English 1301 Argument Write an essay fully discussing one of the following. This first essay must be at least 1 1/2 pages, double spaced, 10 or 12 font, in MLA format. 1) Look at the arguments presented in “Against School”. Do you think our education system needs an overhaul? What are the main issues that need to be addressed? 2) Look at a case of suicide as a result of bullying/cyberbullying. Is technology contributing to this problem? 3) Choose your own topic based on any current events we have been discussing or that you have seen or heard about. Make sure your point is clear, and we understand what your position is, and prove your point. Specifics: 1) Use a standard 10 or 12 font on the final draft. 2) Double space- Points will be taken off for single spacing. 3) Essay must be at least 1 page long. 4) Indent for paragraphs, do not add an extra space 5) Header on the first Page: Your Name, Date, English 1301, Ms. Decker 6) Number any other pages 7) you must use one source and have a works cited page. Example on Header: (upper left corner of page 1) Jane Doe 5/10/13 English 1301 Ms. Decker