CURRICULUM REVISIONS COVER PAPER –ADDITION OF A BLENDED/DISTANCE LEARNING DELIVERY MODE TO AN EXISTING MODULE 1. DETAILS OF MODULE (ONE MODULE PER FORM) NB see note in red below re multiple proposals MODULE CODE: MODULE TITLE: PROPOSER: 2. CHECKLIST TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUBMISSION: YES NO Have you attached the existing MDF in PDF format from Manage My Curriculum? Are the Faculty Learning and Teaching Adviser’s comments included? Have you requested that the Head of Department send e-mail authorisation to the Academic Office?* Has a revised version of the learning outcome mapping exercise been completed to reflect the revision to the module (only applicable if revising section 7 of the MDF)? Have you considered the possible implications for other Faculties, Collaborative Partner Institutions and PSRBs? Have they been consulted/informed? *E-mail authorisations to be sent to your Faculty Quality Assurance Office (FQAO) NB If you are proposing an additional delivery mode to more than one module to which the same rationale and supporting information applies (e.g. several modules within one pathway) please complete sections 3 to 9 below on one of the cover papers only – please note in box 3 below which cover paper (state module code and title) contains the rationale and supporting information for the whole bundle. Boxes 4 to 9 on the additional forms can then be deleted. Boxes 10 to 12 must be completed for all proposals. 3. RATIONALE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW BLENDED/DISTANCE LEARNING MODULE: For advice or to submit completed forms please contact your Faculty Quality Assurance Officer CURRICULUM REVISIONS 4. DELIVERY SYSTEM: Please provide details of: a) the rationale for the selection of the proposed delivery system (if outside the Anglia Ruskin VLE) including an evaluation of its reliability and its fitness for purpose in relation to the subject matter b) contingency plans in the event of failure c) the schedule for the uploading, testing and availability to students of learning materials d) the operation of any proposed practice placements, laboratory work, field work, work experience, visits etc (if not applicable to this module please enter N/A below) 5. STUDENT EXPERIENCE: Please provide details of: e) the proposed pattern of delivery and pace of study f) the expectations in relation to student managed learning i.e. how much time students must dedicate to study each week, how often they will be expected to interact with the learning materials etc g) the guidance which will be given to students on autonomous learning h) any specific technical requirements for the student 6. ASSESSMENT STRATEGY: Please provide details of: i) the use of formative assessment to monitor progress and maintain engagement throughout the module For advice or to submit completed forms please contact your Faculty Quality Assurance Officer CURRICULUM REVISIONS j) assessment systems including procedures for the submission of work, receipt of work, marking and moderation (including processes that ensure that the work submitted is the student’s own), the provision of feedback on assessed work k) the strategy and methods used to assess students in practice, on placement, in the workplace etc (if not applicable to this module please enter N/A below): 7. STUDENT SUPPORT: Please provide details of: l) academic and pastoral support including the operation of the personal tutorial system m) local learning support for students undertaking practice placements or practice learning etc. (if not applicable to this module please enter N/A below) 8. STAFFING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Please provide details of: n) the staffing arrangements to deliver the module o) the expectations and commitments regarding staff involvement (e.g. expected response times to posts or emails, how/when staff will be contactable, how often staff will interact with the delivery system p) provision made for placement learning/student exchange etc. (Proposal Teams are advised to consult the Senate Code of Practice on Work-Based and Placement Learning and associated Procedural Document) q) staff development for those involved in delivering the module including the uploading and maintenance of learning materials, tutor interventions during delivery, performance tracking, formative assessment and informal feedback etc. r) arrangements for access to library resources (for example a link to electronic library catalogue or details of local arrangements for access to library facilities ) For advice or to submit completed forms please contact your Faculty Quality Assurance Officer CURRICULUM REVISIONS 9. STATEMENT FROM THE FACULTY LEARNING AND TEACHING ADVISER REGARDING THE LEARNING MATERIALS FOR THE MODULE (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE FACULTY LEARNING AND TEACHING ADVISER): NB where multiple modules are being proposed learning materials are provided on the VLE, for consideration of the Learning and Teaching Adviser, for one module which is to be delivered in the first period of delivery. Please comment on the appropriateness of the learning and teaching methods which will be employed for the module: Name: Date: 10. SECTION OF MDF TO BE REVISED PROPOSED REPLACEMENT/ADDITIONAL TEXT e.g. Box 8b 11. COURSES WITHIN WHICH THIS THE BLENDED/DISTANCE LEARNING DELIVERY OF MODULE WILL BE USED: MODULE TYPE FACULTY AWARD COURSE TITLE (COMPULSORY/ OPTIONAL) 12. IMPLEMENTATION DATE Semester/Trimester e.g 1, 2, 3 LOCATIONS OF DELIVERY COURSE LEADER Academic Year Please send completed form and existing MDF (in PDF format from Manage My Curriculum) to your Faculty Quality Assurance Officer along with e-mail authorisation from your Head of Department. For advice or to submit completed forms please contact your Faculty Quality Assurance Officer