r spring11.doc

Course Syllabus
Public Speaking
SPCH 1315
Semester with
Course Reference
Number (CRN)
Spring 2011
CRN: 61026
Instructor contact
information (phone
number and email
Dustin McDunn
Office Location
and Hours
By appointment only
Southwest Learning Hub 225
Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-2 pm
Course Semester
Credit Hours (SCH)
(lecture, lab) If
Credit Hours
Lecture Hours
Laboratory Hours
Total Course
Contact Hours
Course Length
(number of weeks)
Type of Instruction
Research, composition, organization, delivery, and analysis of speeches for various purposes
occassions. Designed to develop proficiency in public speaking situations; emphasis on conte
organization, and delivery of speeches for various occasions. Open to all students. Required
majors. Core Curriculum Course.
 SPCH 1311 or
ENGL 1301 ENGL 1301 or Department Approval. Required for Speech Majors.
Program Learning
1. Research and select appropriate source materials to develop ideas and support claims for
2. Deliver speeches and other oral presentations with structure, style, self-confidence, and co
contact. The latter will foster a speaker-audience connection.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the cannon of public speaking, and be able to present pr
impromptu talks.
4. Integrate teh use of appropriate vocal and nonverbal techniques to enhance content.
5. Name and explain the different categories of speeches and delivery methods.
6. Recognize reasoning fallacies.
7. Work in groups or on teams as a member, and as leader-thinker.
Course Student
Outcomes (SLO): 4
to 7
1. Analyze speeches, statements, and behaviors; orally and in writing;
2. *Prepare and present speeches and other presentations, using the appropriate verbal, oral
nonverbal communication skills;
3. *Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials to frame and
arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate verbal, oral, and aural communication s
be use to effectuate audience influence.
4. Listen actively, critically and empathetically;
5. Identify various kinds of listeners.; and
6. Distinguish types of speech delivery methods, and use them effectively.
system should be
linked to SLO e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
Analyze speeches, statements, and behaviors; orally and in writing;
1. Conduct discussions to help students evaluate diverse issues and topics.
*Prepare and present speeches and other presentations, using the appropriate verbal,
and nonverbal communication skills;
1. Employ exercises and assignments that will train students to properly structure oral presen
formal and informal settings.
*Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials to frame
arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate verbal, oral, and aural communic
should be use to effectuate audience influence.
1. Explain the use of different types of claims and ways to reason.
Listen actively, critically and empathetically;
Identify various kinds of listeners.; and
Distinguish types of speech delivery methods, and use them effectively.
Face to Face
Analyze speeches, statements, and behaviors; orally and in writing;
Various assigned readings from textbooks, peer-rev
Speech analyses,special occasion speeches
*Prepare and present speeches and other presentations, using the appropriate verbal,
and nonverbal communication skills;
No assignments selected for this outcome
*Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials to frame
arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate verbal, oral, and aural communic
should be use to effectuate audience influence.
No assignments selected for this outcome
Listen actively, critically and empathetically;
No assignments selected for this outcome
Identify various kinds of listeners.; and
No assignments selected for this outcome
Distinguish types of speech delivery methods, and use them effectively.
No assignments selected for this outcome
Analyze speeches, statements, and behaviors; orally and in writing;
No assessments selected for this outcome
*Prepare and present speeches and other presentations, using the appropriate verbal,
and nonverbal communication skills;
No assessments selected for this outcome
*Compose and present a persuasive speech using logic and source materials to frame
arguments. Other appeals and the use of appropriate verbal, oral, and aural communic
should be use to effectuate audience influence.
Group and/or individual projects
In-class discussions
Oral and written peer-reviewed article reviews and discussions
Service learning projects
Various assigned readings from textbooks
In-class debates
Writing papers including essays, analyses, reviews, research, comparing and contrasting
Oral and written book reviews and discussions
Listen actively, critically and empathetically;
No assessments selected for this outcome
Identify various kinds of listeners.; and
No assessments selected for this outcome
Distinguish types of speech delivery methods, and use them effectively.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Requirements: If
1. Identify and explain the components of the communication process and the role they play
2. Deliver informative and persuasive oral presentations that are consistent with and appropr
audience and purpose.
3. Identify, evaluate, and utilize evidence to support claims used in presentations and argum
4. Discuss the major types of interpersonal relationships, and how conflict and power issues
handled effectively with communication.
5. Effectively communicate and interact with others in interpersonal, personal and profession
6. Demonstrate through performance and analysis the importance of both verbal and nonver
7. Work as a productive team member as either a leader or follower.
HCC Grading
A = 100- 90
B = 89 - 80:
C = 79 - 70:
D = 69 - 60:
59 and below = F
IP (In Progress)
I (Incomplete)
4 points per semester hour
3 points per semester hour
2 points per semester hour
1 point per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
AUD (Audit)
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to
credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To comput
average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted
"IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA.
See "Health Science Program/Discipline Requirements" for grading scale.
Instructor Grading
Speeches, assignments and projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
 Adherence to all specific assignment guidelines/content requirements.
 Adherence to deadlines.
 Level of technical difficulty attempted and achieved. More sophisticated work ma
higher scores.
 Creativity and Originality: Solving the assignments in an imaginative and unique w
to a higher score.
 Honesty: Submit your own work.
Instructor’s Final Grading Legend:
The final grade will consist of the following:
 4 speeches, 100 points each
 midterm exam:
 Final Exam:
 Total:
400 points
100 points
100 points
600 points
O’Hair, D., Rubenstein, H., & Stewart, R. (2010). A pocket guide to public speaking (3rd ed.).
HCC Calendar:
Per specific Semester
Tuesday, Jan. 18
Classes Begin
Wednesday, Jan. 19
Last day for drop/add
Monday, Jan. 17 – MLK day
Holidays and Breaks
Monday, Feb. 21 – President’s day
March 14-20 – Spring Break
April 22-24 - Easter
Thursday, April 14 @ 4:30 pm
Last day to drop classes with a grade of W
Sunday, May 8
Instruction ends
Thursday, May 12 @ 12 pm
Final examination
Course Calendar:
Week 1: Jan 18-22
Week 2: Jan 23-29
Week 3: Jan 30-Feb 5
Week 4: Feb 6-12
Week 5: Feb 13-19
Lectures / Topics / Assignments / Projects / Q
Introduction, why study public speaking
Part 1: Getting Started
Speech 1: Introduction speeches
Part 2: development
Part 3: organization
Week 6: Feb 20-26
Week 7: Feb 27-March 5
Week 8: March 6-12
Spring Break: March 13-20
Week 9: March 21-26
Week 10: March 27-April 2
Week 11: April 3-9
Week 12: April 10-16
Week 13: April 17-23
Week 14: April 24-30
Week 15: May 1-7
Week 16: May 9-14
Speech 2: ceremonial
Make up speeches, review
mid-term exam
Part 4: starting, finishing, and styling
Speech 3: informative
Part 5: delivery
Part 6: presentation aides
Part 7: types of speeches
Speech 4: persuasive
Make up speeches, review
Final Exam, May 12 @ 12:00 p.m.
Please remember that this syllabus is subject to change.
All changes will be documented by the instructor.
HCC Policy
HCC Policy Statement: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing,
needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at t
college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommo
requested by the Disability Support Services Office.
If you have any questions, please contact the Disability Counselor at your college or the Dist
Office at 713-718-5165 or the Southwest College Counselor: Dr. Becky Hauri at 713-718-790
To visit the ADA Web site, log on to www.hccs.edu,
Click Future Students
Scroll down the page and click on the words Disability Information. http://www.hccs.edu/hccs/
HCC Policy Statement: Academic Honesty
You are expected to be familiar with the College's Policy on Academic Honesty, found in the c
student handbook. Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integr
course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College S
against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.
“Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collu
Cheating on a test includes:
 Copying from another student’s test paper;
 Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test;
 Collaborating with another student during a test without authority;
 Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part th
a test that has not bee administered;
 Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation
in one’s own written work offered for credit.
Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written wor
Violations: Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of “0” or “F”
particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissa
College System. A recommendation for expulsion will be referred to the College Dean of Stud
Development for disciplinary disposition.
Students who wish to appeal a grade penalty should notify the instructional supervisor within
days of the incident. A standing committee appointed by the College Dean of Instruction (Aca
Workforce) will convene to sustain, reduce, or reverse the grade penalty. The committee will b
of two students, two faculty members, and one instructional administrator. A majority vote will
grade appeal and is final.
Official HCC Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Studen
responsible for material covered during their absences, and it is the student’s responsibility to
instructors for makeup assignments. Class attendance is checked daily by instructors.
Although it is the responsibility of the student to drop a course for non-attendance, the
instructor has the authority to drop a student for excessive absences.
A student may be dropped from a course for absenteeism after the student has accumulated
absences in excess of 12.5 percent of the hours of instruction (including lecture and laborator
For example:
For a three credit-hour lecture class meeting three hours per week (48 hours of instruction), a
may be dropped after six hours of absences.
Administrative drops are at the discretion of the instructor. If you are doing poorly in the
but you have not contacted your professor to ask for help, and you have not withdrawn by the
withdrawal date, it will result in you receiving a grade of “F” in the course
4:30 p.m.
Course Withdrawals-First Time Freshmen Students-Fall 2007 and Later:
Effective 2007, section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code applies to first-time in college fre
students who enroll in a Texas public institution of higher education in the fall semester of 200
thereafter. High school students currently enrolled in HCC Dual Credit and Early College are
this requirement until they graduate from high school.
Based on this law, HCC or any other Texas Public institution of higher education may no
students to drop after the official day of record more than six college level credit cours
unacceptable reasons during their entire undergraduate career.
Course Withdrawals:
Be sure you understand HCC policies about dropping a course. It is the student’s responsibili
officially from a course and prevent an “F” from appearing on the transcript. If you feel that yo
complete this course, you will need to withdraw from the course prior to the final date of withd
Before, you withdraw from your course; please take the time to meet with the instructor to dis
feel it is necessary to do so. The instructor may be able to provide you with suggestions that w
you to complete the course. Your success is very important
If you plan on withdrawing from your class, you MUST contact a HCC counselor or your profe
withdrawing (dropping) the class for approval and this must be done PRIOR to the withdrawa
receive a “W” on your transcript. **Final withdrawal deadlines vary each semester and/or dep
class length, please visit the online registration calendars, HCC schedule of classes and cata
Registration Office, or any HCC counselor to determine class withdrawal deadlines. Remem
a 24-hour response time when communicating via email and/or telephone with a profes
counselor. Do not submit a request to discuss withdrawal options less than a day befo
deadline. If you do not withdraw before the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are
class as your final grade
Early Alert Program:
To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC has instituted an Early A
by which your professor may “alert” you and HCC counselors that you might fail a class becau
excessive absences and/or poor academic performance. It is your responsibility to visit with y
or a counselor to learn about what, if any, HCC interventions might be available to assist you
tutoring, child care, financial aid, job placement, etc. – to stay in class and improve your acad
Repeat Course Fee:
The State of Texas encourages students to complete college without having to repeat failed c
increase student success, students who repeat the same course more than twice, are require
tuition. The purpose of this extra tuition fee is to encourage students to pass their courses an
graduate. Effective fall 2006, HCC will charge a higher tuition rate to students registering the
subsequent time for a course. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not e
passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study ha
and writing homework, test taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities fo
other assistance that might be available.
Access Student
Services Policies
on their Web site: