Neuropsychology Referrals - info for the wards v7.doc

DCN Inpatient Neuropsychology Referrals
How to refer
Referrals can be made by:
 email:
 telephone: 537 2099 (32099)
 in person
What to include in a referral
Patient name and CHI number
Expected (or approximate) discharge date, if known
Relevant background info (e.g. co-morbid medical problems; alcohol/drug use; results
of any cognitive assessments, etc)
Any risks (there are 5 main ones that we use to prioritise referrals)
(1) significant psychological distress
(2) occupational risk, e.g. job loss
(3) significant family/relationship problems
(4) limitations on current rehabilitation for psychological reasons
(5) vulnerability or risk issues, e.g. child/adult protection
A clear reason for referral: Some examples are:
- Is the patient safe to go home/drive/work given their cognitive problems?
- Does the patient require on-going inpatient neurorehabilitation?
- Can the patient be offered cognitive rehabilitation for their difficulties?
- How can we best support this patient with their emotional distress?
When we receive the referral
We aim to see inpatients within 2 working days (and will let you know if annual
leave will affect this). After a patient has been seen we will write a brief report in
the shared medical notes. If a more formal report or verbal feedback is required
then please let us know.
Ongoing support
If patients and families require ongoing assessment and support they will be seen
in our outpatient clinics or referred to an appropriate service.
If a patient has been referred for neuropsychological assessment and is
discharged before we get a chance to see them, we will send them a
letter with our service leaflet and an invitation to contact us.
We are always looking to improve what we do and welcome any comments about
the neuropsychology service.
David Gillespie and Sarah Gillanders, April 2014