and crop lien)? What was the idea behind
both economic systems? Finally, discuss changes in political reconstruction through
an examination of all of the following: The Command of the Army Act, the Tenure of
Office Act, impeachment, U.S. Grant’s Presidency, scandals, expansionism, the 15th
amendment and the Compromise of 1877. What were the ultimate failures of
2. Discuss the Populist Movement.
What problems did farmers face after the Civil War? (Middlemen, freight rates,
bankers, absentee landowners, taxes, tariffs, crop lien, trusts, overproduction,
!inflation and deflation ). Who were the Grangers and how did they expand into the
Tx Alliance? Also, discuss the Southern Famer’s Alliance, Colored Alliance, Charles
Macune, the Sub-Treasury plan, the expansion of the movement, Mary Lease,
political reforms, the co-operative economy, formation of the Populist Party, Omaha
Platforms (what did they want for labor and for farmers, do not neglect all aspects of
the plan, especially silver coinage) Panic of 1892, the violence of labor and strikes
during the mid-1890’s, Homestead and Pullman, the election of 1896, Mckinley,
William J. Bryan, the Cross of Gold speech and the legacies of the Populist
Part II. Multiple Choice
Social Darwinism
Gospel of Wealth
Ghost Dance Religion
Robber baron and their industry - Cornelius Vanderbilt, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller
Battle of Little Big
Origins of the millionaire**analogies used in class = Gates, Starbucks, FB
Dawes Act - THIS YOU HAVE TO KNOW – see my notes at the bottom of this page
The four technological and organizational changes that corporations embraced to expand
size and power
Knights of Labor, leadership, ideology, what led to the downfall of the union?
Who led the American Federation of Labor, ideology,
What was the alternative to the strike?
Riot and its consequences
Interstate Commerce Act, work of the Interstate Commerce Commission, why is it
Family economy
Art of history – extra credit possibility - know the themes and be able to connect them to
a historical event
Cowboys and Cattle drive
Trusts,collusion historical and horizontal integration – ex of the oilfield