QUALITY STANDARDS COMMITTEE – 10th February 2011 CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT CHANGES Plan CM1 forms have been submitted for the following proposals for approval by ASQRC: ASHCROFT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL REF AWARD TITLE AIBS 06/10 FdA Management (Work Based) NATURE OF CHANGE AIBS 07/10 Cert HE Charity and Social Enterprise Management AIBS 08/10 BA (Hons) Corporate Management ASQRC Plan CM1 Changes 10 February 2011 DECISION Proposal of additional delivery mode – Distance Learning (DL) Significant demand for the pathway has been identified by Higher Skills@Work, the DL mode will provide more flexibility and distributed learning for students Students will be recruited by HS@W (counted as additional ASNs) over and above the capped numbers Students already registered on the pathway will not be impacted DL mode will be available to students starting from March 2011 With effect from March 2011 Approved Proposal of additional delivery site – Cambridge The proposal is a Higher Skills@Work initiative The pathway is being marketed across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Essex, for practical reasons Cambridge will provide a more suitable venue for the initial cohort The Cambridge delivery site will benefit recruitment and the student experience This is a new pathway so no transitional arrangements are required With effect from March 2011 Approved Reinstatement for franchise delivery only at Kolej PTPL Penang, KBU International College, and the School of Accounting and Management In the 2010 AIBS Undergraduate Review the pathway was archived due to low recruitment but allowed to continue for the one student registered on the pathway at Chelmsford, the pathway was slightly amended at the Curriculum Review Although the pathway has been unattractive at core Anglia Ruskin University it remains attractive at three international partners who are currently delivering the pathway on the old curriculum structure but wish to deliver the pathway under the new curriculum arrangements Transitional arrangements have already been made for existing students With effect from September 2011 Approved Page 1 of 2 Academic Office FACULTY OF EDUCATION REF AWARD TITLE FOE 11/10 FdA Early Years Playwork and Education NATURE OF CHANGE DECISION Proposal of additional delivery mode – full-time at UCWA only Offering the full-time mode will provide the opportunity for learners to study locally and enable students to progress after 2 years onto the BA (Hons) third year top-up Current students not impacted With effect from September 2011 Approved FACULTY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE REF AWARD TITLE FHSC 30/10 BSc (Hons) Mental Health and Learning Disabilities NATURE OF CHANGE DECISION Old pathway title Mental Health and Learning Disabilities ASQRC Plan CM1 Changes 10 February 2011 Approved Change of pathway title New pathway title Mental Health The pathway title was changed in October 2010 at the request of regional stakeholders however it has not been possible to market it effectively as a ‘combined’ award, the title therefore needs to return to its original validated title of: BSc (Hons) Mental Health Current students not impacted, new award commencing in January 2011 With effect from January 2011 Page 2 of 2 Academic Office