Houston Community College Southwest Review Exam Materials Lecture Exam. I (Chapter 1 – 5 and 22) Chapter 1: The main theme of microbiology Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Genetic engineering, Bioremediation- restore environment; Contribution of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , Joseph Lister, Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur and Carl von Linnaeus; Taxonomic hierarchies, binomial system of bacterial nomenclature; Theory of Evolution and phylogeny. Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Biology Know the definitions of the followings: - Matters, elements-essential to life, trace elements, Atomic structure-subatomic particles (electrons, protons and neutrons), Atomic numbers, atomic mass/number and their relationships, Isotopes, Electron orbitals and shells, valence electrons, Difference between different types of chemical bondsCovalent –polar and nonpolar, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds , Redox reaction, Chemical reactions, Solution, solvent of life, hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of water, How to make % and molar solution , What is pH, acids and bases, Organic chemistrycarbon structure and skeletons, Different types of isomers and functional groups of organic compounds. Be familiar with definitions and/or characteristics of the followingsPolymer principles- monomers and polymers, Different types of polymers (homo polymer and hetero polymer) and their bonding and their building blocksCarbohydrate- Structure and different types of monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides; Lipids- Structure and different types of Fats, Phospholipids , steroidsCholesterol; Proteins- Four different levels of protein structure(primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary) and their complexity and conformation; Nucleic acid- Structure and difference between DNA and RNA. ATP-energy rich molecule. Chapter 3: Tools of the Laboratory Know the detail method of culturing microorganisms -The five I’s Inoculation, incubation, isolation, inspection and identification. Media – liquid, solid; Selective and differential media like MAC, MSA, HE, Blodd Agar, TSIA; Differences of pure/axenic, mixed, subculture and contaminated culture; Microscope – features of light and electron their magnification and resolving power; Preparation of bacterial smears and Staining techniques- positive, negative , gram and other stains. Chapter 4: A survey of Prokaryotic cells and microorganisms Structure and function of different parts of Bacterial cell- Flagella and their types, fimbriae, cilia, capsule, difference between gram positive and gram negative bacterial cell wall, ribosome, endospores; Bacterial shape arrangements- coccus, bacillus and spiral; Some bacterial name of medical importance cause disease from Table 4.4; Archaea. Chapter 5: A survey of Eukaryotic cells and microorganisms Symbiosis Be familiar with structure and functions of following cell organelles and where they are found in eukaryotic cells — flagella, nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, cytoskeleton and cell wall. Fungi- unicellular- Yeast or filamentous- Mold, mycelium structure (septate and aseptate), reproduction- asexual and sexual, Spore produce by different kinds of Fungi members- Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. Deuteromycota- Imperfect fungi, Some names of useful and harmful fungi. Protista, Algal classification and importance of Diatoms, Dianoflagellates, Red, Brown Green algae. Protozoan form and function, Life cycle stages-Trophozoite and Cyst; Pathogenic protozoan like Giardia , Entamoeba histolytica , Trichomonas, Trypanosoma, Plasmodium cause different disease in human. Parasitic Helminths -Pinworm, round worm, flat worm. Chapter 22: The fungi of Medical Importance Fungal pathogen ,degree of pathogenicity and habitat listed in Table-22.1; Thermal dimorphism, Opportunistic fungi listed Table 22.3, Antifungal drugs and their targets; Microbes diagnosis and control cause by pathogenic fungus like Histoplasma- Ohio Valley fever; Coccidioidomycosis- Valley fever of South America and California; Blastomyces-North America; Mycetoma of foot; Dermatophyte cause disease of keratin, (skin, nails and hairs) which listed in Table 22.5; Opportunistic Mycoses- Candida albicans- Thrush and mouth, Cryptococcosis- Pigeon droppings; Aspergillus flavus – mycotoxicosis – aflatoxin.