South Dakota State University Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Oral Examination Rubric ELEMENT 1. Displays knowledge of current practices, research, theories, and issues in education. 2. Demonstrates knowledge of how students learn and is able to effectively apply that knowledge within a variety of educational roles. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE OUTSTANDING (2) PROFICIENT (1) Candidate shows both breadth Candidate generally understands and depth in understanding of current practice, research, theories, practice, research, theories, and and issues relevant to the content issues. area and level of education. The candidate is able to The candidate is often able to describe the above from express multiple perspectives and multiple perspectives and has a describe the complexity and complex understanding of changing nature of this knowledge. trends in the field of education. Candidate is enthusiastic and The candidate displays commitment involved in the education of all to teaching and learning for all learners. learners. The candidate had a deep The candidate is able to explain the understanding of learning theory and practice of learning in theory and the implications for his or her area(s) of specialization. practice. There is a deep understanding The candidate is able to explain how of diversity and its implications cultural diversity as well as for education. individual student differences can impact student learning. Candidate combines There is evidence that the candidate exceptional success as an has effectively applied this educator with the ability to understanding in educational explain that success in terms of settings. applying theory to practice. Candidate clearly values Candidate demonstrates no individuals who are diverse in intolerance for those who are terms of race, ethnicity, diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, exceptionality, religion, sexual exceptionality, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic orientation, socioeconomic status or status or gender. gender. Candidate: ____ Date of Oral Examination: ____ Evaluator: UNSATISFACTORY (0) Candidate struggles with practice, research, theory, and/or issues. Candidate is only able to work from a limited personal perspective. Candidate is unable to apply theory to practice. There is a lack of enthusiasm for the role of educator. The candidate can provide only shallow explanations for learning theory and the implications for practice. The candidate has a very limited understanding of the implications of diversity. ____ ____ ____ COMMENTS 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 Evidence does not support that the candidate has successfully applied educational theory to his or her practice. 2 1 0 Candidate demonstrates intolerance for those who are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, exceptionality, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or gender. 2 1 0 ELEMENT 3. Effectively participates in curricular processes. OUTSTANDING (2) The candidate has a deep understanding of content knowledge and the way that content can be organized for curricular purposes. There is evidence that the candidate has been very successful in all aspects of the development and implementation of curriculum. 4. Effectively communicates. The candidate is an exceptionally effective speaker, writer, and listener. The candidate displays a deep understanding of the importance of culture in communication processes. PROFICIENT (1) Candidate displays knowledge relevant to learning goals, objectives, and activities. Content is structured to meet student needs and expressed in terms of student achievement. There is evidence that the candidate has successfully participated in curriculum development and implementation. UNSATISFACTORY (0) The candidate displays limited understanding of curriculum and curricular processes. COMMENTS Evidence does not support effective participation in curricular processes. 2 1 0 The candidate is able to verbally and nonverbally communicate appropriately relative to intent and setting. The candidate is a competent speaker, writer, and listener. The candidate is sensitive to the importance of culture in communication processes. The candidate is ineffective as a communicator. 2 1 0 Evidence for sensitivity to the importance of culture in communication processes is either not present or negative in nature. 2 1 0 2 1 0 ELEMENT 5. Displays commitment to professional involvement and growth through continual learning 6. Appropriately uses educational technology Revised 3/5/11 OUTSTANDING (2) Candidate is able to clearly articulate growth as a professional. Candidate is able to communicate and provide a considered rationale for his/her personal beliefs and core values regarding education. Candidate has definite plans for further education, learning, and research. PROFICIENT (1) Candidate will continue to learn when opportunities for doing so are present. Candidate is able to communicate personal beliefs and core values regarding education. UNSATISFACTORY (0) Candidate minimizes the need for improving professional skills and/or knowledge. Candidate is fails to communicate personal beliefs and core values regarding education. Candidate has both long and short term career goals. 2 1 0 Candidate belongs to both professional and community organizations. Candidate is aware of appropriate professional organizations and has plans for joining. Candidate does not communicate any plans for further professional development. Candidate does not appear to have considered membership in professional organizations. Candidate has worked in collaborative settings to improve education. Candidate is aware of opportunities to contribute collaboratively as a professional and has plans for doing so. Candidate does not demonstrate a lack of personal or professional integrity. Candidate does not appear to have considered professional involvement or has no plans for involvement. Candidate significantly demonstrates a lack of personal or professional integrity. 2 1 0 Candidate describes actions in terms of the positive impact those actions will have on others. Candidate consistently justifies actions in terms of impact on his or her own life. 2 1 0 Candidate can demonstrate appropriate knowledge and use of educational technology. Candidate has difficulty in the effective use of educational technology. 2 1 0 Candidate demonstrates adherence to and an understanding of a high standard of personal and professional integrity. Candidate seeks situations in which he or she can significantly improve the lives of others. Candidate displays extensive knowledge of educational technology and understands the role of technology within the school or organization. COMMENTS 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0