9th conference 19 0..

Ninth Annual Research Student Conference
Friday 19 June 2015, Chelmsford Campus
Procedure for Submitting Posters
If you require any of the conference materials (including this guidance)
in an alternative format (for example, Braille, large print, audio, electronic),
please email research.conference@anglia.ac.uk
or contact us on 0845 196 4208/3125.
If you have any special requirements relating to producing your poster
or to the conference, please also let us know.
The process for submitting a poster for the Ninth Annual Research Student Conference is
detailed below. The conference is being organised by Research, Development & Commercial
Services. We will meet the cost of your poster being produced, providing that you submit it by
the deadline and adhere to this procedure.
Please ensure that you follow this guidance carefully, otherwise we may have to return
your poster to you.
It is essential that all submissions are of an appropriate standard. Grammatical,
spelling and other errors will not be corrected so it is essential that you proof read your
poster before it is sent to print.
Our Graphic Designer can deal with any of the practical aspects of the layout of the
poster for you (for example, if you would like images or photographs in your poster, you
can send these separately stipulating where you would like them to be inserted).
If you have any queries relating to this guidance, please email:
Following your submission, the proof of your poster will be sent to you at the first available
opportunity. You can ask for any minor changes to be made at this point. It may take some
weeks for your draft to be sent to you, depending on the number of posters that have been
Please submit all posters and any queries to research.conference@anglia.ac.uk
The deadline for submission is Friday 17 April 2015 (by 5pm)
We reserve the right not to accept posters that are submitted after the deadline.
Please also note that we will be holding a session on ‘Designing Your Research Poster’
on Friday 20 February 2015 11:00-13:00 at Cambridge. If you would like to attend this
session, please book a place through ProgressPlatform:
We arrange for all the posters to be on display throughout the conference day. We ask you to
stand by your poster during the last 30 minutes of the lunch period, in order that conference
participants can talk to you about your research. You are welcome to take your poster with
you at the end of the day. If appropriately designed you may be able to use your poster at
other conferences.
Please make sure you book a place at the conference.
Visit https://eventbrite.co.uk/event/15273183503/
and follow the online instructions
We plan to arrange transport from the Cambridge campus to the Chelmsford campus
and back; please indicate when booking whether you would require this.
General Information
In order to submit a poster, PhD / MPhil / MD(Res) students must have had their
research proposal approved. Professional Doctorate (DProf) students must have
passed at least one paper in Stage 1 of their programme. If DProf students have not
passed one paper in Stage 1 at the current time, but anticipate that they will have done
by the time of the conference, they can still submit.
You must ensure that you have discussed the poster with at least one of your
Supervisors/your Programme Director/Academic Advisor and that he/she is happy for
you to submit it. Please send your Supervisory team a copy of your poster to check
prior to submission.
You must have submitted an abstract to research.conference@anglia.ac.uk before
submitting your poster. Guidance for abstracts has already been sent out. If you require
a copy of the guidance, please log on to the conference website:
Following submission of your poster, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt
and confirming whether your poster has been accepted.
When producing your poster…
You must produce your poster on an A4 template (e.g. Word or Power Point). You can
also use other graphics packages if you have access to them, but please email
research.conference@anglia.ac.uk before starting work on your poster, in order that
we can check that our Graphic Designer has access to these packages. We will
produce the poster for you in A1 size.
Posters should follow a logical format and contain relevant sections, for example
‘Introduction/Aims/Hypothesis’, ‘Method’, ‘Results’ and ‘Conclusions’ (depending on
your discipline). We recognise that, at this stage, you may not have results or findings
may be limited. This is fine and you can adjust your headings accordingly. Make sure
that there are clear signposts, so that your reader knows in which order to read the
sections on your poster.
Please leave a space at the top of your template (approximately 75mm from the top
edge when reduced to an A4 page) for our Graphic Designer to insert the Anglia Ruskin
logo and colour strip for your research title, name and Anglia Ruskin student email
address. You may select the colour you wish to use for this header.
The title of your poster should be short and succinct, yet interesting. Your poster title
need not be the same as your abstract title.
You must include your name, faculty and Anglia email address on the poster. You
should also acknowledge your Supervisory team at the end of the poster.
Please ensure that you check for grammatical and spelling errors prior to submitting
your poster. We will not proof read your poster and reserve the right to return any that
have not been checked. Also, please be sure that you write any words in full, prior to
abbreviating them.
We advise you to consider carefully the number of words on your poster. We specify
that no more than 350 words must be used, otherwise your poster may look too
cluttered or the text may not actually fit onto your final poster (remember to leave plenty
of background space to make it easier to read).
We encourage the use of diagrams, graphs or photographs. Please ensure that these
are of a good quality and that photographs and images are 150dpi when set to the
design size. You can attach these separately (you do not have to put them on your
poster template yourself). Images often look better with a border. You also need to
label all figures. If you leave gaps on your template and instructions where you would
like each image to be, our Graphic Designer will arrange these on the poster for you.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained any permission required for
the use of images (in view of copyright issues) and that if you have photographs with
people in, you have obtained their permission for this.
Prizes will be awarded for posters as follows:
First prize
Second prize
Third prize
Posters will be judged both on academic content and visual impact (so think about use
of original designs and images and be wary about using too many words). The
purpose of a poster is to attract other conference participants to your research, so think
carefully about how to do this. Think about your poster as a way of marketing your
research. You do not need to include all the information about your research in your
poster (indeed it would be a mistake to do this; think instead about using it as a ‘hook’
to get people interested in what you are doing). Also, bear in mind that conference
participants will be from a wide range of disciplines and you need to be able to
communicate your work effectively with all of them.
Previous posters can be viewed by appointment in the MedBIC, Chelmsford campus.
Please phone Jill Smit (0845 196 4208) to book a time.
Research Conference Team
Research, Development & Commercial Services
Email: research.conference@anglia.ac.uk
21 December 2014