Esther Dabagyan SED 625 11/12/06 Dr. Rivas Panel #4 Pro Inquiry Method It is hard to imagine science without inquiry. From Aristotle to Watson and Crick; all throughout history, science has involved the process of asking questions. Questions about your surroundings as well as imaged possibilities are the basis of modern science. This creative method of inquiry fuels science and science education. Our students naturally ask questions in their minds from infancy and curiously absorb all they can (How People Learn, Ch. 4). It only follows that as educators we step away from the oldfashioned didactic curriculum and base our practice on sound research and on our knowledge of how the brain functions. This research points the way towards Inquiry learning as the most effective method to stimulate our students and help them get one step closer to becoming expert learners in their own right. Most teachers still teach using the didactic method, which involves lectures and note taking where the student is a passive member of the classroom. “International comparisons reveal that the factors most often cited for poor performance in U.S. school science are curriculum structure and textbooks, instructional approaches and the quality of our teaching staff” (Schmidt, McKnight, & Raizen, 1996 as cited in Lynch et al. 2004). When I began teaching, all my training during my credentialing period seem to leave me as I dove into the textbook assigned to my class and tried to derive lessons from it. Most new teachers make this mistake which results in poor content and poor lessons. An inquiry approach to teaching science can be described as the following: A curriculum unit: starts from ideas that are familiar or interesting to children; explicitly conveys a sense of purpose; takes into account student ideas, and conveys suggestions for teachers to find out what their students think about the phenomena related to the benchmark; provides for firsthand experiences with phenomena; and has students represent their own ideas about phenomena and practice using the acquired knowledge and skills in varied contexts. (Kesidou & Roseman, 2002; Roseman, Kesidou, & Stern, 1996 as cited in Lynth et al. 2004) This account includes in it the full cycle of the scientific method from questioning to sharing results and re-questioning. However, inquiry learning doesn’t constrain learners to the strict and old-fashioned steps of the scientific method. Rather, it pulls from the scientific method the essential aspects, and with teacher guidance, allows students to freely explore new territory in their own learning and re-examine old ideas. As stated in Lynch et al. (2004), the teaching practices that are most closely associated with high achievement were hands-on learning activities and high-order thinking skills. Inquiry not only allows students to get involved kinesthetically, but it allows them to examine the metacognitive aspect of their learning. There are also several misconceptions about Inquiry learning. (N.I.H., 2005) The most common misconception is that if a teacher is doing something hands-on, then it is inquiry. This is not true, an experiment does not always equate to a meaningful inquiry experience for the students. Hands-on activities must be purposeful, carefully constructed to address preconceptions, and have many opportunities for students to reflect and communicate with their peers in a meaningful manner. Many students can successfully perform an experiment yet not realize the significance of the scientific concept behind it. This is an essential aspect of inquiry-based instruction. Another common misconception is that students must generate their own questions and pursue them. Many teachers choose not to enact complete open-ended inquiry and use the method of guided inquiry. Different situations can call for different approaches to inquiry learning, there is no one single method for inquiry. As the National Institute of Health (2005) opens a curriculum guide about how to build inquiry based units, it cautions teachers that in many cases it is the questions themselves, not their source, that are most important. Thus, even if the teacher provides the students with a question to pursue, an inquiry-based approach is still more than possible. Students arrive in our classrooms not only with preconceptions about scientific concepts, but about science itself. Many students view science as either true or false; a simple collections of facts. The concepts that they have previously learned in science may lead them to believe that scientific explanations are isolated events. By employing inquiry-based methods in the classroom, we can impress upon our students the importance of an ever-changing and fluid knowledge base in science. They can learn how to evaluate one set of evidence versus another and make decisions regarding the validity of explanations. The metacognitive aspect of inquiry can leave students open to reinterpreting their own ideas. The Inquiry method provides learning with understanding, a deep knowledge base and a chance for students to form strategies about inquiry. In the book How People Learn, the research on expertise conveys the importance of helping students develop an assortment of inquiry abilities. These skills allow our students to take the scientific concepts that they learn and experience and apply them to novel situations and other inquiry tasks. In essence, inquiry-based methods allow our students to become better learners. References Lynch, S., Kuipers, J., Pyke, C. Szesze, M. (2004). Examining the Effects of a Highly Rated Science Curriculum Unit on Diverse Students: Results From a Planning Grant. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42 (8), 912-946. National Institutes of Health (2005). Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry. Colorado Springs, CO: BSCS. Found here: National Research Council (1999). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. National Research Council (2000). Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A Guide for Teaching and Learning. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.