Houston Community College System Travel & Tourism COURSE DESCRIPTION: TRVM 1341 TRAVEL DESTINATION II - EASTERN HEMISPHERE 3 lecture credits Study of countries located in the Eastern Hemisphere including Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand. Emphases on the culture, customs, climate, physical features, language, currency, political conditions, and how they affect both business and the leisure travel. COREQUISITES: None PREREQUISITE: None COURSE GOALS: At the completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Identify major landforms of Eastern Europe. Discuss the history and culture of the region. Describe major tourism areas, activities, and attractions. Design an itinerary to any destination in Eastern Europe. Identify major landforms of North Africa and the Middle East. Discuss the history and culture of the region. Describe major tourism areas, activities, and attractions. Design an itinerary to any destination in North Africa in the Middle East. Identify the landforms of Sub-Saharan Africa. Discuss the history and culture of the region. Describe major tourism areas, activities, and attractions. Design an itinerary to any destination in Sub-Saharan Africa. Identify the major landforms of the Indo-Asian region. Discuss the history and culture of the region. Describe major tourism areas, activities, and attractions. Design an itinerary to any destination in the Indo-Asian region. Identify the major landforms of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Antarctica. Discuss the history and culture of the region. Describe major tourism areas, activities, and attractions. Design an itinerary to any destination in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Antarctica. Identify the major island groups of the South Pacific. Discuss the history and culture of the region. Describe major tourism areas, activities, and attractions. Design an itinerary to any destination in the South Pacific. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Ms. Shouping Liu(713)718-6072 – work (832)668-6828 - cell Email: shouping.liu@hccs.edu TEXTBOOK INFORMATION: Selling Destinations: Geography for the Travel Professional 5th Edition by Dr. Marc Mancini, published by Thomson/Delmar Learning. ISBN: 1-4283-2142-X LAB REQUIREMENTS: None STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to call (713)718-6164 to make necessary arrangement. Faculty are only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirement. ATTENDENCE AND WITHDRAWAL POLICY: 1. Attendance: A. Students are expected to attend all classes (see college catalog for attendance policy). B. Students are responsible for all work missed during an absence, and it is the student's responsibility to consult with instructors for make-up assignments. C. If a student misses 2 or more consecutive classes(12.5%, including lecture and laboratory time), he/she may be withdrawn from the course by the instructor. This policy will be strictly enforced for veterans. 2. Withdrawal: It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop or withdraw from a course. Failure to officially withdraw may result in the student receiving a grade of “F” in the course. A student may officially withdraw in any of the following ways: A: B. Complete an official withdrawal form at the campus he or she is attending or any other HCCS campus. Send a letter requesting withdrawal to: Registrar Houston Community College Systems P. O. Box 667517 Houston, TX 77266-7517 COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING POLICY: A. Tests – To evaluate the student achievement for the stated objectives he/she will complete a comprehensive mid-term exam and a comprehensive final exam as well as one or two quizzes. B. Students will write two destinations reports. C. Grades: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 or below D. Final Evaluation Criteria: Attendance/Class Participation Destination News(current) Homework/Chapter Assignment Final Exam Destination Project & Presentation 15% 15% 30% 20% 20% TESTING: Final Exam: Chapters 14 – 30 MAKE-UP POLICY: Only under special circumstances that student could not control and with the instructors approval make ups will be given.. PROJECTS, ASSIGNMENTS, PORTFOLIOS, SERVICE LEARNING, INTERNSHIPS, ETC.: Assignments: At the end of each chapter, there are assignments for completion under Map Activity(MA), Case Study(CS) and Creative Activity(CA). MA and CS for each week are to be turned in before the end of the following week, and all CA are due on Dec. 07, 2015. Project: Choose any one country in the Eastern Hemisphere and present it to class with all details. A minimum of seven(7) pages typed and a 10-minute presentation in class are required. COURSE CONTENT: Study of countries located in the Eastern Hemisphere including Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East. Emphases on the culture, customs, climate, physical features, language, currency, tourism, and seasonal attractions. Since this course stresses destination as well as formal geography, lecture/discussion are supplemented with individual research and group activities and out of class group projects. COURSE CALENDAR WITH READING ASSIGNMENTS: Weeks Date Chapters Homework Assignment Week 1: 08/24/2015 Introduction & Syllabi none Week 2: 08/31/2015 Chapters 14 & 15 MA, CS (pages 269 – 270; 285 - 286)+news Week 3: 09/07/2015 Labor Day Holiday Part IV Europe CA (page 255)+news Week 4: 09/14/2015 Chapters 16 & 17 MA, CS (pages 301 – 302; 317 - 318)+news Week 5: 09/21/2015 Chapters 18 & 19 MA, CS (pages 331 – 332; 345 – 346)+news Week 6: 09/28/2015 Chapter 20 MA, CS, CA (pages 363 – 365) + Part V Africa & ME CA (p. 376)+news Week 7: 10/05/2015 Chapters 21 & 22 MA, CS (pages 389 – 390; 403 - 404)+news Week 8: 10/12/2015 Chapters 23 & 24 MA, CS (pages 417 – 418; 436 - 437)+news Week 9: 10/19/2015 Part VI Asia & The Pacific CA (page 447)+news Week 10: 10/26/2015 Chapter 25 MA, CS (pages 461 – 462)+news Week 11: 11/02/2015 Chapter 26 MA, CS (pages 475 - 476)+news Week 12: 11/09/2015 Chapter 27 - 28 MA, CS (pages 489 – 490; 504 – 505)+news Week 13: 11/16/2015 Chapters 29 MA, CS (pages 521 – 522)+news Week 14: 11/23/2015 Chapter 30 MA, CS (pages 542 – 543)+news Week 15: 11/30/2015 Final Exam: chapters 14 - 30 Week 16: 12/07/2015 Destination Project Presentation, all CA due *Last day for administrative/student withdrawals – October 30, 2015 HCC is committed to provide a learning and working environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of sex which includes all forms of sexual misconduct. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that when a complaint is filed, a prompt and thorough investigation is initiated. Complaints may be filed with the HCC Title IX Coordinator available at 713 718-8271 or email at oie@hccs.edu.