– Fall 2010 IT442 Bruce Mahfood Project 4 Part 2

IT442 – Fall 2010
Bruce Mahfood
Project 4 Part 2 (Due 10/25) – Command Line Interface
Getting comfortable with use of the command line (CLI):
o Getting information about a server system.
o Configuring a server system.
o Automation of routine tasks using CLI batch files.
Book references: The reading for this project is found in Chapter 6, pp. 107-134.
Lab activities:
Start Windows Update and update the computer. If the update window says that the
system is up to date, click on “Check for updates” to make sure. If no updates, continue.
Learn about some basic commands available for use in the Command Prompt window
on pp. 124-131.
o Go to the following internet links to see a more comprehensive list of commands
available for your use on the Command Prompt window:
- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc778084%28WS.10%29.aspx
- http://ss64.com/nt/
o Choose five interesting commands and learn what you can about their use,
checking their use both with their /help command line option, and with a quick
look on the internet for usage examples. Write in the narrative about what you
To be ready for the final part of this project, read about the use of simple batch files on
pp. 131-134.
Useful information:
The book only goes through a small number of commands, but gives very good advice for how
to feel comfortable with the few it does cover. The Command Line Reference link given above
allows you to apply what you learned about using the help option and understanding command
line syntax to a wide range of available commands.
Written Assignment – Part 2:
The written narrative for this assignment, as stated in part 1, will contain the work done for all
three parts of this project. You will get your homework questions in part 3. The narrative is to
be a separate document to the written assignment for answering questions.