Narrative Essay.doc

Narrative Essay
Write an essay telling me a story about you. Tell me an event that happened in your life
that was memorable enough to write about in detail. Give me specifics about the event,
and make sure you describe it in enough detail that I can almost see it myself.
1) Use a standard 10 or 12 font on the final draft.
2) Double space- Points will be taken off for single spacing.
3) Essay must be at least 1 page long.
4) Indent for paragraphs, do not add an extra space
5) Header on the first Page: Your Name, Date, English 1301, Ms. Decker
6) Number any other pages
Example on Header: (upper left corner of page 1)
Jane Doe
English 1301
Ms. Decker
Some topic ideas:
The most embarrassing moment in your life
A religious experience that you’ve had
Your worst Date
A major milestone event (Prom, Graduation, Wedding, birth of a child, etc)
Something fun that you did on a vacation
Your first day of College