Curriculum and Instruction Candidate Classroom Dispositions Form Please indicate the nature of this report: This report is a regular classroom assessment. This report is to document an exemplary disposition. This report is to document a concern. Attendance: 3 -Meets - The candidate is aware of and meets the requirements of class attendance policies and requirements as outlined in individual syllabus. The candidate takes responsibility for completing obligations during missed class. N 112 0 0 N 108 % 100% 0% 0% % 99% 2 - Meets - The candidate is aware of and meets the requirements of class attendance policies and requirements as outlined in individual syllabus. The candidate takes responsibility for completing obligations during missed class. 1 1% 1 - Does Not Meet - The candidate does not comply with class attendance policies and requirements as outlined in individual syllabus. The candidate does not complete work for missed classes or expects exceptions in course requirements. Candidate absences, no matter how well dealt with, are excessive and interfere with the conduct and learning in the class. 0 0% 0 - Does Not Meet - The candidate does not comply with class attendance policies and requirements as outlined in individual syllabus. The candidate does not complete work for missed classes or expects exceptions in course requirements. Candidate absences, no matter how well dealt with, are excessive and interfere with the conduct and learning in the class. 0 0% Punctuality and commitment: 3 - Meets - the candidate is aware of and meets the start of class expectations for the class. The candidate is present and engaged for all portions of the class remaining through the conclusion of instruction and discussion. N 108 % 96% 2 - Meets - the candidate is aware of and meets the start of class expectations for the class. The candidate is present and engaged for all portions of the class remaining through the conclusion of instruction and discussion. 4 4% 1 - Does not meet - the candidate's class arrival or departure time is inconsistent and not in line with the state class expectations. The candidate's arrival or departure is disruptive to the learning process. The candidate expects excep0tions or accommodations for missed work or requirements due to tardiness or early departure. 0 0% 0 - does not meet - the candidate's class arrival or departure time is inconsistent and not in line with the stated class expectations. The candidate's arrival or departure is disruptive to the learning process. The candidate expects exceptions of accommodations for missed work or requirements due to tardiness or early departure. 0 0% Preparation for Class: 5 - Exceeds - The candidate demonstrates a high level of preparation beyond that minimally required for the assignment/discussion/problem. Takes initiative in presenting and representing high quality data/evidence/resources. N 26 % 24% 4 - Exceeds - The candidate demonstrates a high level of preparation beyond that minimally required for the assignment/discussion/problem. Takes initiative in presenting and representing high quality data/evidence/resources. 36 33% 3 - Meets - The candidate is consistently prepared. Shows evidence of readings and completion of self-directed learning tasks. 46 43% 2 - Meets - The candidate is consistently prepared. Shows evidence of readings and completion of self-directed learning tasks. 0 0% 1 - Does Not Meet - The candidate is frequently unprepared (submits work late). Little evidence of reading or independent study. Fails to follow through on self-directed learning tasks. 0 0% 0 - Does Not Meet - The candidate is frequently unprepared (submits work late). Little evidence of reading or independent study. Fails to follow through on self-directed learning tasks. 0 0% Classroom Participation: 5 - Exceeds - The candidate takes a lead in moving the groups learning forward, by connecting ideas from different individuals, relating discussions to previous readings or discussions, contributes resources in a constructive way. Facilitates the participation of other group members. 4 - Exceeds - The candidate takes a lead in moving the groups learning forward, by connecting ideas from different individuals, relating discussions to previous readings or discussions, contributes resources in a constructive way. Facilitates the participation of other group members. 3 - Meets - The candidate contributes regularly by asking questions, generating hypotheses, sharing information/ideas or opinions, and/or contributing resources: Does not dominate or intimidate, responds in a timely fashion. N 30 % 27% 32 29% 50 45% 2 - Meets - The candidate contributes regularly by asking questions, generating hypotheses, sharing information/ideas or opinions, and/or contributing resources: Does not dominate or intimidate, responds in a timely fashion. 0 0% 1 - Does Not Meet - The candidate inconsistently contributes to the conversation; demonstrates little effort in contributing to the group's learning; OR Disrupts group with unhelpful, irrelevant, or excessively negative comments, dominates discussions, or is unprepared to contribute. 0 0% 0 - Does Not Meet - The candidate inconsistently contributes to the conversation; demonstrates little effort in contributing to the group's learning; OR Disrupts group with unhelpful, irrelevant, or excessively negative comments, dominates discussions, or is unprepared to contribute. 0 0% Critical Thinking: 5 - Exceeds - The candidate presents arguments in a logical/clearly articulated fashion that enables group members to understand the issues in a new way. Able to apply facts and principals to new situations. N 30 % 28% 4 - Exceeds - The candidate presents arguments in a logical/clearly articulated fashion that enables group members to understand the issues in a new way. Able to apply facts and principals to new situations. 32 29% 3 - Meets - The candidate is able to synthesize ideas. Communicates ideas clearly. Able to generalize from specifics and displays ability to apply information in new ways. 47 43% 2 - Meets - The candidate is able to synthesize ideas. Communicates ideas clearly. Able to generalize from specifics and displays ability to apply information in new ways. 0 0% 1 - Does Not Meet - The candidate consistently has difficulty identifying primary issues. Has trouble generating hypotheses, drawing conclusions or synthesizing ideas (misses the "big picture"). Explanations are illogical or poorly formulated. Has difficulty applying facts and principals to specific situations. 0 0% 0 - Does Not Meet - The candidate consistently has difficulty identifying primary issues. Has trouble generating hypotheses, drawing conclusions or synthesizing ideas (misses the "big picture"). Explanations are illogical or poorly formulated. Has difficulty applying facts and principals to specific situations. 0 0% Social Responsibility: 5 - Exceeds - The candidate is always considerate of class member's feelings, ideas and backgrounds. Makes an effort to facilitate class cohesion and participation; resolves conflicts. Responds to criticism gratefully; takes actions to correct own weaknesses. N 0 % 0% 4 - Exceeds - The candidate is always considerate of class member's feelings, ideas and backgrounds. Makes an effort to facilitate class cohesion and participation; resolves conflicts. Responds to criticism gratefully; takes actions to correct own weaknesses. 62 55% 3 - Meets - The candidate is considerate of class members' feelings, ideas and backgrounds. Presents comments and ideas in context. Recognizes own strengths and weaknesses. 50 45% 2 - Meets - The candidate is considerate of class members' feelings, ideas and backgrounds. Presents comments and ideas in context. Recognizes own strengths and weaknesses. 0 0% 1 - Does Not Meet - The candidate provides comments in an abrupt or rude fashion. Insensitive to or shows a lack of respect for others backgrounds and/or ideas that may differ from own. Defensive in response to criticism. Rude. Bullies or harasses other students. 0 0% 0 - Does Not Meet - The candidate provides comments in an abrupt or rude fashion. Insensitive to or shows a lack of respect for others backgrounds and/or ideas that may differ from own. Defensive in response to criticism. Rude. Bullies or harasses other students. 0 0% Communication - Written: 5 - Exceeds - The candidate's written communications present the main ideas in a clear and logical manner that accurately addresses the writing purpose and style. The language used in the written communications meets standard English requirements but also is adjusted to meet the needs of the audience. N 30 % 28% 4 - Exceeds - The candidate's written communications present the main ideas in a clear and logical manner that accurately addresses the writing purpose and style. The language used in the written communications meets standard English requirements but also is adjusted to meet the needs of the audience. 32 29% 3 - Meets - The candidate's written communications are complete and convey the required ideas/information of the purpose of the communication. The language used in the written communications is correct. 47 43% 2 - Meets - The candidate's written communications are complete and convey the required ideas/information of the purpose of the communication. The language used in the written communications is correct. 0 0% 1 - Does Not Meet - The candidate's written communications are inconsistent in presentation and may include text shorthand, a lack of capitalization or punctuation. The written communications are more characteristic of communications with friends than a professional setting or audience. 0 - Does Not Meet - The candidate's written communications are inconsistent in presentation and may include text shorthand, a lack of capitalization or punctuation. The written communications are more characteristic of communications with friends than a professional setting or audience. Communication - Oral: 5 - Exceeds - The candidate is consistently audible. The candidate energetically communicates enthusiasm, consistently makes eye contact with all members of audience. The candidate's gestures consistently reinforce his or her verbal message. The candidate maintains a consistently effective pace, uses a minimal number of gap-fillers ("um," "uh," "like," etc.) and demonstrates proactive listening. 0 0% 0 0% N 4 % 4% 4 - Exceeds - The candidate is consistently audible. The candidate energetically communicates enthusiasm, consistently makes eye contact with all members of audience. The candidate's gestures consistently reinforce his or her verbal message. The candidate maintains a consistently effective pace, uses a minimal number of gap-fillers ("um," "uh," "like," etc.) and demonstrates proactive listening. 58 52% 3 - Meets - The candidate is usually audible, shows some energy and enthusiasm and/or generally makes eye contact with the audience. Gestures often reinforce the verbal message. The candidate usually maintains an effective pace and/or seldom uses gap fillers ("um," "uh," "like," etc.). The candidate is an active listener. 50 45% 2 - Meets - The candidate is usually audible, shows some energy and enthusiasm and/or generally makes eye contact with the audience. Gestures often reinforce the verbal message. The candidate usually maintains an effective pace and/or seldom uses gap fillers ("um," "uh," "like," etc.). The candidate is an active listener. 0 0% 1 - Does Not Meet - The candidate is inaudible, speaks in a monotone and/or makes little or no eye contact with the audience. Gestures detract from the verbal message. The candidate consistently speaks too fast and/or gap fillers ("um," "uh," "like," etc.) interfere with expression. The candidate demonstrates passive listening. 0 0% 0 - Does Not Meet - The candidate is inaudible, speaks in a monotone and/or makes little or no eye contact with the audience. Gestures detract from the verbal message. The candidate consistently speaks too fast and/or gap fillers ("um," "uh," "like," etc.) interfere with expression. The candidate demonstrates passive listening. 0 0%