Essay #3 Research Paper 1301.doc

Essay # 3: Research Paper
Must be turned in no later than the beginning of class on the due date. If it is not turned it at the
beginning of class it will be deducted 10 per day late; after five days the paper will no longer be
20% of your total grade
Remember your paper must be in MLA Format and use textual evidence. Don’t forget to
provide a word count at the end of the paper
This is a standard research paper on a topic of your own choosing. Consider a
comparative analysis of two related works, a “source” study that assesses how a given theme
develops from an earlier tradition, a thematic analysis, a character analysis, a concoction of both
character and thematic analyses, an explication of a section of verse, a linguistic study etc. There
are many possibilities, feel free to contact me for possible sources.
If you like you may write on one of these topics:
Women’s roles in fairy tales
Men’s roles in fairy tales
Numerology in fairy tales – especially the number three or even numbers divisible by
The relationships and communication between men and women in fairy tales
The use of the seven deadly sins in fairy tales
The use of Greek mythology in fairy tales
How the author’s life is reflected in the fairy tales
The depiction of magic in fairy tales and its role
The familial issues in fairy tales and roles in the family – especially that of the
Fairy tales as didactic – what and who are they teaching?
Write a 2,000-word essay on any of the tales discussed in class. Use the standard MLA
format, double–spacing, set margins to one inch, and include a word count at the end of your
work. Use quotations from the texts to support your argument, and include a Works Cited. You
must have at least three sources, none of which may be from the internet search engines.
You MUST have a thesis argument with supportive evidence. I am looking for intelligent
insight beyond class discussion, original thought, ability to support your argument with textual
evidence, critical analysis of the literature, clear and sophisticated prose, grammar and style, and
a lack of errors and typos.