English 1301 – WHITEBIRD—Summer I -- 2014 CRN: 11239(5:30-8), 11386 (2-4 Instructor: Scott Whitebird, English, Spring Branch Campus, NWC scott.whitebird @hccs).edu Advising, Office AD6 or classroom 308 M-Th 1:30-2pm, 5-5:30 Or by appointment Texts: The Norton Reader 13th Edition Composition Study Guide (on Connect) McGRaw-Hill Handbook (on Connect) Catalog Description: A course devoted to improving the student’s writing and critical reading .Reading a variety of essays critically. Writing essays for a variety of purposes from personal to academic, including the introduction to argumentation, critical analysis, and the use of sources. Core Curriculum course. Prerequisite: A satisfactory assessment score, completion of ENGL 0310 or (for nonnative speakers) ENGL 0349. Credit: 3 (3 lecture) Course Purpose: English 1301 is the first of two basic college-level writing courses (the second course is Freshman Composition and Rhetoric II – ENGL 1302). English 1301 is intended to introduce students to basic forms of writing used in most academic contexts. This course provides excellent preparation for English 1302. ENGL 1301 is designed around writing as a process which enables students to develop organized, focused essays that demonstrate mastery of the following skills: Analytical thinking (critical thinking) Clear thesis statements Relevant, engaging details and support Focused organization based on a unifying principle Appropriate strategies given audience, purpose, and subject Skillfully constructed and varied sentences Appropriate diction, style, and grammar Appropriate tone Correct manuscript form Student Learning Outcomes: By the time students complete English 1301, they will: understand writing as a connected and interactive process which includes planning, shaping, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading; apply the writing process to out of class writing; apply writing process as appropriate to in-class, impromptu writing, thus showing an ability to communicate effectively in writing in a variety of writing situations; apply suggestions from evaluated compositions to other writing projects; 1 understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking in analyzing reading selections, in developing expository essays, and writing argumentative essays; apply concepts from and use references to assigned readings in developing essays; analyze (for elements such as purpose, audience, tone, style, writing strategy), in writing, essays by professional writers; complete short writing assignments, journal entries, reading quizzes, and other activities to strengthen basic thinking and writing skills; understand and appropriately apply various methods of development in writing assignments; and fulfill the writing requirements of the course, writing at least 5000 words during the semester. *An average of “C” (70%) must be earned on the two in-class essays (midterm and final) to receive a grade of “C” of better in the course. A “D” (60-69) on these essays will mean a course grade of “D.” An “F” average (0-59) on these essays will mean an “f” in the course, regardless of your other grades. CLASS POLICIES Attendance and Withdrawal Attendance is required. You are responsible for ALL materials covered in class. In addition, HCCS has an attendance policy. You may miss no more than 12.5%, or six class hours, or the instructor may drop you for non-attendance or require makeup work. Should you have to miss class, you are still responsible for all material covered. As soon as you can, be sure to get the name and phone number of a fellow student to contact. You may also leave me a message on my voicemail at 718-5678 – although we should see each other regularly at class. Should you stop attending class, it is your responsibility to withdraw from class, or you may receive an “F.” Tardiness and Leaving Class Early Anything more than occasional tardiness is not acceptable. Students arriving late must make sure that class roll is correct by seeing the teacher after class. Leaving early should be cleared/explained to instructor prior to leaving in the middle of class. Questions already answered and topics covered will not be repeated during class time and remain the student’s responsibility. Class Preparation Preparation is also required. Students should know calendar and syllabus. considered prior to class, and re-read if necessary so that you can participate in class. Expect occasional quizzes. Take notes in class; review them regularly. Late Work Late work costs points. Ten points off for each day (not class period) late; 20 points off for a weekend. No papers accepted more than ONE week late. Unusual lateness caused by illness, death in the family, and/or other emergencies must be explained in writing, and documented if possible. Papers will be collected at the beginning of class and are late after that. Papers turned in on the specified date but after papers have been collected will be penalized 5 points. 2 Make-up Work If you know you must miss the midterm for a good reason, we can schedule a make-up time. If you simply miss the midterm, you must have an excused absence and be ready to take the midterm immediately when you return. The Final in class essay cannot be rescheduled, so plan accordingly. Scholastic Dishonesty (Plagiarism, Collusion, Cheating) The student handbook lists cheating, plagiarism, and collusion as scholastic dishonesty. It defines plagiarism as “the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.” It defines collusion as “ the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for credit.” Possible punishments are “a grade of 0 or f on the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System.” See Student Handbook. NOTE: Teachers use computers regularly, and advanced searches make it quick and easy for us to check phrases, sentences, keywords, paragraphs, etc. Be HONEST, and be careful – GOOGLE RULES. And then there’s Turnitin.com…. Special Accommodations Students needing special accommodations must give the teacher a current request from The NWC ADA office. Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disabilities Support Services Office.” Repeating Courses Three Times or More Students who enroll for most credit or CEU classes for s third time of more will be charged an additional $50.00 per semester credit hour and $3.00 per contact hour. EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. ESSAYS All out of class work, including reading log entries, must be typed or computer printed in 12 pt. type, double spaced with a title page. An essay package should contain title page, final draft, rough draft, peer analysis, and anything else required by the instructor for that specific essay (Source verifications (copies of outside sources) required for research paper). Please staple title page, final draft, and rough draft together. NO PLASTIC SLIPCOVERS PLEASE. CONNECT All online. Using class URL, register in the first two weeks. Registration will be open only through June 12 http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com/class/s_whitebird_11239 (or 11386, 3 according to your section. Click on the butterfly icon for electronic texts Composition Study Guide and McGraw-Hill Handbook. Two completion grades, one for midterm, one on June 26, will be averaged for your Connect grade, with the completion of your post diagnostic test availible June 27-July 1 . Connect includes your Personalized Learning Plan (PLP), the NWC Composition Study Guide (CSP), and the McGraw-Hill Handbook. READING RESPONSE LOG During this semester, you will keep a log of directed responses to each assigned which will make 20% of your course grade. Each entry should be at least a hundred words long, but need not ever exceed 200. Revise these, add a title page and table of contents for Wednesday June 25 and staple together securely. This assignment puts a premium on work habits and rewards completion. If you finish all 27 entries, address each writing prompt, and turn the logs in on time and in correct form, you will earn either an A or a B on this 20% of your final course grade. . PORTFOLIO 40% of the student’s grade will be based on a revised Portfolio of work which must include a one expressive essay (essay #1), one analytic essay (essay #2), your revised midterm, and an original self assessment (500 words) on your strengths and weaknesses as a writer and your portfolio revisions. Turn in marked copies and all succeeding revisions. Once a marked paper is returned to you, you may revise it, and I will read it again and comment as many times as you wish. Put marked and revised essays in a pocket folder. Left side Right side 500 word Self assessment (your strengths/weaknesses Revised Narrative or Identity Revised Critical Analysis Revised Midterm No revision Marked Narrative or Identity (#1) Marked Critical Analysis (#2) Marked Midterm Graded MLA Research Paper (Teacher puts in folder) Grading Scale Portfolio Midterm and Final Response Logs PLP 40% 20% 20% 20% Essays Learning narrative or Identity essay (#1) Analysis of an essay ( #2) Midterm Research Paper (#4) Portfolio Defense 750+ word 1000+ words 600 words 1500+ words 500+ words 4 Research Student’s choice of topic from four social/cultural topics highlighted by four authors in week 3: Staples (stereotyping), McKibben (population and ethics), Kingston (cultural clashes in polyglot America), and Dickerson (violence in America) –or you may use two outside sources (book and a professional article) to analyze Alice Walker’s style in “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self” or Toni Morrison’s style in “Strangers. You must use 2 sources (book and a professional article) to analyze the author’s style in the essay from our book using each of the 3 sources three times. three times each. Paper should be 1500-2000 words long (4 ½ to six pages) with correct MLA format, including a Works Cited Page and Internal Citations, and source verifications (copies of sources) Put all materials(Rough Draft, peer analysis, Final Draft w/Works Cited, and source verifications in a brown clasp envelope with your name on the outside. Learning Narrative or Identity Essay Tell a story from your life with a clear outcome or lesson. Use both narration and description, include a clearly described central incident highlighted by sensory detail. Critical Analysis Read. Think. Write (to think further). Analyze the writing and the essay for how/why it works and what it accomplishes. This is separate from whether you like or don’t like the essay, and separate from whether you think the essay is”good” or “bad”. Do not retell the author’s content, or argue with them about their subject. Analyze the writing, the way the essay fit together or works, and the effects the essay achieves or is supposed to achieve. Conventions (shared rules) of critical analysis include: Write in the third person unless instructed otherwise; Include the author’s full name and the title of the essay you are analyzing in the first paragraph of your essay. Thereafter, refer to the author by last name only. Your essay should have a thesis on the writing/essay examined, supported by points you develop in discussion, and should offer evidence from the essay in quotes, paraphrases, and through specific subject/content or summary references documented in correct MLA form. Authors make choices writing essays. Those choices include audience, purpose, thesis (subject= author’s attitude toward the subject), genre and rhetorical approaches, the author’s bias (attitude or point of view) and tone(diction, word choice, or overall description), voice, and style. Besides these basic choices, a student can analyze organization or structure, the flow of words, sentences, and paragraphs, or the author’s message as developed from the thesis in supporting points and their discussion/development, and the kind, use, and credibility of evidence used by the author. 5 English 1301 – Composition 1 – Summer I -- 2014 – Whitebird June 2 3 4 5 Hughes 1059, Zen Parables 1127 White 79, Wolfe 126 Doyle 502, Alexie 358 Hurston 12, Eighner 31 9 Rios 40, Cofer 116 10 11 12 16 July Connect Registration 6/2-12 Intro. Norton Reader Rough Draft Narrative due FINAL DRAFT ASSIGNMENT #1 (Narrative) Midterm: Holt 358, Kozol 367, Buzzell 97, Quindlen 174 Ephrn 657, Gladwell 248 Rough Critical Analysis: Ephron, Gladwell, Douglass, Welty Douglass 346, Welty 350 FINAL DRAFT ASSIGNMENT #2 (Critical Analysis) MIDTERM IN CLASS. BLUEBOOKS. 600+ WORDS. 17 18 19 Staples 314 (stereotyping), McKibben 295 (population, personal ethics) Research topics, papers. Kingston 401(multi-cultural America), Dickerson 316 (violence in Amer.) Didion 1, Faulkner 871 Annotated Bibliography (3 sources) Walker 69, Morrison 135 Rough draft Research 23 Gates 260, Williams 423 24 25 26 Lee 3, Strebeigh 276 Martin Luther King 818 MLK continued. 30 1 2 3 FINAL EXAM IN CLASS. BLUEBOOKS 600+ WORDS. Connect Post Diagnostic completed. Portfolio Conferences (required) Portfolio Conferences (required) RESEARCH PACKAGE DUE. (Rough, Final, Peer Analysis, Source Verifications (copies)) RESPONSE LOGS DUE. PORTFOLIO DUE. Connect PLP finished. Post Diagnostic June 27- July 1. 6