Lecture 13 Regulations and risk assessment Neal Stewart Discussion questions 1. What are regulations supposed to achieve? 2. With GM crops being used so extensively, how can we be assured they are safe to eat and not harming the environment? 3. How is genetic engineering (biotechnology) regulated? 4. When is plant genetic engineering not regulated? 5. How do the risks posed by products of biotechnology compare to those posed by conventional breeding technologies? 6. How do different countries regulate products of biotechnology? Plant genetic modification Any gene, any organism The new plant will pass the transgene to its progeny through seed. Recall… progression of transgenic plants • Input traits– commercialized fast from 1996—also known as agronomic traits • Output traits—commercialized slowly from early 2000s—AKA quality traits • Third generation– pharma, oral vaccines, phytoremediation, phytosensors— emerging gradually. – How might regulating these be more challenging? Bt maize Bt cotton Golden rice Engineered to deliver pro-vitamin A GFP canola Plants to detect landmines No TNT induction Using inducible promoter/GFP fusions +TNT Agriculture and Nature • • • • Are farms part of nature? Of the environment? Direct or indirectly? Impacts on nature and agriculture might be inter-related but the endpoints will be different Big picture—ecological impacts of agriculture • Major constraint is agriculture itself • Tillage and pesticide practices • Crop genetics (of any sort) is miniscule ag v wild tillage pesticides herbicides crop genetics Amount of genetic information less added to ecosystems Trans genes Conventional breeding Mutagenesis Half genomes, e.g., wide crosses in hybrids Risk?? Whole genomes, e.g., horticultural introductions or biological control more Figure 13.1 Domestication of corn 9000 years ago? Teosinte Corn Domestication of carrot Daucus carota 300 to 1000 years ago? Queen Anne’s Lace 1700s orange carrots appear in Holland Brassica oleracea Wild cabbage Ornamental kale Late 1900s Kohlrabi Germany 100 AD Cauliflower 1400s Kale 500 BC Broccoli Italy 1500s Cabbage 100 AD Brussel sprouts Belgium 1700s Regulations What/why regulate • Biosafety– human and environmental welfare • Recombinant DNA (rDNA) triggers regulation in most countries • Transgenic plants and their products are pound for pound the most regulated organisms on earth • “Protect” organic agriculture • “Precautionary principle” US history of regulating biotechnology • Early 1970s recombinant organisms are possible (microbes)—plants in 1980s • Asilomar conference 1975 • NIH Guidelines 1976—regulating lab use • OSTP Coordinated Framework—1986 • Coordinated framework empowered the USDA, EPA and FDA to regulate aspects of transgenic plants Regulatory agencies provide safeguards and requirements to assure safety— determination and mitigation of risks. Roles of agencies in US regulation of transgenic plants • USDA: Gene flow, agronomic effects such as weediness and pest properties • EPA: Gene flow, environmental/nontarget, toxicity when plants harbor transgenes for pest control • FDA: human toxicity/allergenicity for plants used for food and feed Ecological Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants Problem formulation—assessment and measurement endpoints exposure assessment hazard assessment Objectives At the end of this lecture students should… • Understand framework for assessing risks • Be able to define short-term and long-term risks for a transgenic plant application—i.e., define endpoints • Understand exposure assessment and hazard assessments for today’s GE plants • Critically think about exposure and hazard assessments for upcoming GE plants Methods of risk analysis • Experimental approach (toxicology or ecology) – Controlled experiments with hypothesis testing – Cause and effect • Theoretical modeling • Epidemiological approach—association of effects with potential causes • Expert opinion Adapted from 2002 NRC report: Environmental Effects of Transgenic Plants Risk Likelihood of harm to be manifested under environmentally relevant conditions Joint probability of exposure and effect Qualitative assessment is more reasonable than a quantitative assessment Risk analysis Johnson et al. 2007 Trends Plant Sci 12:1360 Ecological Risks Risk = exposure x hazard Risk = Pr(event) x Pr(harm|event) • The example of gene flow and its consequences • Exposure = probability of hybridization • Hazard = consequences of ecological or agricultural change--severity of negative impact Ecological Risks Risk = exposure x hazard Risk = Pr(event) x Pr(harm|event) • Transgene persistence in the environment– gene flow – Increased weediness – Increased invasiveness • Non-target effects– killing the good insects by accident • Resistance management– insects and weeds • Virus recombination • Horizontal gene flow Stated another way and with terms: Risk = Pr(GM spread) x Pr(harm|GM spread) Exposure Frequency Impact Hazard Consequence Experimental endpoints • • • • • Hypothesis testing Tiered experiments– lab, greenhouse, field Critical P value Relevancy Comparisons– ideal vs pragmatic world HYPOTHESES MUST BE MADE— WE CANNOT SIMPLY TAKE DATA AND LOOK FOR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS. Example endpoints • H, insect death: toxicology of insect resistance genes • E, hybridization frequency: gene flow What are some ideal features of end points? Gene flow model: Bt Cry1Ac + canola and wild relatives Brassica napus – canola contains Bt Diamondback moth larvae. http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/inhsreports/jan-feb00/larvae.gif Brassica rapa – wild turnip wild relative Brassica relationships Triangle of U Bt Brassica gene flow risk assessment • Is it needed? • What kind of experiments? • At what scale? Tiered approach—mainly nontargets Wilkinson et al. 2003 Trends Plant Sci 8: 208 Ecological concerns • Damage to non-target organisms • Acquired resistance to insecticidal protein • Intraspecific hybridization • Crop volunteers • Interspecific hybridization • Increased hybrid fitness and competitiveness • Hybrid invasiveness www.epa.gov/eerd/BioTech.htm Brassica napus, hybrid, BC1, BC2, B. rapa Hybridization frequencies— Hand crosses– lab and greenhouse F1 Hybrids BC1 Hybrids CA QB1 QB2 Total CA QB1 QB2 Total GT 1 69% 81% 38% 62% 34% 25% 41% 33% GT 2 63% 88% 81% 77% 23% 35% 31% 30% GT 3 81% 50% 63% 65% 24% 10% 30% 20% GT 4 38% 56% 56% 50% 7% 30% 36% 26% GT 5 81% 75% 81% 79% 39% 17% 39% 31% GT 6 50% 50% 54% 51% 26% 12% 26% 21% GT 7 31% 75% 63% 56% 30% 19% 31% 26% GT 8 56% 75% 69% 67% 22% 22% 21% 22% GT 9 81% 31% 31% 48% 27% 28% 23% 26% GFP 1 50% 88% 75% 71% 18% 33% 32% 27% GFP 2 69% 88% 100% 86% 26% 20% 57% 34% GFP 3 19% 38% 19% 25% 10% 22% 11% 15% Gene flow model with insecticidal gene Wilkinson et al. 2003 Trends Plant Sci 8: 208 In the UK, Wilkinson and colleagues predict each year… •32,000 B. napus x B. rapa waterside populations hybrids are produced •16,000 B. napus x B. rapa dry populations hybrids are produced But where are the backcrossed hybrids? Field level backcrossing Maternal Parent B. rapa Transgenic/germinated Hybridization rate per plant Location 1 34/56,845 0.060% Location 2 44/50,177 0.088% B. rapa total 78/107,022 0.073% Halfhill et al. 2004. Environmental Biosafety Research 3:73 Genetic Load Negative effects of genetic load may hinder a hybrid’s ability to compete and survive Said another way, genetic load could offset any fitness benefits conferred by a [potentially] fitness enhancing transgene GM Crop Weed F1 Hybrid Weed BCX weed Field level hybridization Third-tier Risk = Pr(GM spread) x Pr(harm|GM spread) Exposure Frequency percentage of B. napus-specific markers Genetic introgression Bn F1 100 BC1F1 BC2F1 BC2F2 Bulk 75 50 25 0 CA x GT1 2974 x GT1 2974 x GT8 Halfhill et al. 2003 Theor Appl Genet 107:1533 AFLPs Generating transgenic “weeds” testing the consequences ´ Brassica rapa (AA, 2n=20) B. rapa B. rapa ´ ´ Brassica napus (AACC, 2n=38) F1 Generation (AAC, 2n=29) BC1F1 Generation (AAc, 2n=20 + 1 or 2) BC2F1 Generation (AA, 2n=20) ´ BC2F1 Generation (AA, 2n=20) BC2F2 Generation (AA, 2n=20) Competition field design Competition results b a a 150 NC a 750 600 120 b Wheat seed mass per m2 (g) 90 c c c c 450 c c 60 B. rapa BC2F2 Bt BC2F2 GT1 c Wheat Only a 180 B. rapa BC2F2 Bt BC2F2 GT1 d Wheat Only 500 a ab GA ab 400 150 bc c 120 B. rapa BC2F2 Bt BC2F2 bc c bc c GT1 Wheat Only B. rapa BC2F2 Bt BC2F2 GT1 Halfhill et al 2005 Mol Ecol 14:3177 300 Wheat Only Wheat vegetative dry weight per m2 (g) b Discussion question •Which is more important: that a field test be performed for a transgenic crop for grain yield or environmental biosafety? Case of the Monarch Butterfly 20 May 1999 Transgenic pollen harms monarch larvae JOHN E. LOSEY, LINDA S. RAYOR & MAUREEN E. CARTER Although plants transformed with genetic material from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt ) are generally thought to have negligible impact on non-target organisms, Bt corn plants might represent a risk because most hybrids express the Bt toxin in pollen, and corn pollen is dispersed over at least 60 metres by wind. Corn pollen is deposited on other plants near corn fields and can be ingested by the non-target organisms that consume these plants. In a laboratory assay we found that larvae of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, reared on milkweed leaves dusted with pollen from Bt corn, ate less, grew more slowly and suffered higher mortality than larvae reared on leaves dusted with untransformed corn pollen or on leaves without pollen. Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1999 Registered No. 785998 England. Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Monarch butterfly exposure to Bt cry1Ac Monarch Butterfly Larvae Photo: http://www.news.cornell.edu/releases/May99/Butterflies.bpf.html Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch In October 2001 PNAS– 6 papers delineated the risk for monarchs. Exposure assumptions tested made by Losey not close to realistic. Impact of Bt maize pollen (MON810) on lepidopteran larvae living on accompanying weeds ACHIM GATHMANN, LUDGER WIROOKS, LUDWIG A. HOTHORN, DETLEF BARTSCH, INGOLF SCHUPHAN* Molecular Ecology: Volume 15 Issue 9 Page 2677-2685, August 2006 Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella www.agf.gov.bc.ca/.../images/diamondback3.jpg Cabbage Moth Pieris rapae www.butterfliesandmoths.org/pic/Pieris_rapae.jpg Bt and Monarch Risk Model cls.casa.colostate.edu/.../images/larva.jpg Sears et al. (2001) http://www.geo-pie.cornell.edu/issues/monarchs.html www.smartcenter.org/ovpm/babymonarch-09.jpg Experimental Goals • Does growing of Bt-maize harm non-target Lepidoptera under field conditions? • Compare growing of Bt-maize with conventional insecticide treatment • Is the presented experimental design a useful approach for monitoring non-target Lepidoptera? * Note: this study did not specifically look at how Bt pollen effect monarch larvae. Examined other lepidopteron larvae native to Germany which are commonly found within corn fields Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Field East 2 ha Field West 4 ha Farmer Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Experimental Design: Field Study Bt = Bt-maize Mon 810 INS = Isogenic variety with insecticide treatment ISO = Isogenic variety, no insecticide treatment (Control) Bt INS ISO INS Bt 5 4 3 2 1 ISO Bt INS Bt ISO 5 4 3 2 1 INS ISO Bt ISO INS 5 4 3 2 1 Bt ISO INS 6 6 6 ISO INS Bt 7 7 7 INS Bt ISO 8 8 8 Bearbeitunsrichtung 178 m 162 m ca. 500 m Bearbeitunsrichtung 182 m 141 m 162 m 186 m 237 m 248 m Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Lepidopteron Larvae Exposure to Bt cry1Ab Insect collection Species Identification Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Field Test Results • Lepidopteron larvae were not affected by the pollen of Mon 810 under field conditions • Sometimes pollen shed and development of lepidopteron larvae barely overlapped July 26. 27. 28 sample 1 August 29. 30. 31. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. sample 2 2001 flowering of maize sample 1 sample 2 flowering of maize 2002 Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Field Test Results • Choice of a lepidopteron monitoring species will be difficult because – species must be abundant – theoretical prediction of the presence of abundant species is not easy – occurrence and abundance of species depends on alot of variables ( e.g. climatic conditions, landscape structure around the fields, management options) Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Abundant Species Autographa gamma Plutella xylostella Xanthorhoe flucata Pieris rapae Slide courtesy of D. Bartsch Monarch butterfly What’s riskier? Broad spectrum pesticides or non-target effects? In October 2001 PNAS– 6 papers delineated the risk for monarchs. Exposure assumptions made by Losey were not close. Tiered approach—mainly nontargets Wilkinson et al. 2003 Trends Plant Sci 8: 208 Tier 1: Lab Based Experiments Examples of insect bioassays www.ces.ncsu.edu/.../resistance%20bioassay2.jpg Bioassays to determine the resistance of the two-spotted spider mite to various chemicals www.ars.usda.gov/.../photos/nov00/k9122-1i.jpg A healthy armyworm (right) next to two that were killed and overgrown by B. bassiana strain Mycotech BB-1200. (K9122-1) Tier 2: Semi-Field/Greenhouse Tier 3: Field Studies Photo courtesy of C. Rose Photo courtesy of C. Rose Greenhouse Study: Transgenic Tobacco Photo courtesy of R. Millwood Field Trials: Transgenic Canola Goals of Field Research 1. Hypothesis testing 2. Assess potential ecological and biosafety risks (must be environmentally benign) 3. Determine performance under real agronomic conditions (economic benefits) Tiers of assessment & tiers of testing level of concern degree of uncertainty … arising from a lower tier of assessment drives the need to move toward a higher tier of data generation and assessment Tier IV Tier III Tier II Tier I Jeff Wolt Lab Microbial protein High dose Lab PIP diet Expected dose Long-term Lab Semi-field Field Assessment Testing Non-target insect model Wilkinson et al. 2003 Trends Plant Sci 8: 208 Examples…identifying Endpoints for Risks, Exposure, Hazards • Plant system (crop, weeds, communities, etc) • Phenotype • Biotic interactions • Abiotic interactions Expert knowledge is important • Biotechnology – Transformation methods – Transgene – Regulation of expression • Ecology – – – – – – Plant Insect Microbial Populations Communities Ecosystems • Agriculture – Agronomy – Entomology • Regulator acceptance – Developed world – Developing world • Public acceptance – Finland and EU – Where GM crops are widely grown – New markets Features of good risk assessment experiments • Gene and gene expression (dose) – Relevant genes – Relevant exposure • • • • • Whole plants Proper controls for plants Choose species Environmental effects Experimental design and replicates Andow and Hilbeck 2004 BioScience 54:637. Risk assessment links research to risk management Data Acquisition, Verification, & Monitoring Risk Assessment Problem Formulation Jeff Wolt Exposure & effects characterization Risk Management Risk Characterization An example of agricultural risk that is not regulated The evolution of weed resistance to herbicides Conyza canadensis • Marestail or horseweed—found widely throughout North America and the world • Compositae • First eudicot to evolve glyphosate resistance • Resistant biotypes appeared in 2000, Delaware—resistant Conyza in 20+ US states and four continents, e.g. in countries such as Brazil, China, and Poland • 2N = 18; true diploid; selfer Spread of glyphosate resistance in Conyza Fig. 1. The proportion of soybean acreage sprayed with glyphosate from 1991 to 2002 relative to other herbicides Baucom, Regina S. and Mauricio, Rodney (2004) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 13386-13390 Copyright ©2004 by the National Academy of Sciences Resistant biotype 1 14 DAT rate in lbs ae/Ac Susceptible biotype C.L. Main UTC 0.38 0.75 1.12 1.5 2.25 3 8 RR weed risk assessment research • • • • Is it needed? What kind of experiments? At what scale? Other weeds? Environmental benefits of transgenic plants Big environmental benefits Herbicide tolerant crops have increased and encouraged no-till agriculture– less soil erosion. Over 1 million gallons of unsprayed insecticide per year. When transgenic plants are not regulated The case of the ancient regulations USDA APHIS BRS 7 CFR Part 340.0 Restrictions on the Introduction of Regulated Articles (a) No person shall introduce any regulated article unless the Administrator is: (1) Notified of the introduction in accordance with 340.3, or such introduction is authorized by permit in accordance with 340.4, or such introduction is conditionally exempt from permit requirements under 340.2(b); and (2) Such introduction is in conformity with all other applicable restrictions in this part. 1 1 Part 340 regulates, among other things, the introduction of organisms and products altered or produced through genetic engineering which are plant pests or which there is reason to believe are plant pests. The introduction into the United States of such articles may be subject to other regulations promulgated under the Federal Plant Pest Act (7 U.S.C. 150aa et seq.), the Plant Quarantine Act (7 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) and the Federal Noxious Weed Act (7 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) and found in 7 CFR parts 319, 321, 330, and 360. Transgenic plants would be regulated by the USDA if they contain some of these vectors Not regulated by USDA http://www.aphis.usda.gov/biotechnology/downloads/reg_loi/Ceres_switchgrass_TRG108E_loi.pdf http://www.aphis.usda.gov/biotechnology/downloads/reg_loi/Ceres_switchgrass_responses.pdf What factors should trigger regulation?