CALS Early College School 700 Wilshire Blvd, 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 REQUEST TO PARTICIPATE IN FIELD TRIP Student’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity: Arroyo Seco Clean-Up Date: 2/23/08 Depart: 8:30 A.M. Return: 12 P.M. □ Walking □ School bus X Other: Metro Lunch: □ Student will be at school during lunch x Student should bring sack lunch □ Other:__________________________ I request that my child be permitted to participate in the field trip activity described above. In consideration of his/her being permitted to participate, we agree as follows: 1. I acknowledge that the activity under certain circumstances could be dangerous and that my child is not required to participate in it to receive a class grade. I expressly request my child to voluntarily participate in the activity. 2. I understand and acknowledge that as provided in part in Education Code 35330 I waive and forever release and discharge CALS Early College High School, the CALS Governing Board of Directors and its officers, employees and agents from all liability, claims, loss, cost or expense arising from or attributable to the above identified activity. To the best of my knowledge, my child has no physical condition that would interfere with his/her health or any other student’s health. X__________________________________________X___________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(To be retained by Supervising Teacher) MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION Should my child need to have medical treatment while participating in this activity, I hereby give the school district personnel permission to use their judgment in obtaining medical service for my child and I give permission to the physician selected by the school district personnel to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the the physician. I understand that the school district has no insurance covering such medical or hospital costs incurred for my child and, therefore, any cost incurred for such treatment shall be my sole responsibility ___________________________________________ Student’s Name ___________________________________ Emergency Telephone Number ___________________________________________ Home Address ___________________________________________ Home Telephone Number ___________________________________________ Work Telephone Number _____________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date PLEASE CHECK HERE IF SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING MEDICAL TREATMENT ARE ON FILE WITH THE SCHOOL. CALS Early College High School 700 Wilshire Blvd., 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 SOLICITUD PARA PARTICIPAR EN UNA EXCURSION Nombre del Estudiante:___________________________________________________________________________ Descripcion de la Actividad: Limpieza de Arroyo Seco Fecha: 2/23/08 Salida: 8:30 A.M. Regreso: 12PM □ Caminando □ Autobus Escolar X Otro: Metro Almuerzo: □ El alumno estara en la escuela durante el almuerzo x El alumno debe traer su almuerzo □ Otro:__________________________ Pido que mi hijo/a sea permitido participar en la excursion descrita arriba. En concideracion de que sea permitido participar, acuerdo lo siguiente: 1. Declaro que dicha actividad, bajo ciertas circumstancias, puede ser peligrosa y que a mi hijo/a no se le requiere participar para darle grado en clase. Pido expresamente que mi hijo/a participe voluntariamente en esta actividad. 2. Comprendo y declaro de acuerdo al Codigo de Educacion 35330, que cedo y eximo de cualquier obligacion a CALS Early College High School, a CALS Governing Board of Directors, perdida, costos, o gastos que se presenten o que puedan atriibuirse a la actividad arriba mencionada. Con mi mejor conocimiento declaro que mi hijo/a no tiene ninguna condicion fisica la cual pueda interferir con su habilidad de participar en o asistir a esta actividad o que pueda poner en peligro su salud o la de cualquier otro estudiante. X__________________________________________X___________________________ Firma de Padre/Tutor Fecha ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Debe ser guardada por el Maestro Supervisor) AUTORIZACION MEDICA Si mi hijo/a necesita tener tratamiento medico mientras participa en esta actividad, doy permiso al personal del distrito escolar de usar su juicio en obtener servicios medicos para mi hijo/a y doy permiso al medico seleccionado por el distrito para determinar tratamiento medicos y hospitalarios de mi hijo/a y por lo tanto cualquier costo que ocurra de dicho tratamiento sera solo mi responsabilidad. ___________________________________________ Nombre del Estudiante ___________________________________ Numero de Telefono de emergencia __________________________________________ Domicilio ___________________________________________ Numero de Telefono de casa ___________________________________________ Numero de Telefono del trabajo _____________________________ Firma de Padre/Tutor Fecha POR FAVOR MARQUE AQUI SI HAY INSTRUCCIONES ESPECIALES SOBRE TRATAMIENTO MEDICO EN LOS ARCHIVOS AQUI EN LA ESCUELA.