Review 1

Review 1
1. How do you define the practice of sociology?
2. What subdisciplines are there in the larger discipline of sociology ?
3. Sociologists and economists have shown that the benefits of higher education include higher median incomes
for college graduates. This is known as:
4. The Phillip Morris Company changed its name to Altira in an attempt to start a new:
5. Positivism is best defined as:
6. Which of the three historical epistemological stages of human society did Comte explain
was highlighted by Enlightenment thinking such as Rousseau’s, Mill’s, and Hobbes’s beliefs in biological
causes for human behavior?
7. Who are known as “the founding fathers of the sociological discipline”?
8. To Marx, conflict between a small number of capitalists and a large number of workers would divide society.
He referred to this large number of workers as:
9. The Division of Labor in Society was the first of many sociological contributions from:
____ 10. Research shows that couples who cohabitate (live together) prior to marriage are ____% more likely to
divorce than couples who do not cohabitate prior to marriage.
11. The two general categories of sociological research are known as:
____ 12. If Gates approaches sociological research with a theory, then forms a hypothesis and makes empirical
observations, what method is she using?
____ 13. The ____________ approach to sociological research starts with empirical observations and then works to
form a theory.
____ 14. If a sociologist concludes that “as people’s education increases, usually so too does their income,” this is an
example of what research term?
____ 15. When hypothesis testing, a researcher needs to be very specific when defining concepts and variables. This is
known as: