Study Guide For 1st exam Biol 1406 =============================================== Sequence in the formation of an organism Most common elements in living organism What are the organ systems of the body? Necessary Life Functions Survival needs The components of homeostatic control mechanisms What is Homeostasis? Three forms of matter The difference between weight and mass What are protons, electrons, neutron atomic # Atomic wt Types of bonds, covalent, ionic, hydrogen What are the properties of water and how does water creep up a tube? What if the difference between Acid and base, What is polar molecule? Give example, Polarity, polar vs non polar Ionic charges negative and positive Determine the number of electrons in a valance shell. What is valance shell? What id the difference between single and double covalent bond ex. Number of molecules in an element, a compound, H2O has 3, H2 has 2 & O 1 Difference between atom, molecule, compound, mixture, element, solute solition Define Matter, inertia, isotope, radioactivity, colloid, suspention Draw the electron shell diagram Differentiate between electrolyte and non-electrolyte The difference between Synthesis or combination reaction and decomposition What factors influence the rate of chemical reactions Difference between organic and inorganic molecules Differentiate, Monosaccharide, disaccharides and polysaccharides What are carbohydrate, proteins amino acids fats and lipids How many types of bonds, differentiate among the bonds? How is water molecule formed? The importance and property of water, solvent solute and solution Tetra valence, hydrocarbon, the functional groups Polysaccharides important in an organism Types of diabetes, insulin, glycogen where produced, functions Cholesterol in the blood, how to control levels Compare the # of electrons, protons neutrons atomic wt Define a cell, DNA Gene, organism, science, atom, molecule, population Maltose, Lactose and sucrose are? They are made up of? Differentiate among mono/ disaccharide and polysaccharide What is the molecular formula for glucose? What is the difference between polymers and monomers? The blood cholesterol levels and where can you find most cholesterol? What are amino acids? What type of linkages join glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and nucleotides together? What are the levels of protein structure? What is meant for protein to be denatured? What is a lipid? What is the chemical formula for disaccharide? Where is insulin produced? What is cellulose? Know the parts of DNA and RNA What makes them up What is the difference between ATP and ADP? How is Fat made, by joining what together? What is a hydrocarbon? In what form do we store energy, plant store energy? Two glucose will give you … and when you break sucrose you get? and lactose …? What is Metabolism, Catabolism anabolism? What is the difference between plant and animal cells? What is chloroplast? Main part of nucleotide Know different bonds and linkages What is the difference between the energy of motion and energy of position? What is spontaneous reaction? Define enzyme, subsrate, autotrophs, heterotrophs decomposers What is protein made of? What are the end products of protein, Lipids and CHO digestion? What are the different forms of energy? What do you mean by Unsaturated fatty acid, energy of activation, Bioenergetics, Lactose tolerance, What are insulin, glucagons, glycogen, cellulose. Where are they produced, insulin and glucagon Difference between plant and animal, eukaryots and prokaryots Saponification number, Iodine number Know the functions of the organelles How do we study cell function? Differentiate between unicellular and multicellular organisms Passive and active transport