2302 Spr 2012 Take Home.doc

GOVT 2302
Mid-Term Exam
Spring 2012
Directions: Answer each of the following completely, using complete sentences. Type
your answers out, using 12 pt. Times or Arial font.
This is an individual paper assignment. You are not to work on this project with
anyone. Any evidence of academic dishonestly will result in a ‘0’ for this
assignment and further possible action per the class syllabus!!
What requirements must a case meet to be heard by a federal district court?
How do crises impact presidential power?
Compare the first, second, and third readings of a bill.
What kinds of cases can the Supreme Court hear under its original and appellate
Why is Franklin D. Roosevelt said to be the founder of the modern presidency?
What is meant by judges sitting en banc? In what court do judges most frequently
sit en banc?
What are the two different sets of constituencies members of Congress must cater
to? How do members balance the two?
What are the four kinds of congressional committees? Give examples of each.
Why did Alexander Hamilton claim that the Supreme Court was "the least
dangerous branch? Explain why or why not this characterization is correct today.
10. How and why do Texas judges differ in education and training?
11. How does the criminal justice system differ for capital murder cases as opposed to
other criminal cases?
12. Name three specific powers the Texas Constitution gives to the governor.
13. What is a hold, and how can it be used to manipulate the political system?
14. Compare and contrast judicial activism and restraint.
15. What kinds of informal powers to persuade the legislature and other elements of
state government does the governor possess?
GOVT 2302
Mid-Term Exam
Spring 2012
16. What is a bicameral legislature? Give examples of nations that have bicameral and
unicameral legislatures.
17. What is the significance of the president's power to propose a budget?
18. What are executive signing statements?
19. What are the disadvantages of being an incumbent?
20. What role do committees play in the organization of the Texas legislature? Describe
the various types of committees in the legislature.