ASQRC Chair’s Action November 2010 CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT CHANGES Curriculum Management (CM1) forms approved by Chair’s action on behalf of ASQRC: FACULTY OF ARTS, LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES REF AWARD TITLE ALSS 30/10 MA English CHAIR’S COMMENTS/CONDITIONS NATURE OF CHANGE Approved Change of pathway title Old pathway title MA English New pathway title MA English Literature Change proposed to reflect this is a broad-based literature degree, to make the title in line with the BA degree and to clarify it is not an English Language degree to prevent inappropriate applications All students starting the pathway in September 2011 will be enrolled on MA English Literature, those still completing or who join in January 2011 will be offered the choice of MA English or MA English Literature With effect from September 2011 FACULTY OF EDUCATION REF AWARD TITLE EDUC 07/10 n/a n/a Approved Change of programme title Old programme title Postgraduate Teacher Education ASQRC CM1 Form changes November 2010 CHAIR’S COMMENTS/CONDITIONS NATURE OF CHANGE New programme title Secondary (ITE) and Masters Education Proposal includes the removal of the Primary PGCE pathway from Postgraduate Teacher Education to the new programme area (to be called Primary (ITE) and FE (ITE)) Change proposed to support OfSTEDs organisation of inspection and annual monitoring processes, to reflect the removal of PGCE Primary and identify remaining pathways, and keep the Secondary provision separate and distinct for OfSTED purposes No transitional arrangements needed as existing pathways within the programme areas remain unaffected With immediate effect Page 1 of 4 Academic Office EDUC 08/10 n/a n/a Old programme title Undergraduate Teacher Education EDUC 09/10 University Diploma Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector New programme title Primary (ITE) and FE (ITE) Proposal includes moving the Primary PGCE pathway from Postgraduate Teacher Education to the new programme area (to be called ‘Primary (ITE) and FE (ITE)’) Change proposed to support OfSTEDs organisation of inspection and annual monitoring processes, the inclusion of the PGCE Primary pathway will create a cluster of ‘Primary’ pathways to fulfil OfSTEDs reporting requirements and re-alignment of the programme will allow greater efficiency in the Faculty’s response to national initiatives at an operational level No transitional arrangements needed as existing pathways within the programme areas remain unaffected With immediate effect Delivery of the pathway (known as the generic DTLLS) at an additional site – Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford campus Currently run through regional collaborative partners The proposed change will strengthen Core Anglia student numbers on the modules offered and allow us to better support students when practical or contractual problems arise with partner colleges There is an immediate issue with students at South Essex College (formerly Thurrock and Basildon college) and potentially Chelmsford College The intention always was to run the generic DTLLS at ARU Chelmsford once a sufficient staffing base permitted this No transitional arrangements needed With effect from January 2011 ASQRC CM1 Form changes November 2010 Approved Change of programme title Page 2 of 4 Approved Academic Office FACULTY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE REF AWARD TITLE FHSC 23/10 n/a n/a CHAIR’S COMMENTS/CONDITIONS NATURE OF CHANGE Old department title Allied Health n/a n/a Change of department title Old department title Mental Health and Learning Difficulties ASQRC CM1 Form changes November 2010 New department title Allied Health and Medicine With the current and planned curriculum and research developments associated with the PMI the Faculty Management Team believe that there needs to be an identified departmental focus for these actions This change would assist both the Faculty and the PMI in its branding and marketing activities Students not affected as no current pathways are affected With effect from November 2010 FHSC 24/10 Approved Change of department title Approved New department title Mental Health Following closure of the NHS contract the Learning Disabilities pathway is no longer a major component of the department therefore the Faculty Management Team believe that Learning Disabilities should be removed from the department name Students not affected With effect from November 2010 Page 3 of 4 Academic Office FHSC 25/10 Module DN315009S Appraising Evidence in Health and Social Care Old department responsible Primary and Public Health Chair’s Action on behalf of ASQRC (Prof Lesley Dobree) ASQRC CM1 Form changes November 2010 Approved Change of module responsibility between departments New department responsible Allied Health Module is only accessed by Allied Health students as part of Allied Health pathways and not used in any Primary and Public Health pathways or as standalone The current external examiner in the Department of Primary and Public Health will complete her contract in December 2010, the Department of Allied Health already has an appropriate external examiner who will be able to take over duties for this module No transitional arrangements needed With effect from December 2010 __________________________________ Page 4 of 4 Date ________________________ Academic Office