Exemplary Science: Best Practices in Science Teaching Today Caryn Asherson California State University, Northridge December 6, 2006 As teachers, we are in constant pursuit of better ways to impart knowledge and spark the flame of curiosity in our students. This mission to improve our teaching practice drives our personal and professional growth. We seek to understand success. In the following pages I attempt to identify the characteristics of high quality teaching and learning in the sciences. I will examine instructional and organizational features that lead to student accomplishment, as well as which teacher behaviors are important in an expert teacher. Exemplary teachers provide an environment in which learners can acquire ideas, inquiry skills, and positive attitudes toward science. Several educators disagree on what can be considered exemplary teaching practice. The Oxford English Dictionary defines exemplary as “fit for imitation.” For the purposes of this analysis, exemplary practice will be defined as a variety of pedagogical methods that promote higher student achievement in science. This evaluation does not intend to suggest that exemplary teachers are perfect in the way they teach. Rather, it proposes to investigate teachers who are considered effective in encouraging active learning and higher-order thinking skills in the hopes that other teachers can benefit from such accomplishments. Exemplary teachers are experts in the subjects they teach. They have a vast amount of content knowledge and model enthusiasm for their subject. (Tobin and Fraser, 1990; Alsop, Bencze, Pedretti, 2005) This enthusiasm is then transfused into the students as a result. Teachers’ subject confidence is a key feature in exemplary teaching. Exemplary teachers have good management strategies that facilitate student engagement. (Tobin and Fraser, 1990) Researchers characterized the classrooms of exemplary teachers as relaxed, with few occurrences of misbehavior. Students worked well together and there was an easy flow from one activity to the next. Class time was used efficiently and there was little time off task. Effective management enables the teacher to focus on teaching and learning rather than on regulating bad behavior. Exemplary science teachers do not rely on textbooks (Tobin and Fraser, 1990) to present content to a class of learners. Depending on the textbook can lead to a lack of motivation among students and a failure to connect science to its potential applications in the outside world. Exemplary teachers find ways for students to the relate science to the world outside of the classroom (Tobin and Garnett, 1988) and to make connections to their own lives, to their interests, and to their futures. For example, Richard, a sixth grade science teacher skillfully maneuvers from “classroom science” to “outside of the classroom science.” Since it was raining on the day he was going to teach about solar energy, he explained to his class that the lesson that had been previously scheduled would be postponed so that he could introduce them to the properties of water. (Tobin and Garnett, 1988) In addition, a tenth grade physics teacher has his students use sound level meters in the lab to measure the decibel levels of a television set and become familiar with the meter’s scales. Then they go to a remote corner of the school grounds and the class shouts or screams as loudly as they can, one at a time as others measure the sound intensity level. (Alsop, Bencze, and Pedretti, 2005) These instances illustrate how teachers can make science content more personal by linking it to students’ lives. Learning science is more than gaining content knowledge, it is about helping the student to identify with science. This is essential to their success. Pintrich states, “If a students sees himself or herself becoming a scientist…then science content and tasks may be perceived as being more important, regardless of his or her mastery or performance orientation to learning.” Stake and Easley (1978) found that many teachers emphasize facts about science and provide students with few opportunities to develop high level thinking skills. Mark Twain once said, “If teaching were the same as telling, we’d all be so smart we could hardly stand it.” According to Deacon (1987), Garnett (1987), and Treagust (1987) exemplary science teachers encourage active engagement and emphasize understanding of science content rather than rote memorization of facts. They provide numerous occasions for students to be mentally active and to assume responsibility for their own learning. For example, in an openinquiry activity, “students must determine questions to investigate, procedures to address their questions, data to generate, and decide what the data means.” (Colburn, 2003) Exemplary teachers shift the focus of the curriculum from the teacher to the learner. In teaching the process of inquiry, exemplary teachers enable their students to collaborate, interact, and problem solve with other students. As a follow-up to a kidney dissection, Keith Hicks, a tenth grade biology teacher grouped students into teams of four to produce a model of a nephron (the basic functional unit of a kidney), and prepare a presentation of their model for the class. Each model became a shared piece around which group members could express their own understandings of kidney function. Students had opportunities to learn from each other, since the teacher had set up the task in such a way that group members were required to come to a consensus regarding the structure of the model. (Alsop, Bencze, Pedretti, 2005) Thus, exemplary science teachers advocate peer interaction to promote learning. Exemplary teachers make it possible for learners to construct their own knowledge from real-life problems. Real-life issues create powerful opportunities for organizing science curriculum. Susan Yoon, a ninth grade science teacher was inspired to use a real-life issue to create a powerful learning experience for her students. The issue centered on the question of whether or not to relocate a family of beavers. Susan’s students researched various viewpoints, constructed arguments based on research, and participated in a town hall meeting. Their fieldtrip to the outdoor education center was what inspired the role-playing that would continue in their science class over the next two weeks. (Alsop, Bencze, Pedretti, 2005) This example shows how real-life issues can inspire inquiry and curiosity among students. Children develop academically at different rates and in different ways. Exemplary teachers differentiate instruction in order to meet the diverse needs of students. (Tobin and Fraser, 1990) For instance, Karen Kettle, a ninth grade science teacher had her students dramatize the lives of famous scientists by acting out a dramatic moment or turning point in the person’s life. For those students who were uncomfortable with performing on stage, Karen encouraged them to choose a situation where there was a reason to have a script with them. For example, Charles Darwin reviewed his letter to his mentor (Dr. Henslow), from aboard the HMS Beagle as he toured the Galapagos Islands. (Alsop, Bencze, and Pedretti, 2005). Exemplary teachers frequently evaluate student understanding and seize every opportunity to respond to teachable moments. They make learning concrete to help learners relate to science concepts. For example, when teaching about abstract ideas in molecular geometry, Josie Ellis, an organic chemistry teacher, had her students build three-dimensional molecular models. (Alsop, Bencze, Pedretti, 2005) Through her use of model kits, she was able to have her students build physical molecules that could be manipulated, examined, and analyzed. She made learning easier and more enjoyable than if she only used the two-dimensional pictures in the textbook. The physicality of the model contributed to the students’ learning. Exemplary teachers create a favorable learning environment. They create an atmosphere in which students feel safe and free to make mistakes. (Tobin and Fraser, 1990) They often incorporate humor into their teaching. When biology teacher, Keith Hicks teaches about ultrafiltration in the kidney he attaches a garden hose poked full of holes to a tap. By gently squeezing the end of the tube so that the pressure is increased, the water can be made to come out of the holes with some force, thereby making him wet. (Alsop, Bencze, Pedretti, 2005) Consequently, he turns what can often be a dull lesson into one that is infused with humor. In the past, researchers have focused on problems in education and offered few possibilities for improvement. However, current research has shifted its focus to identify aspects of science programs that do work, rather than concentrating on what does not work. It is clear that exemplary teachers have a vast knowledge of how students learn, as well as what to teach and how best to teach it. There is a great deal to be learned from exemplary science teachers that can be of use to others. By focusing on highly effective teachers we can begin to understand the aspects of teaching that work well. This can lead to improvements in science teaching by motivating and guiding other teachers’ attempts to improve their practice. Trial and error associated with educational improvement can be reduced and “school programs can begin building on what is known to work.” (Pennick and Yager, 1983) As a result, we can invest our resources in the practices that are known to work, rather than on experimental programs. In conclusion, we should not just try to imitate the practices of excellent science teachers. Rather, we should use the practices of these exemplary teachers as catalysts for ongoing collaborative discussions of teaching practice that leads to empowering education for every student. References Books Alsop, S., Bencze, L., Pedretti, E. (Eds.). (2005) Analysing Exemplary Science Teaching. London: Bell and Bain Ltd. Colburn, A. (2003) The Lingo of Learning: 88 Education Terms Every Science Teacher Should Know. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press. Stake, R.E., and Easley, J.A. (1978) Case Studies in Science Education (Vols. 1 and 2) Urbana: Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne. Journals Deacon, J. (1987) Forces which shape the practices of exemplary high school physics teachers. Exemplary Practice in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Perth: Cutin University of Technology. Garnett, P. (1987) Teaching for understanding: Exemplary practice in high school chemistry. Exemplary Practice in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Perth: Cutin University of Technology. Penick, J.E. and Yager, R.E. (1983) The search for excellence in science education. Phi Delta Kappan, 64: 621-23. Pintrich, P., Marx, R., Boyle, R. (1993) Beyond cold conceptual change; the role of motivational beliefs and classroom contextual factors in the process of conceptual change. Review of Educational Research. 63(2): 167-99 Tobin, K. and Fraser, B.J. (1990) What does it mean to be an exemplary teacher? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(1): 13-25. Tobin, K. and Garnett, P. (1988) Exemplary practice in science classrooms, Science Education, 72(2): 197-208. Treagust, D.F. (1987) Exemplary practice in high school biology classes. Exemplary Practice in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Perth: Cutin University of Technology.