April 8, 2015

Sustainability Committee Meeting Minutes 4/8/2015
In attendance were Adam Weber, Ruth Meza, Joy Durighello, Joe Cannon, Anastasia Fiandaca, Michelle
Gorthy, Chris Lewis, and Dominik Zelichowski.
1. Meeting was called to order at 4:32 pm
2. Attendees introduced themselves to one another
3. Updates on CCSF Earth Day
a. Anastasia reported on the following on behalf of Felix Deng:
i. Recology & SF Dept of Environment attending 10-1 pm
ii. SF Public Utilities Commission attending 10-1 pm
iii. Becky Perelli from CCSF Student Health Services: smoking cessation attending
10-1 pm
iv. Solar PV panel to power juicer 10-1 pm
v. SF Tobacco Free Project is a possibility
b. Anastasia reported that Max Parsley will come with a solar powered hydrogen
generator and a solar hot water collector, 10 -2, Ram Plaza
c. Joe Cannon will check in again with NPS/GGNRA
d. Anastasia agreed to follow up with Denise Louie (not in attendance at this meeting)
regarding requesting free condoms for distribution from the Center for Biological
e. Adam gave an update about the debate:
i. 11:30-12:45, location still TBD
ii. Topics will either be population control or GMOs (or maybe both)
f. Chris Lewis will also participate in Earth Day
g. Joy requested that Anastasia forward details of all Earth Day events to the group
h. Joy will forward Earth Day details to ESL instructors
4. Dominik reported on Earth Day SF (Sat., April 18th)
a. Location changed; will now be held at CCSF Mission Center, 10-3 pm
b. There will be a booth to promote CCSF and sustainability classes
c. Needs volunteers for clean-up
d. Needs someone to lead 20 min. permaculture workshop
e. Will contact Hitesh Soneji regarding flyers for the event
5. Ruth gave update re: student-driven research project
a. It’s completed (20 questions)
b. Will be launched on Earth Day
c. She will email it to Anastasia so everyone can review and give feedback
d. Dominik has asked that if be modified to survey a general non-CCSF audience at Earth
Day SF
6. Dominik gave a Farmer’s Market update
a. Local neighborhood groups also want a farmer’s market
b. Dominik is reaching out to these groups in an effort to establish collaboration and buyin for a CCSF mid-week farmer’s market
c. The CCSF market will need a board of directors (Associated Students would be part of
7. Dominik discussed his wish to see solar PV in the MUB parking lot
a. Discussed Amy Farra-Wise, a candidate for mayor, who may support this idea
b. Dominik hoped to find funding from Performing Arts Building budget
c. Several faculty members informed the group that the Performing Arts Building has
been cancelled
d. Anastasia offered to put Dominik in touch with someone from a green energy agency
looking to establish a large scale green project at CCSF.
8. Dominik alerted the group that his position as Associated Students Environmental Economic
Development Coordinator will need to be filled after this semester
a. There’s a farmer’s market management training in Redding, CA this summer and it would be a
great opportunity for the next EEDC
9. Anastasia asked where there was interest in participating in Frisco Day
a. Fri., April 24, approximately 10-2 in the Wellness Center Plaza
b. Dominik and Chris will participate
c. Anastasia will follow up with M. Sanchez to reserve a table
10. Reminder that the committee will need for new chair/co-chair for 2015-16
a. Election will be held at final meeting of the semester
b. Anastasia and Joe both interested; will meet to discuss possibility of co-chairing
11. Final meeting of the semester: Fri., May 15, time 4-8 pm,
a. Discussion about whether to have meeting at Eco Center at Heron’s Head Park or
other location
b. Michelle suggested Greens Restaurant (Fort Mason)
c. Group decided to hold meeting at Eco Center and promote carpooling
d. Anastasia agreed to send a follow-up email to schedule a specific time to discuss
12. Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.