THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT (Core and/or Franchised Provision) An Confirmed report of the event held on 26th May 2009 to consider the approval of the following pathways: BA (Hons) History (Single Subject) BA (Hons) History with Another Subject Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences Delivery of Pathways at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Campus, University Centre Kings Lynn, Huntingdonshire Regional College, University Centre Peterborough, International Correspondence Schools, Glasgow. Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the event was to consider the re-approval of BA (Hons) History ( Single Subject ) and BA (Hons) History and Another Subject, brought about by the addition of four new modules to the pathway. 1.2 The pathway will be located in the Department of Humanities in the Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences 1. CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval and franchise of the following pathways BA (Hons) History (Single Subject) BA (Hons) History with Another Subject Approval, once confirmed, will be for an indefinite period, subject to Anglia Ruskin’s continuing quality assurance procedures. The mode of delivery is by full and part time attendance ( core Anglia and partner colleges) and through correspondence (International Correspondence School). 2.2 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of 4 new modules for delivery. The full titles of all new modules are provided in section D of this report. 2.3 Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date(s) detailed below: 2.4 Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by 2.3.1 The team shall revise the PSFs and the MDFs in accordance with the Technical report and resubmit electronically. 12th June 2009 Chair and executive officer 2.3.2 The team shall provide an up to date student handbook to include reference to plagiarism, return of work, the student charter, and ensure consistent accurate information on penalties for late submission. 12th June 2009 Chair and executive officer 2.3.3 The team shall provide complete and up to date CV’s for all staff at core Anglia and partner colleges. 12th June 2009 Chair and executive officer Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences will consider the responses at its meeting of 14th October 2009: Quality Assurance Division 2 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed Details of Recommendation The panel recommends the team revisit the personal tutoring provision and consider providing additional support particularly in semester 1 of the first year. Deadline 30th September 2009 2.4.2 The panel recommends the team examine the gap between 3000 and 10000 word essays and consider the inclusion of a 4500 word essay. 30th September 2009 2.4.3 Given the discursive nature of the subject the panel recommends the team make best use of the word lengths stipulated in the modules 30th September 2009 2.4.4 The panel recommends the team use a consistent approach to the assessment of oral work across the pathway. 2.4.5 Given the size of the team, the panel recommends the Department and the Faculty monitor staff workload. 2.4.6 The panel recommends the Faculty considers the provision of some financial support for Field Trips. 30th September 2009 30th September 2009 30th September 2009 2.4.1 2.5 Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel identified no institution-wide issues requiring the attention of the Senate or any standing committee of the Senate: Quality Assurance Division 3 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 This re-approval has been brought about by the addition of four new modules to the History pathway, and the realignment of existing module content across the levels to bring greater coherence to the History degree. 4 CURRICULUM DESIGN, CONTENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 The Panel advised the team that reference to the QAA benchmark and not HEFCE benchmark should be made and the Team agreed this would be amended within the relevant documentation. The Team confirmed that the learning outcomes have been based on the QAA benchmark statement. 4.2 The Panel was interested to learn whether input from History societies has been embedded into the curriculum. The Team explained that the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association have more relevance for graduates going in to teaching and the inclusion of the new module “Crowns and Peoples” has sought to address this. 4.3 The Team was asked to explain why the department is introducing the new modules. The Team explained the introduction of the new modules reflects student requests, staff expertise and a desire to offer more coherence within the pathway. The Panel accepted the Teams explanation. 4.4 External panel members discussed research areas with individual Team members and how this informed the curriculum. The Team explained the University and Faculty are very supportive in the area of research and that additional monies are forthcoming as a result of the Department’s performance in the RAE outcome 4.5 A detailed and lengthy discussion took place with regard to field trips. The Panel was informed of the flexible venues for field trips and the Team confirmed this would be made clearer within the documentation. The Team explained the importance of field trips and how some are Tutor led and managed and some are self managed. The Panel was given clarification about specialist texts and key texts and how these fitted into the modules and curriculum. The panel was interested to know whether field trips are subsidised by the Faculty. The Team confirmed some subsidies are available but these are via the Department and Student Services and not the Faculty. The panel recommends the Faculty considers the provision of some financial support for Field Trips. 4.6 External panel members enquired whether Power Point presentations were regularly used by staff and students. The Team confirmed it is a Departmental policy to encourage the use of power point and clips. 4.7 The panel was interested to learn of the exchange visits which students could take advantage of. The Team explained that due to the Modular arrangement exchange visits are only possible during the first semester at level 2 4.8 External panel members asked the Team to explain the student managed learning requirement within the modules. The Team confirmed this is a University level expectation related to the credit on individual module. Quality Assurance Division 4 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed 5 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 5.1 The Panel welcomed the variety of assessment elements and discussed the strategy for the use of exams across levels 1 to 3 noting that less examination took place at the higher levels. The Team explained this strategy was appropriate to the higher level modules and External panel members agreed with this explanation. 5.2 Discussion took place around the restrictions the University places on assessment criteria in particular word count and number of allowable assessment items. The Panel was advised the Team works within the University Regulations which on occasion may limit the discursiveness of the subject. The Panel noted that word counts within modules were generally set at between 1000 and 3000 word length at levels 1 and 2 and considered that students may be ill prepared for the undergraduate major project set at 10000 words. The panel recommends the team makes best use of the word limits described in the modules and examine the gap between 3000 and 10000 word essays and consider the inclusion of a 4500 word essay. 5.3 The Panel was interested to learn whether there is a consistent assessment strategy for oral presentations. The Team explained that different methods are currently used by teaching staff and the Panel recommend the team use a consistent approach to the assessment of oral work across the pathway. 6 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT. 6.1 The Panel undertook a tour of learning resources within the Library to support delivery of the pathway. The support offered by Library personnel in relation to the students preparation for dissertation was welcomed by the Panel. 6.2 The Panel raised concerns over the number of modules delivered by a small Team and asked how the Team dealt with staff absence or secondment. The Team confirmed the close cohesive nature of the Team allowed short term absence to be dealt with relatively easily. The Department has adequate notice of secondments to make adjustment to the budget and a pool of lecturers from both Cambridge and London is used to deliver modules in their entirety. 6.3 Following the discussions related to staffing it was noted some staff CV’s had not been provided. As a standard condition of approval the Team was requested to submit final versions of staff CVs, for inclusion in the Register of Teaching Staff. 6.4 The panel noted the personal tutoring system and External Panel members were particularly interested in the use of Student Advisers. The Team explained they operate a flexible approach and have office hours clearly displayed. Students can also email and make specific appointments. This is in addition to the introduction in welcome week 1. The panel recommends the team revisit the personal tutoring provision and consider providing additional support particularly in semester 1 of the first year. Quality Assurance Division 5 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ENHANCEMENT 7.1 The Panel was satisfied with the information provided within the proposal document with regard to quality assurance and enhancement and as such no further discussions took place on this area. 8 DOCUMENTATION 8.1 The Panel had highlighted some minor issues with regard to the Student Handbooks in the checklist of issues. In general, the Panel felt that the handbooks needed to more accurately reflect the Anglia Ruskin document ‘Guidance on the Contents of a Student Handbook’ and that the Team ensure that any revisions to the content of the curriculum were replicated in the handbook. The Panel determined that the submission of final versions of the handbooks be a condition of approval and should include reference to the student charter, plagiarism, correct information on the return of work and penalties for late submission. The Team agreed to revise the handbooks in line with the comments of the Panel contained in the checklist of issues and the University guidance. 9 MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 External Panel members were interested to know how student feedback is disseminated across the Faculty and University. The Chair explained the provision of student representation on programme subcommittees, and the minutes from these feed back to Faculty Board and Senate. The External Panel members suggested student representation at approval events should be considered 10 CONFIRMATION OF STANDARDS OF AWARDS 10.1 The Panel confirmed that the proposed History ( single subject) and History with Another Subject pathways satisfied the University’s Academic Regulations with regard to the definitions and academic standards of Anglia Ruskin awards and, hence, the QAA’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. DRAFT UNCONFIRMED CONFIRMED FILE REF OFFICE FILE REF Quality Assurance Division 6 4th June 2009 12th June 2009 12th June 2009 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP AND PROPOSAL TEAM Internal Panel Members: Trevor Bolton Director of Institute for International Management Practice (Caribbean), Ashcroft International Business School Julian Doberski Principal Lecturer Life Sciences Faculty of Science and Technology External Panel Members: Michele Cohen Professor in Humanities Richmond American International University, London Executive Officer: Christopher Read Professor of Modern European History University of Warwick Technical Officer: Vicky McCormick Faculty Quality Assurance Officer Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences Members of Proposal Team: Rohan McWilliam Pathway Leader, Senior Lecturer History Department of Humanities Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences. Alison Ainley Head of Humanities & Social Department of Humanities Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences. Clarrisa Cambell Orr Reader in Enlightenment, Gender and Court Studies Department of Humanities Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences. Sean Lang Senior Lecturer, History Department of Humanities Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences. Jon Davis Programme Leader, Humanities; Principal Lecturer, History Department of Humanities Faculty of Arts Law and Social Sciences. ` Quality Assurance Division Louise Tree Huntingdon Regional College 7 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed Margaret Hiley University College Peterborough Claire Hall University College Peterborough Quality Assurance Division 8 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards History (Single) History with Another Humanities Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences University Centre Kings Lynn, Huntingdon Regional College, University Centre Peterborough, International Correspondence Schools/Cengage, Glasgow. Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) BA Hons. History (Single Subject) Full and Part time and Correspondence BA Hons. History with Another Subject Full and Part time and Correspondence Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) N/A N/A Rohan McWilliam September 2009 200 15 Min No maximum July 2010 None To be confirmed N/A NEW MODULES APPROVED AG115033S Crowns and Peoples: Early Modern Britain, 1500-1688 AG215057S The Growth of the USA 1776-1900 AG315058S Capitalism in Crisis AG315059S Russia after Stalin Quality Assurance Division 9 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed FOR FRANCHISE APPROVALS ONLY: LIST OF MODULE TUTORS AND MODULE CODES & TITLES (FOR INCLUSION IN THE REGISTER OF TEACHING STAFF) Pathway title: History with another subject Name of partner institution: University Centre Kings Lynn Name of staff member Michelle Boyton Janet Hughes Module Code AG130003D AG115003S Will Oliver AG230002D AG215015S AG230002D AG215005S AG315011S AG130003D Paul Richards Keverne Smith Katrin Wilhelm AG315008S AG115033S AG215005S Module Title Crowns and Peoples Western Civilization Making of Modern Britain Crowns and Peoples Britain since 1832 History Today Britain since 1832 United States in the 20th Century The Cold War Western Civilization Aspects of East Anglian History Crowns and Peoples United States in the 20th Century Name of Pathway title: History and English (degree taught at Level 1 and 2 only) Name of partner institution: Huntingdonshire College Name of staff member Sue Sadler Louise Tree Module Code AG215015S AG130003D AG115004S AG115003S AG230002D AG2150006S Lecturer for Crowns and Peoples yet to be appointed. Module Title History Today Western Civilisation Citizens: The French Revolution & Modern Political Culture Making of Modern Britain Britain since 1832 Europe 1848 – 1914 Pathway title: History Name of partner institution: ICS Name of staff member Module Code Module Title Tom Dixon Stuart Mitchell AG130003D Western Civilization AG115003S Marisa Linton AG115004S Making of Modern Britain Citizens: The French Revolution & Modern Political Culture Terence Corps AG130002S Growth of the USA Claire Hall AG130001S War Power & Culture: Europe 1660-1789 Lecturer for Crowns and Peoples yet to be appointed Quality Assurance Division 10 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed Pathway title: History Name of partner institution: UCP Name of staff member John Boland Module Code AG130003D AG115004S AG230002D Alan Brooke AG130003D AG115003S AG230002D AG315010S AG315012D AG115004S Claire Hall AG115003S AG215015S AG315007S AG315011S AG115004S AG230002D Abi Hunt AG315008S AG115003S Jenny Bloodworth AG315010S Lecturer for Crowns and Peoples yet to be appointed Module Title Western Civilization Citizens Britain since 1832 Western Civilization Making of Modern Britain Britain since 1832 Leisure and Popular Culture History Special Subject Citizens Making of Modern Britain History Today Russia: Revolution and reaction The Cold War Citizens Britain since 1832 Aspects of East Anglian History Making of Modern Britain Leisure and Popular Culture NB Copies of CVs of Module Leaders at partner institutions to be provided to Sharon Simpson with a copy of the full report Quality Assurance Division 11 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed