On-line decision problems with exponentially many experts

On-Line Decision Problems with
Exponentially Many Experts
Richard M. Karp
Hoffman Fest
September 19-20, 2014
On-Line Decision Problem
A game between an adversary and a chooser. At each of T steps the adversary
secretly designates a subset of a fixed set A of n possible actions. The
designated actions are called winning and the others are called losing.
• The chooser, knowing the winning actions at all preceding steps, chooses
an action.
• The set of winning actions at the current step is then revealed to the
• The chooser’s goal: Minimize regret, the number of times he chooses a
losing action, minus mine(number of losses of action e).
• Any deterministic policy for the chooser can be made to lose at every step.
Randomized On-line Algorithms with
Proven Regret Bounds
• {W(t,e), L(t,e))}: Number of {wins, losses} for action e in first t
• Multiplicative Update Algorithm: Choose a small positive
epsilon. At each step t+1, assign a weight (1-epsilon}(L(t-1,e)) to
each action e. Draw an action from a distribution in which the
probability of an action is proportional to its weight.
• Kalai-Vempala Algorithm: at each step t+1, assign each action
e the score W(t,e) - R(t+1,e) where R(t+1,e) is drawn by the
chooser from an exponential distribution with mean
1/epsilon. Choose the action
argmaxe W(t,e) – R(t+1,e)
Bounds on Regret
For the multiplicative weight update algorithm
and Kalai-Vempala algorithm the expected
regret after step t is at most
epsilon mint L(t,e) +O(log(n)/epsilon
where n is the number of possible actions.
• The actions may be: paths through a network,
multicommodity flows, packings of a knapsack,
truth assignments, stock levels in an inventory
system, spanning trees, minimum spanning trees,
perfect bipartite matchings, transversals in a
bipartite graph, bases in a matroid etc.
• How to implement the Kalai-Vempala algorithm
when the number of possible actions is
exponentially large?
Coping with Exponentially Many
• Approach: Find a compact representation that
enables counting the number of winning
actions at any prior step, sampling uniformly
at random from the set of winning actions at
that step , and testing whether a given action
is winning at that step.
• Implement the Kalai-Vempala algorithm using
these primitives.
Ideal Case
• WIN(t) Set of winning actions at step t.
• Ideal case: It is possible to count the elements of
WIN(t), sample uniformly from WIN(t) and test
membership in WIN(t).
• Sets for which the ideal case holds: source-sink
paths respecting a deadline, feasible solutions to
a provisioning problem, feasible solutions to a
knapsack problem, spanning trees, minimum
spanning trees, satisfying assignments to a
boolean formula described by a BDD.
Nearly Ideal Case
• Approximate counting can be done. The
nearly ideal case applies to perfect matchings
in a bipartite graph, integer multicommodity
flows, satisfying assignments to a DNF
Boolean formula and bases of a transversal
Example: The On-Line Path Selection
• The setting: A graph G, a source a and sink z,
where a is different from z, and a positive
integer deadline d.
• The actions are the paths from a to z in G.
• At each step t the adversary assigns positive
integer costs to the edges. A path is winning if
the sum of the costs of its edges is less than or
equal to d.
A Compact Representation
• A pair (c,u), where c is a nonnegative integer
and u is a vertex, is good at step t if there is a path of cost
c from a to u and a path of cost
<=d-c from u to z.
• In the graph of winning paths H the vertex set is the set
of good pairs plus the pair (d,z) and there is an edge
from (c,u) to (c’,v) if c’ –c is the cost of edge (u,v)
and from (c,u) to (d,z) if the cost of the edge (u,t) is
less than or equal to d-c.
• The winning paths are the paths in H from (0,a) to (d,z).
Constructing the Graph H
• By breadth-first search forward from (0,a) and
backward from (d,z) find the set of winning
• Counting: Examining the pairs (c,u) in H in
decreasing order of c, compute L(c,u), the
number of paths in H from (c,u) to (d,z). L(0,a) is
the number of winning paths.
• Sampling: Impose an arbitrary linear ordering on
the edges out of each pair in H. This induces a
linear ordering on the winning paths. For any N,
one can quickly find the Nth path in this ordering.
A Provisioning Problem
• Each day, the adversary secretly specifies a
vector d = (d(1),d(2),…,d(m)) of demands for
m perishable goods and the chooser chooses
supply levels e(1),e(2),…,e(m)
summing to C. The action (e(1), e(2),…,e(m))
is winning if e(i) >= d(i) for all i.
Easy exercise: count the winning choices and
sample uniformly at random from the set of
winning choices.
Naïve Algorithm for the Ideal Case
• At step t+1 explicitly compute W(t,e) and
W(t,e) - R(t+1,e) for all e, and choose
argmaxe W(t,e) – R(t+1,e).
Here W(t,e) =
W(t-1,e) + 1 if e is a winning action at time t,
and W(t-1,e) otherwise.
This is expensive of time and especially of
• Choose a small positive parameter p
• At each step, compute a thinned winning set
in which each winning action occurs
independently with probability p
• Estimate each W(t,e) by V(t,e)/p where V(t,e)
is the number of thinned winning sets
containing e at the first t steps. Execute the
naïve algorithm using these estimates.
Intersection Trick
Winning sets: WIN(1), WIN(2),…,WIN(T)
In many cases, the intersection of k winning sets
has a compact representation supporting counting,
uniform sampling and membership testing.
One can estimate the fraction of winning sets
containing action e up to time t by picking random
k-tuples of prior winning sets and estimating the
frequency with which the k-fold intersection
contains action e.
A Thought Experiment
A thought experiment: given an urn filled with balls
of many different colors, find all balls that occur
with frequency at least 1/r, where r is
positive integer.
Repeat as long as possible: discard a set of r balls of
distinct colors.
At the end of this process, fewer than r colors
remain, and every color of frequency >1/r in the
original urn is among them.
Finding Frequent Actions with Limited
WIN(i) = set of winning actions at time i.
Action e is (t,r)-frequent if
W(t,e) > 1/r (|WIN(1)| + … + |WIN(t)|).
Problem: for t=1,2,…,T find the (t,r)-frequent
actions. These are candidates for
argmaxe (W(t,e) –R(t+1,e)). Actions that are not
(t,r)-frequent can often be eliminated.
A Streaming Algorithm
• Process the successive sets WIN(1), WIN(2), …,
WIN(T) action by action.
• Create sets S(1),S(2), each of cardinality at
most r and containing occurrences of distinct
• Place each action in turn in the first set that
can accept it.
Streaming Algorithm (continued)
• A set S(j) is incomplete if it contains fewer
than r distinct actions. For each such action,
the algorithm keeps a count of the number of
incomplete sets containing the action.
• Lemma: At any point, the number of actions
occurring in incomplete sets is less than r.
• Lemma: If action e is (t,r)-frequent then, after
the processing of WIN(1), WIN(2),…,WIN(t),
action e occurs in at least one incomplete set.
Estimating the Frequencies of Actions
• Goal: for each action e, estimate the number of complete
sets containing e.
• Associate with each complete set S(j) a consensus set C(j)
as follows:
C(1) = S(1)
for j=2,3,…
if e is in both S(j) and C(j-1) then e is in C(j)
pair the remaining elements of S(j)
one-to-one with the remaining elements
of C(j-1). Place one action from each pair into C(j),
choosing the element from S(j) with probability (j-1)/j, and the
element from C(j-1) with probability 1/j.
Estimating the Frequencies of Actions
• Theorem: The probability that action e lies in
C(j) is exactly number of occurrences of e in the
sets S(1), S(2),…,S(j), divided by j.
The construction of the consensus sets C(t) is
randomized. By maintaining several consensus sets
for each set S(t) one can estimate the number of
occurrences of e in the sets S(1),S(2),…,S(t).
Combining this with the construction of the (t,r)frequent actions one can reliably estimate
argmax eW(t,e) –R(t+1,e) for all t.
This is ongoing joint work with Evdokia Nikolova
of UT Austin.
The further work will focus on algorithms for the
non-ideal case, in which counting and sampling
can only be done approximately, and the nonbinary case, in which an action receives a score
ate each step, rather than merely winning or