EDUC 1301 Portfolio - REVISED.doc

EDUC 1301
Portfolio Assignment
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Each student will be required to give two examples of teaching in each tier of Bloom’s
Taxonomy. Make sure your examples are in direct correlation of Bloom’s breakdown.
You may use either the old Bloom’s or the new Bloom’s.
Class Discussions
Each student will be required to participate in the class discussions and also provide peer
to peer feedback based off of other student responses. Class discussions will be posted on
the designated wikispaces webpage. There will be provided topics posted by the
instructor at the conclusion of each class. Please print out all discussions as they will need
to be placed in your portfolio at the end of the semester. All discussions are monitored.
Personal Teaching Philosophy
Each student will write a one page paper about their personal philosophy on teaching and
education. This is to be derived from your personal feelings, values, ethics, and morals
pertaining to the field of teaching and education.
Educational Challenge Research
Each student is required to research a particular challenge that current education is facing
and the dilemma it poses to student achievement and success. Please state the challenge,
how it affects students academically and socially, and what interventions or plans are in
place to correct the issue. Please also include your personal thoughts and feelings towards
the issue. Be prepared to discuss your research to the class.
Lesson Plan Presentation
Each group will be required to construct a lesson plan and teach the lesson based off the
initial lesson plan guideline. The lesson plan has to be uniform amongst all group
members and has to follow a certain format that at least includes the TEKS/TAKS
objectives, the learning target, materials needed, resources, forms of assessment, and
modifications used for special needs and/or English Language learners. Students will be
required to provide all necessary materials to perform the lesson. In addition, each group
will need to have a classroom management plan and seating chart arranged.